# Copyright (c) Stephan Martin # # $Id: HELPERS.pm,v 1.6 2006/06/28 21:50:42 sm Exp $ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. use strict; package GUI::HELPERS; use POSIX; # # Error message box, kills application # sub print_error { my ($t, $ext) = @_; my ($box, $button, $dbutton, $expander, $text, $scrolled, $buffer); $button = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('gtk-ok'); $button->signal_connect('clicked', sub { HELPERS::exit_clean(1) }); $button->can_default(1); $box = Gtk2::MessageDialog->new( undef, [qw/destroy-with-parent modal/], 'error', 'none', $t); $box->set_default_size(600, 0); $box->set_resizable(1); if(defined($ext)) { $buffer = Gtk2::TextBuffer->new(); $buffer->set_text($ext); $text = Gtk2::TextView->new_with_buffer($buffer); $text->set_editable(0); $text->set_wrap_mode('word'); $scrolled = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new(undef, undef); $scrolled->set_policy('never', 'automatic'); $scrolled->set_shadow_type('etched-in'); $scrolled->add($text); $expander = Gtk2::Expander->new(_("Command Details")); $expander->add($scrolled); $box->vbox->add($expander); } $box->add_action_widget($button, 0); $box->show_all(); } # # Warning message box # sub print_warning { my ($t, $ext) = @_; my ($box, $button, $dbutton, $expander, $text, $scrolled, $buffer); $button = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('gtk-ok'); $button->signal_connect('clicked', sub { $box->destroy() }); $button->can_default(1); $box = Gtk2::MessageDialog->new( undef, [qw/destroy-with-parent modal/], 'warning', 'none', $t); $box->set_title(_("Warning")); $box->set_default_size(600, 0); $box->set_resizable(1); if(defined($ext)) { $buffer = Gtk2::TextBuffer->new(); $buffer->set_text($ext); $text = Gtk2::TextView->new_with_buffer($buffer); $text->set_editable(0); $text->set_wrap_mode('word'); $scrolled = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new(undef, undef); $scrolled->set_policy('never', 'automatic'); $scrolled->set_shadow_type('etched-in'); $scrolled->add($text); $expander = Gtk2::Expander->new(_("Command Details")); $expander->add($scrolled); $box->vbox->add($expander); } $box->add_action_widget($button, 0); $box->show_all(); return; } # # Info message box # sub print_info { my ($t, $ext) = @_; my ($box, $button, $dbutton, $buffer, $text, $scrolled, $expander); $button = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('gtk-ok'); $button->signal_connect('clicked', sub { $box->destroy() }); $button->can_default(1); $box = Gtk2::MessageDialog->new( undef, [qw/destroy-with-parent modal/], 'info', 'none', $t); $box->set_default_size(600, 0); $box->set_resizable(1); if(defined($ext)) { $buffer = Gtk2::TextBuffer->new(); $buffer->set_text($ext); $text = Gtk2::TextView->new_with_buffer($buffer); $text->set_editable(0); $text->set_wrap_mode('word'); $scrolled = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new(undef, undef); $scrolled->set_policy('never', 'automatic'); $scrolled->set_shadow_type('etched-in'); $scrolled->add($text); $expander = Gtk2::Expander->new(_("Command Details")); $expander->add($scrolled); $box->vbox->add($expander); } $box->add_action_widget($button, 0); $box->show_all(); return; } # # create standard dialog box # sub dialog_box { my ($title, $text, $button1, $button2) = @_; my $box = Gtk2::Dialog->new($title, undef, ["destroy-with-parent"]); $box->add_action_widget($button1, 0); if(defined($button2)) { $box->add_action_widget($button2, 0); $box->action_area->set_layout('spread'); } if(defined($text)) { my $label = create_label($text, 'center', 