@ -18,51 +18,58 @@
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 , USA . *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# include <iostream.h >
# include <iostream>
# include <qapplication.h>
# include <qlibrary.h>
# include <qlocale.h>
# include <qdir.h>
# include <qmessagebox.h>
//Added by qt3to4:
# include <QMessageBox>
# include <QTranslator>
# include <QPainter>
# include <QImage>
# include <QStyleFactory>
# include "pwsafe.h"
# include "main .h"
# include "PwmConfig.h"
# include "lib/KdePlugin.h"
# include "mainwindow.h"
using namespace std ;
void parseCmdLineArgs ( int argc , char * * argv , QString & ArgFile , QString & ArgCfg ) {
if ( argc > 1 ) {
int i = 1 ;
if ( argv [ i ] [ 0 ] ! = ' - ' ) {
ArgFile = QString : : fromUtf8 ( argv [ i ] ) ;
i + + ;
for ( i ; i < argc ; i + + ) {
if ( QString ( argv [ i ] ) = = " -h " ) {
cout < < " Keepass 0.1.3 (Alpha) " < < endl ;
cout < < " Usage: keepass [Filename] [Options] " < < endl ;
cout < < " -h This Help " < < endl ;
cout < < " -cfg ConfigFile Use specified configuration " < < endl ;
exit ( 0 ) ;
else if ( QString ( argv [ i ] ) = = " -cfg " ) {
if ( i - 1 = = argc ) cout < < " No configuration file specified. " < < endl ;
else { ArgCfg = QString : : fromUtf8 ( argv [ i + 1 ] ) ; i + + ; }
else { cout < < " ** Unrecognized option: " < < argv [ i ] < < endl ;
exit ( 1 ) ; }
CConfig config ;
QString AppDir ;
QPixmap * Icon_Key32x32 ;
QPixmap * Icon_Settings32x32 ;
QPixmap * Icon_Search32x32 ;
QPixmap * Icon_I18n32x32 ;
QPixmap * Icon_Ok16x16 ;
QPixmap * EntryIcons ;
QIcon * Icon_FileNew ;
QIcon * Icon_FileOpen ;
QIcon * Icon_FileClose ;
QIcon * Icon_FileSave ;
QIcon * Icon_FileSaveAs ;
QIcon * Icon_Exit ;
QIcon * Icon_File_Export ;
QIcon * Icon_EditDelete ;
QString DateTimeFormat ( " no-format-string " ) ;
inline void loadImages ( ) ;
inline void parseCmdLineArgs ( int argc , char * * argv , QString & ArgFile , QString & ArgCfg ) ;
int main ( int argc , char * * argv )
QStringList keys = QStyleFactory : : keys ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < keys . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
cout < < keys [ i ] . ascii ( ) < < endl ;
QApplication : : setStyle ( QStyleFactory : : create ( " slimplastic " ) ) ;
QString ArgFile , ArgCfg , IniFilename ;
parseCmdLineArgs ( argc , argv , ArgFile , ArgCfg ) ;
CConfig config ;
QApplication * app = new QApplication ( argc , argv ) ;
AppDir = app - > applicationDirPath ( ) ;
//Load Config
if ( ArgCfg = = " " ) {
if ( ! QDir ( QDir : : homeDirPath ( ) + " /.keepass " ) . exists ( ) ) {
@ -73,41 +80,9 @@ if(ArgCfg==""){
IniFilename = QDir : : homeDirPath ( ) + " /.keepass/config " ;
config . loadFromIni ( IniFilename ) ;
IniFilename = ArgCfg ;
config . loadFromIni ( IniFilename ) ;
//KDE PlugIn
QApplication * app = NULL ;
if ( config . EnableKdePlugin ) {
cout < < " don't activate the kde plugin option " < < endl ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
QLibrary lib ( " /home/tarek/Documents/keepass_kde/bin/libkeepass_kde.so " ) ;
if ( ! lib . load ( ) ) {
cout < < " Could not load KDE plugin. " < < endl ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
CKdePlugin KdePlugin ;
if ( ! KdePlugin . resolveSymbols ( lib ) ) {
cout < < " KDE plugin: Symbols could not be resolved. " < < endl ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
app = KdePlugin . getAppObj ( argc , argv ) ;
QApplication * ( * _getAppObj ) ( int , char * * ) ;
_getAppObj = ( QApplication * ( * ) ( int , char * * ) ) lib . resolve ( " getAppObj " ) ;
app = _getAppObj ( argc , argv * * ) ;
if ( ! app ) { cout < < " app==NULL " < < endl ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
else {
app = new QApplication ( argc , argv ) ;
IniFilename = ArgCfg ;
config . loadFromIni ( IniFilename ) ; }
@ -129,6 +104,7 @@ if(config.Language==""){
config . Language = " english.qm " ;
break ; }
