Add missing key import feature

Thomas Hooge 4 years ago
parent 37773d4f6c
commit c8d941d7c0
  1. 79
  2. 33

@ -1658,9 +1658,84 @@ sub show_ca_export_dialog {
sub show_key_import_dialog { sub show_key_import_dialog {
my ($self, $opts) = @_; my ($self, $opts) = @_;
# my $opts = {}; my ($box, $button_ok, $button_cancel, $button, $entry, $table, $label);
my($box, $button_ok, $button_cancel, $button, $entry, $table, $label); my ($t, $fileentry);
$button_ok = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('gtk-ok');
sub { $self->{'KEY'}->get_import_key($self, $opts, $box) });
$button_cancel = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('gtk-cancel');
$button_cancel->signal_connect('clicked', sub { $box->destroy() });
$box = GUI::HELPERS::dialog_box(
$self->{'CA'}->{'actca'} . ': ' . _("Import Key"),
_("Import Key"),
$button_ok, $button_cancel);
$box->set_default_size(640, -1);
# small table for file selection
$table = Gtk2::Table->new(1, 3, 0);
$table->set_col_spacing(0, 10);
$label = GUI::HELPERS::create_label(_("File:"), 'left', 0, 0);
$table->attach($label, 0, 1, 0, 1, 'fill', 'fill', 0, 0);
$t = _("Select key file");
$fileentry = Gtk2::Entry->new();
$fileentry->set_text($opts->{'infile'}) if(defined($opts->{'infile'}));
$fileentry->signal_connect( 'changed',
sub{ GUI::CALLBACK::entry_to_var(
$fileentry, $fileentry, \$opts->{'infile'})});
$table->attach_defaults($fileentry, 1, 2, 0, 1);
$button = Gtk2::Button->new(_("Browse..."));
$button->signal_connect('clicked' =>
$t, $fileentry, 'key')});
$table->attach($button, 2, 3, 0, 1, 'fill', 'fill', 0, 0);
$label = GUI::HELPERS::create_label(_("Metadata"), 'left', 0, 1);
$table = Gtk2::Table->new(1, 5, 0);
$table->set_col_spacing(0, 7);
$entry = GUI::HELPERS::entry_to_table(
_("Common Name"),
\$opts->{'CN'}, $table, 0, 1);
$entry = GUI::HELPERS::entry_to_table(
_("eMail Address").":",
\$opts->{'EMAIL'}, $table, 1, 1);
$entry = GUI::HELPERS::entry_to_table(
_("Country Name (2 letter code):"),
\$opts->{'C'}, $table, 2, 1);
$entry = GUI::HELPERS::entry_to_table(
_("State or Province Name:"),
\$opts->{'ST'}, $table, 3, 1);
$entry = GUI::HELPERS::entry_to_table(
_("Locality Name (eg. city):"),
\$opts->{'L'}, $table, 4, 1);
$entry = GUI::HELPERS::entry_to_table(
_("Organization Name (eg. company):"),
\$opts->{'O'}, $table, 5, 1);
$entry = GUI::HELPERS::entry_to_table(
_("Organizational Unit Name (eg. section):"),
\$opts->{'OU'}, $table, 6, 1);
# Hint: We don't need the password for import
} }
# #

@ -31,20 +31,41 @@ sub new {
} }
# #
# get informations to import key from file # import key from file
# #
sub get_import_key { sub get_import_key {
my ($self, $main, $opts, $box) = @_; my ($self, $main, $opts, $box) = @_;
my ($name, $keyfile, $ca, $cadir);
$box->destroy() if(defined($box)); $box->destroy() if(defined($box));
GUI::HELPERS::print_warning(_("Import Key: Function does not yet exist.")); if(not defined($opts)) {
# if(not defined($opts)) { $name = HELPERS::gen_name($opts);
# $main->show_key_import_dialog(); $opts->{'keyname'} = HELPERS::enc_base64($name);
# return;
# }
$ca = $main->{'CA'}->{'actca'};
$cadir = $main->{'CA'}->{$ca}->{'dir'};
$keyfile = $cadir . "/keys/" . $opts->{'keyname'} . ".pem";
# TODO: Check if valid key, key with password?
if (not -s $opts->{'infile'}) {
GUI::HELPERS::print_warning(_("Key not found: ") . $opts->{'infile'});
if (not -e $keyfile) {
copy($opts->{'infile'}, $keyfile);
} else {
GUI::HELPERS::print_warning(_("Key file already exists: ".$keyfile));
} }
# #