Use xvkbd code for sending auto-type keys Fixed bug that prevented auto-typing non-latin1 chars Added Italian translation Fixed some new gcc warnings git-svn-id: b624d157-de02-0410-bad0-e51aec6abb33master
@ -0,0 +1,267 @@ |
* Copyright (C) 2005-2008 by Tarek Saidi, Felix Geyer * |
* * |
* * |
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * |
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * |
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * |
* * |
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * |
* GNU General Public License for more details. * |
* * |
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * |
* along with this program; if not, write to the * |
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., * |
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * |
***************************************************************************/ |
#include "AutoTypeGlobalX11.h" |
#include "mainwindow.h" |
#include "lib/HelperX11.h" |
#include "dialogs/AutoTypeDlg.h" |
#include <QX11Info> |
AutoTypeGlobal* autoType = NULL; |
void initAutoType(KeepassMainWindow* mainWin) { |
autoType = new AutoTypeGlobalX11(mainWin); |
} |
AutoTypeGlobalX11::AutoTypeGlobalX11(KeepassMainWindow* mainWin) : AutoTypeX11(mainWin) { |
wm_state = XInternAtom(dpy, "WM_STATE", true); |
windowRoot = XRootWindow(dpy, mainWin->x11Info().screen()); |
focusedWindow = NULL; |
//windowBlacklist << "kicker" << "KDE Desktop";
classBlacklist << "desktop_window" << "gnome-panel"; // Gnome
classBlacklist << "kdesktop" << "kicker"; // KDE 3
classBlacklist << "xfdesktop" << "xfce4-panel"; // Xfce 4
} |
void AutoTypeGlobalX11::perform(IEntryHandle* entry, bool hideWindow, int nr, bool wasLocked){ |
if (focusedWindow && (!hideWindow || wasLocked)) { // detect if global auto-type
XSetInputFocus(dpy, focusedWindow, RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime); |
focusedWindow = NULL; |
} |
AutoTypeX11::perform(entry, hideWindow, nr, wasLocked); |
} |
void AutoTypeGlobalX11::windowTitles(Window window, QStringList& titleList){ |
Atom type = None; |
int format; |
unsigned long nitems, after; |
unsigned char* data; |
XGetWindowProperty(dpy, window, wm_state, 0, 0, false, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &nitems, &after, &data); |
if (type){ |
XTextProperty textProp; |
if (XGetWMName(dpy, window, &textProp) != 0) { |
char** list = NULL; |
int count; |
if (Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList(dpy, &textProp, &list, &count)>=0 && list){ |
QString title = QString::fromUtf8(list[0]); |
QString className; |
XClassHint* wmClass = XAllocClassHint(); |
if (XGetClassHint(dpy, window, wmClass)!=0 && wmClass->res_name!=NULL) |
className = QString::fromLocal8Bit(wmClass->res_name); |
XFree(wmClass); |
if (window!=windowRoot && window!=mainWin->winId() && |
(QApplication::activeWindow()==NULL || window!=QApplication::activeWindow()->winId()) && |
// !windowBlacklist.contains(title) &&
(className.isNull() || !classBlacklist.contains(className)) |
){ |
titleList.append(title); |
} |
XFreeStringList(list); |
} |
} |
} |
Window root; |
Window parent; |
Window* children = NULL; |
unsigned int num_children; |
int tree = XQueryTree(dpy, window, &root, &parent, &children, &num_children); |
if (tree && children){ |
for (int i=0; i<num_children; i++) |
windowTitles(children[i], titleList); |
} |
else |
XFree(children); |
} |
QStringList AutoTypeGlobalX11::getAllWindowTitles(){ |
QStringList titleList; |
if (wm_state) // don't do anything if WM_STATE doesn't exist
windowTitles(windowRoot, titleList); |
return titleList; |
} |
void AutoTypeGlobalX11::performGlobal(){ |
bool wasLocked = mainWin->isLocked(); |
if (wasLocked) |
mainWin->OnUnLockWorkspace(); |
if (!mainWin->isOpened()) |
return; |
Window w; |
int revert_to_return; |
XGetInputFocus(dpy, &w, &revert_to_return); |
char** list = NULL; |
int tree; |
do { |
XTextProperty textProp; |
if (XGetWMName(dpy, w, &textProp) != 0) { |
int count; |
if (Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList(dpy, &textProp, &list, &count)<0) return; |
if (list) break; |
} |
Window root = 0; |
Window parent = 0; |
Window* children = NULL; |
unsigned int num_children; |
tree = XQueryTree(dpy, w, &root, &parent, &children, &num_children); |
w = parent; |
if (children) XFree(children); |
} while (tree && w); |
if (!list) return; |
QString title = QString::fromUtf8(list[0]).toLower(); |
XFreeStringList(list); |
QList<IEntryHandle*> validEntries; |
QList<int> entryNumbers; |
QList<IEntryHandle*> entries = mainWin->db->entries(); |
QRegExp lineMatch("Auto-Type-Window(?:-(\\d+)|):([^\\n]+)", Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::RegExp2); |
QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); |
for (int i=0; i<entries.size(); i++){ |
if ( (entries[i]->expire()!=Date_Never && entries[i]->expire()<now) || |
(getRootGroupName(entries[i]).compare("backup",Qt::CaseInsensitive)==0) |
){ |
continue; |
} |
bool hasWindowEntry=false; |
QString comment = entries[i]->comment(); |
int offset = 0; |
while ( (offset=lineMatch.indexIn(comment, offset))!=-1 ){ |
QStringList captured = lineMatch.capturedTexts(); |
offset += captured[0].length(); |
int nr; |
QString entryWindow; |
bool valid; |
if (captured.size()==2){ |
nr = 0; |
entryWindow = captured[1].trimmed().toLower(); |
} |
else{ |
nr = captured[1].toInt(); |
entryWindow = captured[2].trimmed().toLower(); |
} |
if (entryWindow.length()==0) continue; |
hasWindowEntry = true; |
bool wildStart = (entryWindow[0]=='*'); |
bool wildEnd = (entryWindow[entryWindow.size()-1]=='*'); |
if (wildStart&&wildEnd){ |
entryWindow.remove(0,1); |
if (entryWindow.length()!=0){ |
entryWindow.remove(entryWindow.size()-1,1); |
valid = title.contains(entryWindow); |
} |
else |
valid = true; |
} |
else if (wildStart){ |
entryWindow.remove(0,1); |
valid = title.endsWith(entryWindow); |
} |
else if (wildEnd){ |
entryWindow.remove(entryWindow.size()-1,1); |
valid = title.startsWith(entryWindow); |
} |
else { |
valid = (title==entryWindow); |
} |
if (valid){ |
validEntries << entries[i]; |
entryNumbers << nr; |
break; |
} |
} |
if (!hasWindowEntry && config->entryTitlesMatch()){ |
QString entryTitle = entries[i]->title().toLower(); |
if (!entryTitle.isEmpty() && title.contains(entryTitle)){ |
validEntries << entries[i]; |
entryNumbers << 0; |
} |
} |
} |
if (validEntries.size()==1){ |
focusedWindow = NULL; |
perform(validEntries[0],wasLocked,entryNumbers[0],wasLocked); |
} |
else if (validEntries.size()>1){ |
focusedWindow = w; |
AutoTypeDlg* dlg = new AutoTypeDlg(validEntries, entryNumbers, wasLocked); |
dlg->show(); |
} |
} |
bool AutoTypeGlobalX11::registerGlobalShortcut(const Shortcut& s){ |
if (s.key==shortcut.key && s.ctrl==shortcut.ctrl && s.shift==shortcut.shift && s.alt==shortcut.alt && s.altgr==shortcut.altgr && |
return true; |
int code=XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, HelperX11::getKeysym(s.key)); |
int mod=HelperX11::getShortcutModifierMask(s); |