if ( config . Language ! = " _DEUTSCH_ " ) {
if ( ! translator - > load ( app - > applicationDirPath ( ) + " /../share/keepass/i18n/ " + config . Language ) ) {
if ( ! translator - > load ( app - > applicationDirPath ( ) + " /share/i18n/ " + config . Language ) ) {
@ -141,16 +117,16 @@ if(config.Language!="_DEUTSCH_"){
else app - > installTranslator ( translator ) ;
PwSafe * mainWin = 0 ;
DateTimeFormat = QObject : : trUtf8 ( " dd'.'MM'.'yy' 'hh':'mm " ) ;
loadImages ( ) ;
mainWin = new PwSafe ( app , ArgFile , & config ) ;
app - > setMainWidget ( mainWin ) ;
mainWin - > show ( ) ;
int ret = app - > exec ( ) ;
if ( ! config . saveToIni ( IniFilename ) )
KeepassMainWindow * mainWin = new KeepassMainWindow ( ) ;
mainWin - > show ( ) ;
int r = app - > exec ( ) ;
if ( ! config . saveToIni ( IniFilename ) )
QMessageBox : : warning ( NULL , QObject : : tr ( " Warnung " ) , QObject : : trUtf8 ( " Die Konfigurationsdatei konnte nicht gespeichert werden.Stellen Sie sicher, dass \n Sie Schreibrechte im Verzeichnis ~/.keepass besitzen. " ) , QObject : : tr ( " OK " ) , " " , " " , 0.0 ) ;
delete app ;
return ret ;
delete app ;
return r ;
@ -160,55 +136,154 @@ if(config.Language!="_DEUTSCH_"){
/********* KDE **************
# include <kapplication.h>
# include <kaboutdata.h>
# include <kcmdlineargs.h>
# include <klocale.h>
void createBanner ( QLabel * Banner , QPixmap * symbol , QString text ) {
createBanner ( Banner , symbol , text , config . BannerColor1
, config . BannerColor2
, config . BannerTextColor ) ; //call overloaded function
static const char description [ ] =
I18N_NOOP ( " A KDE KPart Application " ) ;
static const char version [ ] = " 0.1 " ;
void createBanner ( QLabel * Banner , QPixmap * symbol , QString text , QColor color1 , QColor color2 , QColor textcolor ) {
int w = Banner - > width ( ) ;
int h = Banner - > height ( ) ;
QColor color ;
float b1 [ 3 ] ;
float b2 [ 3 ] ;
float a1 , a2 ;
QPixmap * banner_pixmap = new QPixmap ( w , h ) ; ///@FIXME löscht der Destruktor von QLabel die Pixmap zum schluss???
QPainter painter ( banner_pixmap ) ;
QPen pen ;
pen . setWidth ( 1 ) ;
painter . setPen ( pen ) ;
QFont font ( " Arial " , 16 ) ;
painter . setFont ( font ) ;
if ( color1 ! = color2 ) {
b1 [ 0 ] = color1 . red ( ) ;
b1 [ 1 ] = color1 . green ( ) ;
b1 [ 2 ] = color1 . blue ( ) ;
b2 [ 0 ] = color2 . red ( ) ;
b2 [ 1 ] = color2 . green ( ) ;
b2 [ 2 ] = color2 . blue ( ) ;
for ( int x = 0 ; x < w ; x + + ) {
a2 = ( float ) x / ( float ) w ;
a1 = 1 - a2 ;
color . setRgb ( ( int ) ( a1 * b1 [ 0 ] + a2 * b2 [ 0 ] ) ,
( int ) ( a1 * b1 [ 1 ] + a2 * b2 [ 1 ] ) ,
( int ) ( a1 * b1 [ 2 ] + a2 * b2 [ 2 ] ) ) ;
pen . setColor ( color ) ;
painter . setPen ( pen ) ;
painter . drawLine ( x , 0 , x , h ) ;
else {
banner_pixmap - > fill ( color1 ) ;
painter . drawPixmap ( 10 , 10 , * symbol ) ;
pen . setColor ( textcolor ) ;
painter . setPen ( pen ) ;
painter . drawText ( 50 , 30 , text ) ;
Banner - > setPixmap ( * banner_pixmap ) ;
void openBrowser ( QString url ) {
static KCmdLineOptions options [ ] =
// { "+[URL]", I18N_NOOP( "Document to open" ), 0 },
} ;
int main ( int argc , char * * argv )
KAboutData about ( " Keepass " , I18N_NOOP ( " Keepass " ) , version , description ,
KAboutData : : License_BSD , " (C) %{YEAR} Tarek Saidi " , 0 , 0 , " tareks@arcor.de " ) ;
about . addAuthor ( " Tarek Saidi " , 0 , " tareks@arcor.de " ) ;
KCmdLineArgs : : init ( argc , argv , & about ) ;
KCmdLineArgs : : addCmdLineOptions ( options ) ;
KApplication app ;
PwSafe * mainWin = 0 ;
if ( app . isRestored ( ) )
RESTORE ( PwSafe ) ;
// no session.. just start up normally
KCmdLineArgs * args = KCmdLineArgs : : parsedArgs ( ) ;
/// @todo do something with the command line args here
mainWin = new PwSafe ( ) ;
app . setMainWidget ( mainWin ) ;
mainWin - > show ( ) ;
args - > clear ( ) ;
// mainWin has WDestructiveClose flag by default, so it will delete itself.
