@ -19,6 +19,58 @@ |
***************************************************************************/ |
#include "Database.h" |
#include "lib/random.h" |
KpxUuid::KpxUuid(){ |
generate(); |
} |
void KpxUuid::generate(){ |
char uuid[16]; |
getRandomBytes(uuid,16); |
quint32 Secs=QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t(); |
quint16 mSecs=QTime::currentTime().msec(); |
mSecs=(mSecs & 0x3FF) | (*((quint16*)(uuid+4)) & 0xFC00); //msec has only 10 Bits, filling the rest with random data
memcpy((void*)uuid,&Secs,4); |
memcpy((void*)(uuid+4),&mSecs,2); |
Data=QByteArray(uuid,16); |
} |
QString KpxUuid::toString()const{ |
QString hex; |
Q_ASSERT(Data.length()==16); |
for(int i=0;i<16;i++){ |
QString HexByte; |
HexByte.setNum((unsigned char)*(Data.data()+i),16); |
if(HexByte.length()<2)HexByte="0"+HexByte; |
hex+=HexByte; |
} |
return QString("{%1-%2-%3-%4-%5}") |
.arg(hex.mid(0,8)) |
.arg(hex.mid(8,4)) |
.arg(hex.mid(20,12)); |
} |
void KpxUuid::toRaw(void* dst){ |
memcpy(dst,Data.data(),16); |
} |
void KpxUuid::fromRaw(void* src){ |
Data=QByteArray((char*)src,16); |
} |
bool KpxUuid::operator==(const KpxUuid& other)const{ |
return other.Data==Data; |
} |
bool KpxUuid::operator!=(const KpxUuid& other)const{ |
return other.Data!=Data; |
} |
QString KpxDateTime::toString(Qt::DateFormat format) const{ |
if(*this==Date_Never)return QObject::tr("Never"); |