0, 1); $box->vbox->pack_start($label, 0, 0, 0); } $box->signal_connect(response => sub { $box->destroy }); return($box); } # # create standard label # sub create_label { my ($text, $mode, $wrap, $bold) = @_; $text = "$text" if($bold); my $label = Gtk2::Label->new($text); $label->set_justify($mode); if($mode eq 'center') { $label->set_alignment(0.5, 0.5); }elsif($mode eq 'left') { $label->set_alignment(0, 0); }elsif($mode eq 'right') { $label->set_alignment(1, 1); } $label->set_line_wrap($wrap); $label->set_markup($text) if($bold); return($label); } # # write two labels to table # sub label_to_table { my ($key, $val, $table, $row, $mode, $wrap, $bold) = @_; my ($label, $entry); $label = create_label($key, $mode, $wrap, $bold); $label->set_padding(20, 0); $table->attach_defaults($label, 0, 1, $row, $row+1); $label = create_label($val, $mode, $wrap, $bold); $label->set_padding(20, 0); $table->attach_defaults($label, 1, 2, $row, $row+1); $row++; $table->resize($row, 2); return($row); } # # write label and entry to table # sub entry_to_table { my ($text, $var, $table, $row, $visibility, $box) = @_; my ($label, $entry); $label = create_label($text, 'left', 0, 0); $table->attach_defaults($label, 0, 1, $row, $row+1); $entry = Gtk2::Entry->new(); $entry->set_text($$var) if(defined($$var)); $table->attach_defaults($entry, 1, 2, $row, $row+1); $entry->signal_connect('changed' => sub {GUI::CALLBACK::entry_to_var($entry, $entry, $var, $box)} ); $entry->set_visibility($visibility); return($entry); } # # sort the table by the clicked column # sub sort_clist { my ($clist, $col) = @_; $clist->set_sort_column($col); $clist->sort(); return(1); } sub create_activity_bar { my ($t) = @_; my($box, $bar); $box = Gtk2::MessageDialog->new( undef, [qw/destroy-with-parent modal/], 'info', 'none', $t); $bar = Gtk2::ProgressBar->new(); $bar->pulse(); $bar->set_pulse_step(0.1); $box->vbox->add($bar); $box->show_all(); return($box, $bar); } # # set curser busy # sub set_cursor { my $main = shift; my $busy = shift; if($busy) { $main->{'rootwin'}->set_cursor($main->{'busycursor'}); } else { $main->{'rootwin'}->set_cursor($main->{'cursor'}); } while(Gtk2->events_pending) { Gtk2->main_iteration; } } # # call file chooser # sub browse_file { my($title, $entry, $mode) = @_; my($file_chooser, $file_chooser_mode, $filename, $filter); if($mode eq 'key') { $file_chooser_mode = 'open'; } else { $file_chooser_mode = $mode; } $file_chooser = Gtk2::FileChooserDialog->new ($title, undef, $file_chooser_mode, 'gtk-cancel' => 'cancel', 'gtk-ok' => 'ok'); $file_chooser->add_shortcut_folder ('/tmp'); if($mode eq 'open') { $filter = Gtk2::FileFilter->new(); $filter->set_name(_("Request Files (*.pem, *.der, *.req)")); $filter->add_pattern("*.pem"); $filter->add_pattern("*.der"); $filter->add_pattern("*.req"); $file_chooser->add_filter($filter); } elsif($mode eq 'key') { $filter = Gtk2::FileFilter->new(); $filter->set_name(_("Key Files (*.pem, *.key)")); $filter->add_pattern("*.pem"); $filter->add_pattern("*.key"); $file_chooser->add_filter($filter); } if($mode eq 'open' || $mode eq 'key') { $filter = Gtk2::FileFilter->new(); $filter->set_name(_("All Files (*.