return app . exec ( ) ;
void loadImg ( QString name , QPixmap & Img ) {
if ( Img . load ( AppDir + " /../share/keepass/icons/ " + name ) = = false ) {
if ( Img . load ( AppDir + " /share/ " + name ) = = false ) {
QMessageBox : : critical ( 0 , QObject : : trUtf8 ( " Fehler " ) , QObject : : trUtf8 ( " Die Datei '%1' konnte nicht gefunden werden. " )
. arg ( name ) , QObject : : tr ( " OK " ) , 0 , 0 , 2 , 1 ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
} }
void loadImages ( ) {
QString ThemeDir = " nuvola/32x32 " ;
QPixmap tmpImg ;
loadImg ( " clientic.png " , tmpImg ) ;
EntryIcons = new QPixmap [ NUM_CLIENT_ICONS ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 52 ; i + + ) {
EntryIcons [ i ] = tmpImg . copy ( i * 16 , 0 , 16 , 16 ) ; }
loadImg ( " key.png " , tmpImg ) ;
Icon_Key32x32 = new QPixmap ;
* Icon_Key32x32 = tmpImg ;
loadImg ( " settings.png " , tmpImg ) ;
Icon_Settings32x32 = new QPixmap ;
* Icon_Settings32x32 = tmpImg ;
loadImg ( " i18n.png " , tmpImg ) ;
Icon_I18n32x32 = new QPixmap ;
* Icon_I18n32x32 = tmpImg ;
loadImg ( " ok.png " , tmpImg ) ;
Icon_Ok16x16 = new QPixmap ;
* Icon_Ok16x16 = tmpImg ;
loadImg ( " search.png " , tmpImg ) ;
Icon_Search32x32 = new QPixmap ;
* Icon_Search32x32 = tmpImg ;
loadImg ( ThemeDir + " /actions/filenew.png " , tmpImg ) ;
Icon_FileNew = new QIcon ( tmpImg ) ;
loadImg ( ThemeDir + " /actions/fileopen.png " , tmpImg ) ;
Icon_FileOpen = new QIcon ( tmpImg ) ;
loadImg ( ThemeDir + " /actions/filesave.png " , tmpImg ) ;
Icon_FileSave = new QIcon ( tmpImg ) ;
loadImg ( ThemeDir + " /actions/filesaveas.png " , tmpImg ) ;
Icon_FileSaveAs = new QIcon ( tmpImg ) ;
loadImg ( ThemeDir + " /actions/fileclose.png " , tmpImg ) ;
Icon_FileClose = new QIcon ( tmpImg ) ;
loadImg ( ThemeDir + " /actions/exit.png " , tmpImg ) ;
Icon_Exit = new QIcon ( tmpImg ) ;
loadImg ( ThemeDir + " /actions/editdelete.png " , tmpImg ) ;
Icon_EditDelete = new QIcon ( tmpImg ) ;
void parseCmdLineArgs ( int argc , char * * argv , QString & ArgFile , QString & ArgCfg ) {
if ( argc > 1 ) {
int i = 1 ;
if ( argv [ i ] [ 0 ] ! = ' - ' ) {
ArgFile = QString : : fromUtf8 ( argv [ i ] ) ;
i + + ; }
for ( i ; i < argc ; i + + ) {
if ( QString ( argv [ i ] ) = = " -h " ) {
cout < < " Keepass 0.1.3 (Alpha) " < < endl ;
cout < < " Usage: keepass [Filename] [Options] " < < endl ;
cout < < " -h This Help " < < endl ;
cout < < " -cfg ConfigFile Use specified configuration " < < endl ;
exit ( 0 ) ;
else if ( QString ( argv [ i ] ) = = " -cfg " ) {
if ( i - 1 = = argc ) cout < < " No configuration file specified. " < < endl ;
else { ArgCfg = QString : : fromUtf8 ( argv [ i + 1 ] ) ; i + + ; }
else { cout < < " ** Unrecognized argument: " < < argv [ i ] < < endl ;
exit ( 1 ) ; }
void showErrMsg ( const QString & msg , QWidget * parent ) {
QMessageBox : : critical ( parent , QObject : : tr ( " Fehler " ) , msg , QObject : : tr ( " OK " ) ) ;