HelperX11::startCatchErrors(); |
XGrabKey(dpy, code, mod, windowRoot, true, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); |
XGrabKey(dpy, code, mod | Mod2Mask, windowRoot, true, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); |
XGrabKey(dpy, code, mod | LockMask, windowRoot, true, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); |
XGrabKey(dpy, code, mod | Mod2Mask | LockMask, windowRoot, true, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); |
HelperX11::stopCatchErrors(); |
if (HelperX11::errorOccurred()){ |
XUngrabKey(dpy, code, mod, windowRoot); |
XUngrabKey(dpy, code, mod | Mod2Mask, windowRoot); |
XUngrabKey(dpy, code, mod | LockMask, windowRoot); |
XUngrabKey(dpy, code, mod | Mod2Mask | LockMask, windowRoot); |
return false; |
} |
else { |
unregisterGlobalShortcut(); |
shortcut = s; |
return true; |
} |
} |
void AutoTypeGlobalX11::unregisterGlobalShortcut(){ |
if (shortcut.key==0) return; |
int code=XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, HelperX11::getKeysym(shortcut.key)); |
int mod=HelperX11::getShortcutModifierMask(shortcut); |
XUngrabKey(dpy, code, mod, windowRoot); |
XUngrabKey(dpy, code, mod | Mod2Mask, windowRoot); |
XUngrabKey(dpy, code, mod | LockMask, windowRoot); |
XUngrabKey(dpy, code, mod | Mod2Mask | LockMask, windowRoot); |
shortcut.key = 0; |
} |
QString AutoTypeGlobalX11::getRootGroupName(IEntryHandle* entry){ |
IGroupHandle* group = entry->group(); |
int level = group->level(); |
for (int i=0; i<level; i++) |
group = group->parent(); |
return group->title(); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ |
* Copyright (C) 2005-2008 by Tarek Saidi, Felix Geyer * |
* * |
* * |
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * |
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * |
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * |
* * |
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * |
* GNU General Public License for more details. * |
* * |
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * |
* along with this program; if not, write to the * |
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., * |
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * |
***************************************************************************/ |
#include "AutoTypeX11.h" |
class AutoTypeGlobalX11 : public AutoTypeX11, public AutoTypeGlobal { |
public: |
AutoTypeGlobalX11(KeepassMainWindow* mainWin); |
void perform(IEntryHandle* entry, bool hideWindow=true, int nr=0, bool wasLocked=false); |
void performGlobal(); |
bool registerGlobalShortcut(const Shortcut& s); |
void unregisterGlobalShortcut(); |
QStringList getAllWindowTitles(); |
private: |
void windowTitles(Window window, QStringList& titleList); |
QString getRootGroupName(IEntryHandle* entry); |
Window windowRoot; |
//QSet<QString> windowBlacklist;
QSet<QString> classBlacklist; |
Atom wm_state; |
Window focusedWindow; |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,866 @@ |
* Copyright (C) 2005-2008 by Tarek Saidi, Felix Geyer * |
* * |
* * |
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * |
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * |
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * |
* * |
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * |
* GNU General Public License for more details. * |
* * |
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * |
* along with this program; if not, write to the * |
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., * |
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * |
***************************************************************************/ |
#include "AutoTypeX11.h" |
#include "mainwindow.h" |
#include "lib/HelperX11.h" |
#include <QX11Info> |
AutoType* autoType = NULL; |
void initAutoType(KeepassMainWindow* mainWin) { |
autoType = new AutoTypeX11(mainWin); |
} |
#endif |
AutoTypeAction::AutoTypeAction(AutoTypeActionType t, quint16 d) : type(t), data(d){ |
} |
bool AutoTypeX11::error_detected = false; |
AutoTypeX11::AutoTypeX11(KeepassMainWindow* mainWin) { |
this->mainWin = mainWin; |
dpy = mainWin->x11Info().display(); |
keysym_table = NULL; |
alt_mask = 0; |
meta_mask = 0; |
altgr_mask = 0; |
altgr_keysym = NoSymbol; |
focused_window = None; |
focused_subwindow = None; |
ReadKeymap(); |
if (!altgr_mask) |
AddModifier(XK_Mode_switch); |
} |
void AutoTypeX11::perform(IEntryHandle* entry, bool hideWindow, int nr, bool wasLocked){ |
QString indexStr; |
if (nr==0) |
indexStr = "Auto-Type:"; |
else |
indexStr = QString("Auto-Type-%1:").arg(nr); |
QString str; |
QString comment=entry->comment(); |
int c=comment.count(indexStr, Qt::CaseInsensitive); |
if(c>1) { |
qWarning("More than one 'Auto-Type:' key sequence found.\nAllowed is only one per entry."); |
return; |
} |
else if (c==1) { |
int start = comment.indexOf(indexStr,0,Qt::CaseInsensitive) + indexStr.length(); |
int end = comment.indexOf("\n", start); |
if (end == -1) |
end = comment.length(); |
str=comment.mid(start,end-start).trimmed(); |
if (str.isEmpty()) |
return; |
} |
else { |
bool usernameEmpty = entry->username().trimmed().isEmpty(); |
SecString password=entry->password(); |
password.unlock(); |
bool passwordEmpty = password.string().trimmed().isEmpty(); |
if (usernameEmpty && passwordEmpty) |
return; |
else if (usernameEmpty) |
str="{PASSWORD}{ENTER}"; |
else if (passwordEmpty) |
str="{USERNAME}{ENTER}"; |
else |
} |
QList<AutoTypeAction> Keys; |
for(int i=0;i<str.size();i++){ |
if(str[i]=='{'){ |
QString tmpl; |
i++; |
while(str[i]!='}' && i<str.size()){ |
tmpl += str[i]; |
i++; |
} |
if(i>=str.size()){ |
qWarning("Syntax Error in Auto-Type sequence near character %d\nFound '{' without closing '}'", i+10); |
return; |
} |
templateToKeysyms(tmpl.toLower(),Keys,entry); |
continue; |
} |
else{ |
Keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, str[i].unicode()); |
} |
} |
if (hideWindow) |
mainWin->hide(); |
QApplication::processEvents(); |
sleepTime(config->autoTypePreGap()); |
QString type; |
for(int i=0;i<Keys.size();i++){ |
if (Keys[i].type==TypeKey){ |
SendKeyPressedEvent(Keys[i].data, 0); |
sleepKeyStrokeDelay(); |
} |
else if (Keys[i].type==Delay){ |
QApplication::processEvents(); |
sleepTime(Keys[i].data); |
} |
} |
if (config->lockOnMinimize()){ |
if (hideWindow || wasLocked){ |
if ( !(config->showSysTrayIcon() && config->minimizeTray()) ) |
mainWin->showMinimized(); |
else |
mainWin->OnUnLockWorkspace(); |
} |
} |
else{ |
if (hideWindow && !(config->showSysTrayIcon() && config->minimizeTray()) ) |
mainWin->showMinimized(); |
if (wasLocked) |
mainWin->OnUnLockWorkspace(); |
} |
} |
void AutoTypeX11::sleepTime(int msec){ |
if (msec==0) return; |
timespec timeOut, remains; |
timeOut.tv_sec = msec/1000; |
timeOut.tv_nsec = (msec%1000)*1000000; |
nanosleep(&timeOut, &remains); |
} |
void AutoTypeX11::templateToKeysyms(const QString& tmpl, QList<AutoTypeAction>& keys,IEntryHandle* entry){ |
//tmpl must be lower case!!!