*)")); $filter->add_pattern("*"); $file_chooser->add_filter($filter); } if ('ok' eq $file_chooser->run) { $filename = $file_chooser->get_filename(); $entry->set_text($filename); } $file_chooser->destroy(); } # # set text in statusbar # sub set_status { my ($main, $t) = @_; $main->{'bar'}->pop($main->{'lastid'}) if(defined($main->{'lastid'})); $main->{'lastid'} = $main->{'bar'}->get_context_id('gargs'); $main->{'bar'}->push($main->{'lastid'}, $t); } 1 __END__ =head1 NAME GUI::HELPERS - helper functions for TinyCA, doing small jobs related to the GUI =head1 SYNOPSIS use GUI::HELPERS; GUI::HELPERS::print_info($text, $ext); GUI::HELPERS::print_warning($text, $ext); GUI::HELPERS::print_error($text, $ext); GUI::HELPERS::sort_clist($clist, $col); GUI::HELPERS::set_cursor($main, $busy); GUI::HELPERS::browse_file($main, $entry, $mode); GUI::HELPERS::set_status($main, $text); $box = GUI::HELPERS::dialog_box( $title, $text, $button1, $button2); $label = GUI::HELPERS::create_label( $text, $mode, $wrap, $bold); $row = GUI::HELPERS::label_to_table( $key, $val, $table, $row, $mode, $wrap, $bold); $entry = GUI::HELPERS::entry_to_table( $text, $var, $table, $row, $visibility, $box); =head1 DESCRIPTION GUI::HELPERS.pm is a library, containing some useful functions used by other TinyCA2 modules. All functions are related to the GUI. =head2 GUI::HELPERS::print_info($text, $ext); =over 1 creates an Gtk2::MessageDialog of the type info. The string given in $text is shown as message, the (multiline) string $ext is available through the "Details" Button. =back =head2 GUI::HELPERS::print_warning($text, $ext); =over 1 is identically with GUI::HELPERS::print_warning(), only the Gtk2::MessageDialog is of type warning. =back =head2 GUI::HELPERS::print_error($text, $ext); =over 1 is identically with GUI::HELPERS::print_info(), only the Gtk2::MessageDialogog is of type error and the program will shut down after closing the message. =back =head2 GUI::HELPERS::sort_clist($clist, $col); =over 1 sorts the clist with the values from the given column $col. =back =head2 GUI::HELPERS::dialog_box($title, $text, $button1, $button2); =over 1 returns the reference to a new window of type Gtk2::Dialog. $title and $button1 must be given. $text and $button2 are optional arguments and can be undef. =back =head2 GUI::HELPERS::create_label($text, $mode, $wrap, $bold); =over 1 returns the reference to a new Gtk2::Label. $mode can be "center", "left" or "right". $wrap and $bold are boolean values. =back =head2 GUI::HELPERS::label_to_table($key, $val, $table, $row, $mode, $wrap, $bold); =over 1 adds a new row to $table. The new row is appended at $row and has two columns: the first will contain a label with the content of string $k, the second the content of string $v. $mode, $wrap, $bold are the arguments for GUI::HELPERS::create_label(), mentioned above. The function returns the number of the next free row in the table. =back =head2 GUI::HELPERS::entry_to_table($text, $var, $table, $row, $visibility, $box); =over 1 adds a new row to $table. The new row is appended at $row and has two columns: the first will contain a label with the content of the string $text, the second one will contain a textentry Gtk2::Entry, associated with the variable $var. $visibility controls, if the entered text will be displayed or not (passwords). The function returns the reference to the new created entry. =back =head2 GUI::HELPERS::set_cursor($main, $busy); =over 1 sets the actual cursor to busy or back to normal. The value of $busy is boolean. This functions returns nothing; =back =head2 GUI::HELPERS::browse_file($main, $entry, $mode); =over 1 opens a FileChooser dialog to select files or directories. $entry is a reference to the variable, where the selected path shall be stored. If $mode is set to "open" or "key", then only files with appropriate suffixes are displyed. =back =head2 GUI::HELPERS::set_status($main, $text); =over 1 sets the text in $text to the statusbar at the bottom of the window. =back =cut