1. Unpack the sources (seems like you got it already) 2. Configure the following paths for your setup. These variables are located in the file tinyca itself. @INC (location of the directory lib) $init->{'opensslbin'} (location of your openssl binary) $init->{'templatedir'} (location of the directory templates) $init->{'zipbin'} (location of your zip binary) $init->{'tarbin'} (location of your tar binary) 3. If you want to have german/spanish/czech/swedish texts: Generate the file tinyca.mo from po/de.po: msgfmt po/de.po -o locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/tinyca.mo msgfmt po/es.po -o locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/tinyca.mo msgfmt po/cs.po -o locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/tinyca.mo msgfmt po/sv.po -o locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/tinyca.mo or even more simple: call make in the directory po/ If your locale is not set to german/spanish: export LC_ALL=de_DE.UTF-8 or export LC_ALL=es_ES.UTF-8 or export LC_ALL=cs_CZ.UTF-8 or export LC_ALL=sv_SE.UTF-8 before you call tinyca. 4. Call tinyca2, use it and report bugs :-))