if(!"title")){ |
stringToKeysyms(entry->title(),keys); |
return; |
} |
if(!"username")){ |
stringToKeysyms(entry->username(),keys); |
return; |
} |
if(!"url")){ |
stringToKeysyms(entry->url(),keys); |
return; |
} |
if(!"password")){ |
SecString password=entry->password(); |
password.unlock(); |
stringToKeysyms(password,keys); |
return; |
} |
if(!"space")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym(' ')); |
return; |
} |
if(!"backspace") || !"bs") || !"bksp")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_BackSpace); |
return; |
} |
if(!"break")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Break); |
return; |
} |
if(!"capslock")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Caps_Lock); |
return; |
} |
if(!"del") || !"delete")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Delete); |
return; |
} |
if(!"end")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_End); |
return; |
} |
if(!"enter")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Return); |
return; |
} |
if(!"esc")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Escape); |
return; |
} |
if(!"help")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Help); |
return; |
} |
if(!"home")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Home); |
return; |
} |
if(!"insert") || !"ins")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Insert); |
return; |
} |
if(!"numlock")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Num_Lock); |
return; |
} |
if(!"scroll")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Scroll_Lock); |
return; |
} |
if(!"pgdn")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Page_Down); |
return; |
} |
if(!"pgup")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Page_Up); |
return; |
} |
if(!"prtsc")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_3270_PrintScreen); |
return; |
} |
if(!"up")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Up); |
return; |
} |
if(!"down")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Down); |
return; |
} |
if(!"left")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Left); |
return; |
} |
if(!"right")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Right); |
return; |
} |
if(!"f1")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F1); |
return; |
} |
if(!"f2")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F2); |
return; |
} |
if(!"f3")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F3); |
return; |
} |
if(!"f4")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F4); |
return; |
} |
if(!"f5")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F5); |
return; |
} |
if(!"f6")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F6); |
return; |
} |
if(!"f7")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F7); |
return; |
} |
if(!"f8")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F8); |
return; |
} |
if(!"f9")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F9); |
return; |
} |
if(!"f10")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F10); |
return; |
} |
if(!"f11")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F11); |
return; |
} |
if(!"f12")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F12); |
return; |
} |
if(!"f13")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F13); |
return; |
} |
if(!"f14")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F14); |
return; |
} |
if(!"f15")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F15); |
return; |
} |
if(!"f16")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F16); |
return; |
} |
if(!"add") || !"plus")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym('+')); |
return; |
} |
if(!"subtract")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym('-')); |
return; |
} |
if(!"multiply")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym('+')); |
return; |
} |
if(!"divide")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym('/')); |
return; |
} |
if(!"at")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym('@')); |
return; |
} |
if(!"percent")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym('%')); |
return; |
} |
if(!"caret")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym('^')); |
return; |
} |
if(!"tilde")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym('~')); |
return; |
} |
if(!"leftbrace")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym('{')); |
return; |
} |
if(!"rightbrace")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym('}')); |
return; |
} |
if(!"leftparen")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym('(')); |
return; |
} |
if(!"rightparen")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym(')')); |
return; |
} |
if(!"winl")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Super_L); |
return; |
} |
if(!"winr")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Super_R); |
return; |
} |
if(!"win")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Super_L); |
return; |
} |
if(!"tab")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Tab); |
return; |
} |
if(tmpl.startsWith("delay ") && tmpl.length()>6){ |
bool ok; |
quint16 delay = tmpl.right(tmpl.length()-6).toInt(&ok); |
if (ok && delay>0 && delay<=10000) |
keys << AutoTypeAction(Delay, delay); |
} |
} |
void AutoTypeX11::stringToKeysyms(const QString& string,QList<AutoTypeAction>& KeySymList){ |
for(int i=0; i<string.length();i++) |
KeySymList << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym(string[i])); |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following code is taken from xvkbd and has been slightly modified.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* xvkbd - Virtual Keyboard for X Window System |
* (Version 3.0, 2008-05-05) |
* |
* Copyright (C) 2000-2008 by Tom Sato <> |
* |
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License |
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 |
* of the License, or any later version. |
* |
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. |
*/ |
* Insert a specified keysym to unused position in the keymap table. |
* This will be called to add required keysyms on-the-fly. |
* if the second parameter is TRUE, the keysym will be added to the |
* non-shifted position - this may be required for modifier keys |
* (e.g. Mode_switch) and some special keys (e.g. F20). |
*/ |
int AutoTypeX11::AddKeysym(KeySym keysym, bool top) |
{ |
int keycode, pos, max_pos, inx, phase; |
if (top) { |
max_pos = 0; |
} else { |
max_pos = keysym_per_keycode - 1; |
if (4 <= max_pos) max_pos = 3; |
if (2 <= max_pos && altgr_keysym != XK_Mode_switch) max_pos = 1; |
} |
for (phase = 0; phase < 2; phase++) { |
for (keycode = max_keycode; min_keycode <= keycode; keycode--) { |
for (pos = max_pos; 0 <= pos; pos--) { |
inx = (keycode - min_keycode) * keysym_per_keycode; |
if ((phase != 0 || keysym_table[inx] == NoSymbol) && keysym_table[inx] < 0xFF00) { |
/* In the first phase, to avoid modifing existing keys, */ |
/* add the keysym only to the keys which has no keysym in the first position. */ |
/* If no place fuond in the first phase, add the keysym for any keys except */ |
/* for modifier keys and other special keys */ |
if (keysym_table[inx + pos] == NoSymbol) { |
keysym_table[inx + pos] = keysym; |
XChangeKeyboardMapping(dpy, keycode, keysym_per_keycode, &keysym_table[inx], 1); |
XFlush(dpy); |
return keycode; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
qWarning("Couldn't add \"%s\" to keymap", XKeysymToString(keysym)); |
return NoSymbol; |
} |
* Add the specified key as a new modifier. |
* This is used to use Mode_switch (AltGr) as a modifier. |
*/ |
void AutoTypeX11::AddModifier(KeySym keysym) |
{ |
XModifierKeymap *modifiers; |
int keycode, i, pos; |
keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, keysym); |
if (keycode == NoSymbol) keycode = AddKeysym(keysym, TRUE); |
modifiers = XGetModifierMapping(dpy); |
for (i = 7; 3 < i; i--) { |
if (modifiers->modifiermap[i * modifiers->max_keypermod] == NoSymbol |
|| ((keysym_table[(modifiers->modifiermap[i * modifiers->max_keypermod] |
- min_keycode) * keysym_per_keycode]) == XK_ISO_Level3_Shift |
&& keysym == XK_Mode_switch)) |
{ |
for (pos = 0; pos < modifiers->max_keypermod; pos++) { |
if (modifiers->modifiermap[i * modifiers->max_keypermod + pos] == NoSymbol) { |
modifiers->modifiermap[i * modifiers->max_keypermod + pos] = keycode; |
XSetModifierMapping(dpy, modifiers); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
qWarning("Couldn't add \"%s\" as modifier", XKeysymToString(keysym)); |
} |
* Read keyboard mapping and modifier mapping. |
* Keyboard mapping is used to know what keys are in shifted position. |
* Modifier mapping is required because we should know Alt and Meta |
* key are used as which modifier. |
*/ |
void AutoTypeX11::ReadKeymap() |
{ |
int i; |
int keycode, inx, pos; |
KeySym keysym; |
XModifierKeymap *modifiers; |
int last_altgr_mask; |
XDisplayKeycodes(dpy, &min_keycode, &max_keycode); |
if (keysym_table != NULL) XFree(keysym_table); |
keysym_table = XGetKeyboardMapping(dpy, |
min_keycode, max_keycode - min_keycode + 1, |
&keysym_per_keycode); |
for (keycode = min_keycode; keycode <= max_keycode; keycode++) { |
/* if the first keysym is alphabet and the second keysym is NoSymbol,
it is equivalent to pair of lowercase and uppercase alphabet */ |
inx = (keycode - min_keycode) * keysym_per_keycode; |
if (keysym_table[inx + 1] == NoSymbol |
&& ((XK_A <= keysym_table[inx] && keysym_table[inx] <= XK_Z) |
|| (XK_a <= keysym_table[inx] && keysym_table[inx] <= XK_z))) |
{ |
if (XK_A <= keysym_table[inx] && keysym_table[inx] <= XK_Z) |
keysym_table[inx] = keysym_table[inx] - XK_A + XK_a; |
keysym_table[inx + 1] = keysym_table[inx] - XK_a + XK_A; |
} |
} |
last_altgr_mask = altgr_mask; |
alt_mask = 0; |
meta_mask = 0; |
altgr_mask = 0; |
altgr_keysym = NoSymbol; |
modifiers = XGetModifierMapping(dpy); |
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { |
for (pos = 0; pos < modifiers->max_keypermod; pos++) { |
keycode = modifiers->modifiermap[i * modifiers->max_keypermod + pos]; |
if (keycode < min_keycode || max_keycode < keycode) continue; |
keysym = keysym_table[(keycode - min_keycode) * keysym_per_keycode]; |
if (keysym == XK_Alt_L || keysym == XK_Alt_R) { |
alt_mask = 1 << i; |
} else if (keysym == XK_Meta_L || keysym == XK_Meta_R) { |
meta_mask = 1 << i; |
} else if (keysym == XK_Mode_switch) { |
if (altgr_keysym == XK_ISO_Level3_Shift) { |
} else { |
altgr_mask = 0x0101 << i; |
/* I don't know why, but 0x2000 was required for mod3 on my Linux box */ |
altgr_keysym = keysym; |
} |
} else if (keysym == XK_ISO_Level3_Shift) { |
/* if no Mode_switch, try to use ISO_Level3_Shift instead */ |
/* however, it may not work as intended - I don't know why */ |
altgr_mask = 1 << i; |
altgr_keysym = keysym; |
} |
} |
} |
XFreeModifiermap(modifiers); |
} |
* Send event to the focused window. |
* If input focus is specified explicitly, select the window |
* before send event to the window. |
*/ |
void AutoTypeX11::SendEvent(XKeyEvent *event) |
{ |
static bool first = TRUE; |
XSync(event->display, FALSE); |
int (*oldHandler) (Display*, XErrorEvent*) = XSetErrorHandler(MyErrorHandler); |
error_detected = FALSE; |
if (focused_window != None) { |
/* set input focus if input focus is set explicitly */ |
XSetInputFocus(event->display, focused_window, RevertToParent, CurrentTime); |
XSync(event->display, FALSE); |
} |
if (!error_detected) { |
Window root, child, w; |
int root_x, root_y, x, y; |
unsigned int mask; |
int revert_to; |
w = None; |
first = FALSE; |
w = focused_subwindow; |
if (w == None) |
XGetInputFocus(event->display, &w, &revert_to); |
if (w != None) { |
XQueryPointer(event->display, w, |
&root, &child, &root_x, &root_y, &x, &y, &mask); |
XWarpPointer(event->display, None, w, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1); |
XFlush(event->display); |
} |
XTestFakeKeyEvent(event->display, event->keycode, event->type == KeyPress, 0); |
XFlush(event->display); |
if (w != None) { |
XWarpPointer(event->display, None, root, 0, 0, 0, 0, root_x, root_y); |
XFlush(event->display); |
} |
} else { |
XTestFakeKeyEvent(event->display, event->keycode, event->type == KeyPress, 0); |
XFlush(event->display); |
} |
if (error_detected) { |
/* reset focus because focused window is (probably) no longer exist */ |
focused_window = None; |
focused_subwindow = None; |
} |
XSetErrorHandler(oldHandler); |
} |
* Send sequence of KeyPressed/KeyReleased events to the focused |
* window to simulate keyboard. If modifiers (shift, control, etc) |
* are set ON, many events will be sent. |
*/ |
void AutoTypeX11::SendKeyPressedEvent(KeySym keysym, unsigned int shift) |
{ |
Window cur_focus; |
int revert_to; |
XKeyEvent event; |
int keycode; |
int phase, inx; |
bool found; |
if (focused_subwindow != None) |
cur_focus = focused_subwindow; |
else |
XGetInputFocus(dpy, &cur_focus, &revert_to); |
found = FALSE; |
keycode = 0; |
if (keysym != NoSymbol) { |
for (phase = 0; phase < 2; phase++) { |
for (keycode = min_keycode; !found && (keycode <= max_keycode); keycode++) { |
/* Determine keycode for the keysym: we use this instead
of XKeysymToKeycode() because we must know shift_state, too */ |
inx = (keycode - min_keycode) * keysym_per_keycode; |
if (keysym_table[inx] == keysym) { |
shift &= ~altgr_mask; |
if (keysym_table[inx + 1] != NoSymbol) shift &= ~ShiftMask; |
found = TRUE; |
break; |
} else if (keysym_table[inx + 1] == keysym) { |
shift &= ~altgr_mask; |
shift |= ShiftMask; |
found = TRUE; |
break; |
} |
} |
if (!found && altgr_mask && 3 <= keysym_per_keycode) { |
for (keycode = min_keycode; !found && (keycode <= max_keycode); keycode++) { |
inx = (keycode - min_keycode) * keysym_per_keycode; |
if (keysym_table[inx + 2] == keysym) { |
shift &= ~ShiftMask; |
shift |= altgr_mask; |
found = TRUE; |
break; |
} else if (4 <= keysym_per_keycode && keysym_table[inx + 3] == keysym) { |
shift |= ShiftMask | altgr_mask; |
found = TRUE; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
if (found) break; |
if (0xF000 <= keysym) { |
/* for special keys such as function keys,
first try to add it in the non-shifted position of the keymap */ |
if (AddKeysym(keysym, TRUE) == NoSymbol) AddKeysym(keysym, FALSE); |
} else { |
AddKeysym(keysym, FALSE); |
} |
} |
} |
event.display = dpy; |
event.window = cur_focus; |
event.root = RootWindow(event.display, DefaultScreen(event.display)); |
event.subwindow = None; |
event.time = CurrentTime; |
event.x = 1; |
event.y = 1; |
event.x_root = 1; |
event.y_root = 1; |
event.same_screen = TRUE; |
Window root, child; |
int root_x, root_y, x, y; |
unsigned int mask; |
XQueryPointer(dpy, event.root, &root, &child, &root_x, &root_y, &x, &y, &mask); |
event.type = KeyRelease; |
event.state = 0; |
if (mask & ControlMask) { |
event.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Control_L); |
SendEvent(&event); |
} |
if (mask & alt_mask) { |
event.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Alt_L); |
SendEvent(&event); |
} |
if (mask & meta_mask) { |
event.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Meta_L); |
SendEvent(&event); |
} |
if (mask & altgr_mask) { |
event.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, altgr_keysym); |
SendEvent(&event); |
} |
if (mask & ShiftMask) { |
event.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Shift_L); |
SendEvent(&event); |
} |
if (mask & LockMask) { |
event.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Caps_Lock); |
SendEvent(&event); |
} |
event.type = KeyPress; |
event.state = 0; |
if (shift & ControlMask) { |
event.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Control_L); |
SendEvent(&event); |
event.state |= ControlMask; |
} |
if (shift & alt_mask) { |
event.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Alt_L); |
SendEvent(&event); |
event.state |= alt_mask; |
} |
if (shift & meta_mask) { |
event.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Meta_L); |
SendEvent(&event); |
event.state |= meta_mask; |
} |
if (shift & altgr_mask) { |
event.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, altgr_keysym); |
SendEvent(&event); |
event.state |= altgr_mask; |
} |
if (shift & ShiftMask) { |
event.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Shift_L); |
SendEvent(&event); |
event.state |= ShiftMask; |
} |
if (keysym != NoSymbol) { /* send event for the key itself */ |
event.keycode = found ? keycode : XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, keysym); |
if (event.keycode == NoSymbol) { |
if ((keysym & ~0x7f) == 0 && isprint(keysym)) |
qWarning("No such key: %c", (char)keysym); |
else if (XKeysymToString(keysym) != NULL) |
qWarning("No such key: keysym=%s (0x%lX)", XKeysymToString(keysym), (long)keysym); |
else |
qWarning("No such key: keysym=0x%lX", (long)keysym); |
} else { |
SendEvent(&event); |
event.type = KeyRelease; |
SendEvent(&event); |
} |
} |
event.type = KeyRelease; |
if (shift & ShiftMask) { |
event.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Shift_L); |
SendEvent(&event); |
event.state &= ~ShiftMask; |
} |
if (shift & altgr_mask) { |
event.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, altgr_keysym); |
SendEvent(&event); |
event.state &= ~altgr_mask; |
} |
if (shift & meta_mask) { |
event.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Meta_L); |
SendEvent(&event); |
event.state &= ~meta_mask; |
} |
if (shift & alt_mask) { |
event.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Alt_L); |
SendEvent(&event); |
event.state &= ~alt_mask; |
} |
if (shift & ControlMask) { |
event.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Control_L); |
SendEvent(&event); |
event.state &= ~ControlMask; |
} |
} |
int AutoTypeX11::MyErrorHandler(Display *my_dpy, XErrorEvent *event) |
{ |
char msg[200]; |
error_detected = TRUE; |
if (event->error_code == BadWindow) { |
return 0; |
} |
XGetErrorText(my_dpy, event->error_code, msg, sizeof(msg) - 1); |
qWarning("X error trapped: %s, request-code=%d\n", msg, event->request_code); |
return 0; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ |
* Copyright (C) 2005-2008 by Tarek Saidi, Felix Geyer * |
* * |
* * |
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * |
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * |
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * |
* * |
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * |
* GNU General Public License for more details. * |
* * |
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * |
* along with this program; if not, write to the * |
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., * |
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * |
***************************************************************************/ |
#ifndef _AUTOTYPEX11_H_ |
#define _AUTOTYPEX11_H_ |
#include "AutoType.h" |
#include <X11/Xutil.h> |
enum AutoTypeActionType{ |
TypeKey, Delay |
}; |
struct AutoTypeAction{ |
AutoTypeAction(AutoTypeActionType t, quint16 d); |
AutoTypeActionType type; |
quint16 data; |
}; |
class AutoTypeX11 : public AutoType { |
public: |
AutoTypeX11(KeepassMainWindow* mainWin); |
void perform(IEntryHandle* entry, bool hideWindow=true, int nr=0, bool wasLocked=false); |
protected: |
void sleepTime(int msec); |
inline void sleepKeyStrokeDelay(){ sleep(config->autoTypeKeyStrokeDelay()); }; |
void templateToKeysyms(const QString& Template, QList<AutoTypeAction>& KeySymList,IEntryHandle* entry); |
void stringToKeysyms(const QString& string,QList<AutoTypeAction>& KeySymList); |
int AddKeysym(KeySym keysym, bool top); |
void AddModifier(KeySym keysym); |
void ReadKeymap(); |
void SendKeyPressedEvent(KeySym keysym, unsigned int shift); |
void SendEvent(XKeyEvent *event); |
static int MyErrorHandler(Display *my_dpy, XErrorEvent *event); |
KeepassMainWindow* mainWin; |
Display* dpy; |
KeySym *keysym_table; |
int min_keycode, max_keycode; |
int keysym_per_keycode; |
static bool error_detected; |
int alt_mask; |
int meta_mask; |
int altgr_mask; |
KeySym altgr_keysym; |
Window focused_window; |
Window focused_subwindow; |
}; |
#endif // _AUTOTYPEX11_H_
@ -1,665 +0,0 @@ |
* Copyright (C) 2005-2006 by Tarek Saidi, Felix Geyer * |
* * |
* * |
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * |
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * |
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * |
* * |
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * |
* GNU General Public License for more details. * |
* * |
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * |
* along with this program; if not, write to the * |
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., * |
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * |
***************************************************************************/ |
#include <QX11Info> |
#include <X11/Xutil.h> |
#include "mainwindow.h" |
#include "HelperX11.h" |
#include "AutoType.h" |
#include "dialogs/AutoTypeDlg.h" |
#endif |
enum AutoTypeActionType{ |
TypeKey, Delay |
}; |
struct AutoTypeAction{ |
AutoTypeAction(AutoTypeActionType t, quint16 d); |
AutoTypeActionType type; |
quint16 data; |
}; |
class AutoTypePrivate{ |
public: |
static void sleep(int msec); |
inline static void sleepKeyStrokeDelay(){ sleep(config->autoTypeKeyStrokeDelay()); }; |
static void templateToKeysyms(const QString& Template, QList<AutoTypeAction>& KeySymList,IEntryHandle* entry); |
static void stringToKeysyms(const QString& string,QList<AutoTypeAction>& KeySymList); |
static QString getRootGroupName(IEntryHandle* entry); |
}; |
// AutoType
KeepassMainWindow* AutoType::MainWin=NULL; |
Shortcut AutoType::shortcut; |
#endif |
void AutoType::perform(IEntryHandle* entry, QString& err,bool hideWindow,int nr,bool wasLocked){ |
QString indexStr; |
if (nr==0) |
indexStr = "Auto-Type:"; |
else |
indexStr = QString("Auto-Type-%1:").arg(nr); |
QString str; |
QString comment=entry->comment(); |
int c=comment.count(indexStr, Qt::CaseInsensitive); |
if(c>1){ |
err=QCoreApplication::translate("AutoType","More than one 'Auto-Type:' key sequence found.\nAllowed is only one per entry."); |
return; |
} |
else if(c==1){ |
int start = comment.indexOf(indexStr,0,Qt::CaseInsensitive) + indexStr.length(); |
int end = comment.indexOf("\n", start); |
if (end == -1) |
end = comment.length(); |
str=comment.mid(start,end-start).trimmed(); |
if (str.isEmpty()) |
return; |
} |
else |
QList<AutoTypeAction> Keys; |
for(int i=0;i<str.size();i++){ |
if(str[i]=='{'){ |
QString tmpl; |
i++; |
while(str[i]!='}' && i<str.size()){ |
tmpl += str[i]; |
i++; |
} |
if(i>=str.size()){ |
err=QCoreApplication::translate("AutoType","Syntax Error in Auto-Type sequence near character %1\n\
Found '{' without closing '}'").arg(i+10); |
return; |
} |
AutoTypePrivate::templateToKeysyms(tmpl.toLower(),Keys,entry); |
continue; |
} |
else{ |
Keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym(str[i])); |
} |
} |
if (hideWindow) |
MainWin->hide(); |
AutoTypePrivate::sleep(config->autoTypePreGap()); |
Display* pDisplay = QX11Info::display(); |
bool capsEnabled = HelperX11::keyboardModifiers(pDisplay)&LockMask; |
if (capsEnabled){ |
XTestFakeKeyEvent(pDisplay,XKeysymToKeycode(pDisplay,XK_Caps_Lock),true,0); |
XTestFakeKeyEvent(pDisplay,XKeysymToKeycode(pDisplay,XK_Caps_Lock),false,0); |
AutoTypePrivate::sleepKeyStrokeDelay(); |
} |
char keys_return[32]; |
XQueryKeymap(pDisplay, keys_return); |
for (int i=0; i<32; i++) |
for (int j=0; j<8; j++) |
if ( keys_return[i] & (1<<j) ){ |
XTestFakeKeyEvent(pDisplay,i*8+j,false,2); |
AutoTypePrivate::sleepKeyStrokeDelay(); |
} |
for(int i=0;i<Keys.size();i++){ |
if (Keys[i].type==TypeKey){ |
int keycode=XKeysymToKeycode(pDisplay,Keys[i].data); |
if (keycode==0){ |
err = QCoreApplication::translate("AutoType","Auto-Type string contains invalid characters"); |
break; |
} |
int mods=HelperX11::getModifiers(pDisplay,Keys[i].data,keycode); |
HelperX11::pressModifiers(pDisplay,mods); |
AutoTypePrivate::sleepKeyStrokeDelay(); |
XTestFakeKeyEvent(pDisplay,keycode,True,0); |
AutoTypePrivate::sleepKeyStrokeDelay(); |
XTestFakeKeyEvent(pDisplay,keycode,False,1); |
AutoTypePrivate::sleepKeyStrokeDelay(); |
HelperX11::releaseModifiers(pDisplay,mods); |
AutoTypePrivate::sleepKeyStrokeDelay(); |
} |
else if (Keys[i].type==Delay){ |
QApplication::processEvents(); |
AutoTypePrivate::sleep(Keys[i].data); |
} |
} |
if (capsEnabled){ |
XTestFakeKeyEvent(pDisplay,XKeysymToKeycode(pDisplay,XK_Caps_Lock),true,0); |
XTestFakeKeyEvent(pDisplay,XKeysymToKeycode(pDisplay,XK_Caps_Lock),false,0); |
} |
if (config->lockOnMinimize()){ |
if (hideWindow || wasLocked){ |
if ( !(config->showSysTrayIcon() && config->minimizeTray()) ) |
MainWin->showMinimized(); |
else |
MainWin->OnUnLockWorkspace(); |
} |
} |
else{ |
if (hideWindow && !(config->showSysTrayIcon() && config->minimizeTray()) ) |
MainWin->showMinimized(); |
if (wasLocked) |
MainWin->OnUnLockWorkspace(); |
} |
} |
Window windowRoot; |
//QSet<QString> windowBlacklist;
QSet<QString> classBlacklist; |
Atom wm_state; |
void windowTitles(Window window, QStringList& titleList){ |
Display* d = QX11Info::display(); |
Atom type = None; |
int format; |
unsigned long nitems, after; |
unsigned char* data; |
XGetWindowProperty(d, window, wm_state, 0, 0, false, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &nitems, &after, &data); |
if (type){ |
XTextProperty textProp; |
if (XGetWMName(d, window, &textProp) != 0) { |
char** list = NULL; |
int count; |
if (Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList(d, &textProp, &list, &count)>=0 && list){ |
QString title = QString::fromUtf8(list[0]); |
QString className; |
XClassHint* wmClass = XAllocClassHint(); |
if (XGetClassHint(d, window, wmClass)!=0 && wmClass->res_name!=NULL) |
className = QString::fromLocal8Bit(wmClass->res_name); |
XFree(wmClass); |
if (window!=windowRoot && window!=AutoType::MainWin->winId() && |
(QApplication::activeWindow()==NULL || window!=QApplication::activeWindow()->winId()) && |
// !windowBlacklist.contains(title) &&
(className.isNull() || !classBlacklist.contains(className)) |
){ |
titleList.append(title); |
} |
XFreeStringList(list); |
} |
} |
} |
Window root; |
Window parent; |
Window* children = NULL; |
unsigned int num_children; |
int tree = XQueryTree(d, window, &root, &parent, &children, &num_children); |
if (tree && children){ |
for (int i=0; i<num_children; i++) |
windowTitles(children[i], titleList); |
} |
else |
XFree(children); |
} |
void AutoType::init(){ |
Display* d = QX11Info::display(); |
wm_state = XInternAtom(d, "WM_STATE", true); |
windowRoot = XRootWindow(d, MainWin->x11Info().screen()); |
//windowBlacklist << "kicker" << "KDE Desktop";
classBlacklist << "desktop_window" << "gnome-panel"; // Gnome
classBlacklist << "kdesktop" << "kicker"; // KDE 3
classBlacklist << "xfdesktop" << "xfce4-panel"; // Xfce 4
} |
QStringList AutoType::getAllWindowTitles(){ |
QStringList titleList; |
if (wm_state) // don't do anything if WM_STATE doesn't exist
windowTitles(windowRoot, titleList); |
return titleList; |
} |
void AutoType::performGlobal(){ |
bool wasLocked = MainWin->isLocked(); |
if (wasLocked) |
MainWin->OnUnLockWorkspace(); |
if (!MainWin->isOpened()) |
return; |
Display* d = QX11Info::display(); |
Window w; |
int revert_to_return; |
XGetInputFocus(d, &w, &revert_to_return); |
char** list = NULL; |
int tree; |
do { |
XTextProperty textProp; |
if (XGetWMName(d, w, &textProp) != 0) { |
int count; |
if (Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList(d, &textProp, &list, &count)<0) return; |
if (list) break; |
} |
Window root = 0; |
Window parent = 0; |
Window* children = NULL; |
unsigned int num_children; |
tree = XQueryTree(d, w, &root, &parent, &children, &num_children); |
w = parent; |
if (children) XFree(children); |
} while (tree && w); |
if (!list) return; |
QString title = QString::fromUtf8(list[0]).toLower(); |
XFreeStringList(list); |
QList<IEntryHandle*> validEntries; |
QList<int> entryNumbers; |
QList<IEntryHandle*> entries = MainWin->db->entries(); |
QRegExp lineMatch("Auto-Type-Window(?:-(\\d+)|):([^\\n]+)", Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::RegExp2); |
QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); |
for (int i=0; i<entries.size(); i++){ |
if ( (entries[i]->expire()!=Date_Never && entries[i]->expire()<now) || |
(AutoTypePrivate::getRootGroupName(entries[i]).compare("backup",Qt::CaseInsensitive)==0) |
){ |
continue; |
} |
bool hasWindowEntry=false; |
QString comment = entries[i]->comment(); |
int offset = 0; |
while ( (offset=lineMatch.indexIn(comment, offset))!=-1 ){ |
QStringList captured = lineMatch.capturedTexts(); |
offset += captured[0].length(); |
int nr; |
QString entryWindow; |
bool valid; |
if (captured.size()==2){ |
nr = 0; |
entryWindow = captured[1].trimmed().toLower(); |
} |
else{ |
nr = captured[1].toInt(); |
entryWindow = captured[2].trimmed().toLower(); |
} |
if (entryWindow.length()==0) continue; |
hasWindowEntry = true; |
bool wildStart = (entryWindow[0]=='*'); |
bool wildEnd = (entryWindow[entryWindow.size()-1]=='*'); |
if (wildStart&&wildEnd){ |
entryWindow.remove(0,1); |
if (entryWindow.length()!=0){ |
entryWindow.remove(entryWindow.size()-1,1); |
valid = title.contains(entryWindow); |
} |
else |
valid = true; |
} |
else if (wildStart){ |
entryWindow.remove(0,1); |
valid = title.endsWith(entryWindow); |
} |
else if (wildEnd){ |
entryWindow.remove(entryWindow.size()-1,1); |
valid = title.startsWith(entryWindow); |
} |
else { |
valid = (title==entryWindow); |
} |
if (valid){ |
validEntries << entries[i]; |
entryNumbers << nr; |
break; |
} |
} |
if (!hasWindowEntry && config->entryTitlesMatch()){ |
QString entryTitle = entries[i]->title().toLower(); |
if (!entryTitle.isEmpty() && title.contains(entryTitle)){ |
validEntries << entries[i]; |
entryNumbers << 0; |
} |
} |
} |
if (validEntries.size()==1){ |
QString err; |
perform(validEntries[0],err,wasLocked,entryNumbers[0],wasLocked); |
} |
else if (validEntries.size()>1){ |
AutoTypeDlg* dlg = new AutoTypeDlg(validEntries, entryNumbers, wasLocked); |
dlg->show(); |
} |
} |
bool AutoType::registerGlobalShortcut(const Shortcut& s){ |
if (s.key==shortcut.key && s.ctrl==shortcut.ctrl && s.shift==shortcut.shift && s.alt==shortcut.alt && s.altgr==shortcut.altgr && |
return true; |
Display* display = QX11Info::display(); |
Window root = XRootWindow(display, MainWin->x11Info().screen()); |
int code=XKeysymToKeycode(display, HelperX11::getKeysym(s.key)); |
int mod=HelperX11::getShortcutModifierMask(s); |
HelperX11::startCatchErrors(); |
XGrabKey(display, code, mod, root, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); |
XGrabKey(display, code, mod | Mod2Mask, root, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); |
XGrabKey(display, code, mod | LockMask, root, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); |
XGrabKey(display, code, mod | Mod2Mask | LockMask, root, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); |
HelperX11::stopCatchErrors(); |
if (HelperX11::errorOccurred()){ |
XUngrabKey(display, code, mod, root); |
XUngrabKey(display, code, mod | Mod2Mask, root); |
XUngrabKey(display, code, mod | LockMask, root); |
XUngrabKey(display, code, mod | Mod2Mask | LockMask, root); |
return false; |
} |
else { |
unregisterGlobalShortcut(); |
shortcut = s; |
return true; |
} |
} |
void AutoType::unregisterGlobalShortcut(){ |
if (shortcut.key==0) return; |
Display* display = QX11Info::display(); |
Window root = XDefaultRootWindow(display); |
int code=XKeysymToKeycode(display, HelperX11::getKeysym(shortcut.key)); |
int mod=HelperX11::getShortcutModifierMask(shortcut); |
XUngrabKey(display, code, mod, root); |
XUngrabKey(display, code, mod | Mod2Mask, root); |
XUngrabKey(display, code, mod | LockMask, root); |
XUngrabKey(display, code, mod | Mod2Mask | LockMask, root); |
shortcut.key = 0; |
} |
AutoTypeAction::AutoTypeAction(AutoTypeActionType t, quint16 d) : type(t), data(d){ |
} |
// AutoTypePrivate
void AutoTypePrivate::sleep(int msec){ |
if (msec==0) return; |
timespec timeOut, remains; |
timeOut.tv_sec = msec/1000; |
timeOut.tv_nsec = (msec%1000)*1000000; |
nanosleep(&timeOut, &remains); |
} |
void AutoTypePrivate::templateToKeysyms(const QString& tmpl, QList<AutoTypeAction>& keys,IEntryHandle* entry){ |
//tmpl must be lower case!!!
if(!"title")){ |
stringToKeysyms(entry->title(),keys); |
return;} |
if(!"username")){ |
stringToKeysyms(entry->username(),keys); |
return;} |
if(!"url")){ |
stringToKeysyms(entry->url(),keys); |
return;} |
if(!"password")){ |
SecString password=entry->password(); |
password.unlock(); |
stringToKeysyms(password,keys); |
return; |
} |
if(!"space")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym(' ')); |
return;} |
if(!"backspace") || !"bs") || !"bksp")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_BackSpace); |
return;} |
if(!"break")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Break); |
return;} |
if(!"capslock")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Caps_Lock); |
return;} |
if(!"del") || !"delete")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Delete); |
return;} |
if(!"end")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_End); |
return;} |
if(!"enter")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Return); |
return;} |
if(!"esc")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Escape); |
return;} |
if(!"help")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Help); |
return;} |
if(!"home")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Home); |
return;} |
if(!"insert") || !"ins")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Insert); |
return;} |
if(!"numlock")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Num_Lock); |
return;} |
if(!"scroll")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Scroll_Lock); |
return;} |
if(!"pgdn")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Page_Down); |
return;} |
if(!"pgup")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Page_Up); |
return;} |
if(!"prtsc")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_3270_PrintScreen); |
return;} |
if(!"up")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Up); |
return;} |
if(!"down")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Down); |
return;} |
if(!"left")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Left); |
return;} |
if(!"right")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Right); |
return;} |
if(!"f1")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F1); |
return;} |
if(!"f2")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F2); |
return;} |
if(!"f3")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F3); |
return;} |
if(!"f4")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F4); |
return;} |
if(!"f5")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F5); |
return;} |
if(!"f6")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F6); |
return;} |
if(!"f7")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F7); |
return;} |
if(!"f8")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F8); |
return;} |
if(!"f9")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F9); |
return;} |
if(!"f10")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F10); |
return;} |
if(!"f11")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F11); |
return;} |
if(!"f12")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F12); |
return;} |
if(!"f13")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F13); |
return;} |
if(!"f14")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F14); |
return;} |
if(!"f15")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F15); |
return;} |
if(!"f16")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_F16); |
return;} |
if(!"add") || !"plus")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym('+')); |
return;} |
if(!"subtract")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym('-')); |
return;} |
if(!"multiply")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym('+')); |
return;} |
if(!"divide")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym('/')); |
return;} |
if(!"at")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym('@')); |
return;} |
if(!"percent")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym('%')); |
return;} |
if(!"caret")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym('^')); |
return;} |
if(!"tilde")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym('~')); |
return;} |
if(!"leftbrace")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym('{')); |
return;} |
if(!"rightbrace")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym('}')); |
return;} |
if(!"leftparen")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym('(')); |
return;} |
if(!"rightparen")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym(')')); |
return;} |
if(!"winl")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Super_L); |
return;} |
if(!"winr")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Super_R); |
return;} |
if(!"win")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Super_L); |
return;} |
if(!"tab")){ |
keys << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, XK_Tab); |
return;} |
if(tmpl.startsWith("delay ") && tmpl.length()>6){ |
bool ok; |
quint16 delay = tmpl.right(tmpl.length()-6).toInt(&ok); |
if (ok && delay>0 && delay<=10000) |
keys << AutoTypeAction(Delay, delay); |
} |
} |
void AutoTypePrivate::stringToKeysyms(const QString& string,QList<AutoTypeAction>& KeySymList){ |
for(int i=0; i<string.length();i++) |
KeySymList << AutoTypeAction(TypeKey, HelperX11::getKeysym(string[i])); |
} |
QString AutoTypePrivate::getRootGroupName(IEntryHandle* entry){ |
IGroupHandle* group = entry->group(); |
int level = group->level(); |
for (int i=0; i<level; i++) |
group = group->parent(); |
return group->title(); |
} |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in new issue