/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 by Tarek Saidi, Felix Geyer * * tarek.saidi@arcor.de * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "AutoTypeGlobalX11.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "lib/HelperX11.h" #include "dialogs/AutoTypeDlg.h" #include AutoTypeGlobal* autoType = NULL; void initAutoType(KeepassMainWindow* mainWin) { autoType = new AutoTypeGlobalX11(mainWin); } AutoTypeGlobalX11::AutoTypeGlobalX11(KeepassMainWindow* mainWin) : AutoTypeX11(mainWin) { wm_state = XInternAtom(dpy, "WM_STATE", true); windowRoot = XRootWindow(dpy, mainWin->x11Info().screen()); shortcut.key = 0; focusedWindow = 0; oldCode = 0; oldMod = 0; //windowBlacklist << "kicker" << "KDE Desktop"; classBlacklist << "desktop_window" << "gnome-panel"; // Gnome classBlacklist << "kdesktop" << "kicker"; // KDE 3 classBlacklist << "Plasma"; // KDE 4 classBlacklist << "xfdesktop" << "xfce4-panel"; // Xfce 4 } void AutoTypeGlobalX11::updateKeymap() { AutoTypeX11::updateKeymap(); registerGlobalShortcut(shortcut); } void AutoTypeGlobalX11::perform(IEntryHandle* entry, bool hideWindow, int nr, bool wasLocked){ if (focusedWindow && (!hideWindow || wasLocked)) { // detect if global auto-type XSetInputFocus(dpy, focusedWindow, RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime); focusedWindow = 0; } AutoTypeX11::perform(entry, hideWindow, nr, wasLocked); } void AutoTypeGlobalX11::windowTitles(Window window, QStringList& titleList){ Atom type = None; int format; unsigned long nitems, after; unsigned char* data; XGetWindowProperty(dpy, window, wm_state, 0, 0, false, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &nitems, &after, &data); if (type){ XTextProperty textProp; if (XGetWMName(dpy, window, &textProp) != 0) { char** list = NULL; int count; if (Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList(dpy, &textProp, &list, &count)>=0 && list){ QString title = QString::fromUtf8(list[0]); QString className; XClassHint* wmClass = XAllocClassHint(); if (XGetClassHint(dpy, window, wmClass)!=0 && wmClass->res_name!=NULL) className = QString::fromLocal8Bit(wmClass->res_name); XFree(wmClass); if (window!=windowRoot && window!=mainWin->winId() && (QApplication::activeWindow()==NULL || window!=QApplication::activeWindow()->winId()) && // !windowBlacklist.contains(title) && (className.isNull() || !classBlacklist.contains(className)) ){ titleList.append(title); } XFreeStringList(list); } } } Window root; Window parent; Window* children = NULL; unsigned int num_children; int tree = XQueryTree(dpy, window, &root, &parent, &children, &num_children); if (tree && children){ for (uint i=0; iisLocked(); if (wasLocked) mainWin->OnUnLockWorkspace(); if (!mainWin->isOpened()) return; Window w; int revert_to_return; XGetInputFocus(dpy, &w, &revert_to_return); char** list = NULL; int tree; do { XTextProperty textProp; if (XGetWMName(dpy, w, &textProp) != 0) { int count; if (Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList(dpy, &textProp, &list, &count)<0) return; if (list) break; } Window root = 0; Window parent = 0; Window* children = NULL; unsigned int num_children; tree = XQueryTree(dpy, w, &root, &parent, &children, &num_children); w = parent; if (children) XFree(children); } while (tree && w); if (!list) return; QString title = QString::fromUtf8(list[0]).toLower(); XFreeStringList(list); QList validEntries; QList entryNumbers; QList entries = mainWin->db->entries(); QRegExp lineMatch("Auto-Type-Window(?:-(\\d+)|):([^\\n]+)", Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::RegExp2); QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); for (int i=0; iexpire()!=Date_Never && entries[i]->expire()comment(); int offset = 0; while ( (offset=lineMatch.indexIn(comment, offset))!=-1 ){ QStringList captured = lineMatch.capturedTexts(); offset += captured[0].length(); int nr; QString entryWindow; bool valid; if (captured.size()==2){ nr = 0; entryWindow = captured[1].trimmed().toLower(); } else{ nr = captured[1].toInt(); entryWindow = captured[2].trimmed().toLower(); } if (entryWindow.length()==0) continue; hasWindowEntry = true; bool wildStart = (entryWindow[0]=='*'); bool wildEnd = (entryWindow[entryWindow.size()-1]=='*'); if (wildStart&&wildEnd){ entryWindow.remove(0,1); if (entryWindow.length()!=0){ entryWindow.remove(entryWindow.size()-1,1); valid = title.contains(entryWindow); } else valid = true; } else if (wildStart){ entryWindow.remove(0,1); valid = title.endsWith(entryWindow); } else if (wildEnd){ entryWindow.remove(entryWindow.size()-1,1); valid = title.startsWith(entryWindow); } else { valid = (title==entryWindow); } if (valid){ validEntries << entries[i]; entryNumbers << nr; break; } } if (!hasWindowEntry && config->entryTitlesMatch()){ QString entryTitle = entries[i]->title().toLower(); if (!entryTitle.isEmpty() && title.contains(entryTitle)){ validEntries << entries[i]; entryNumbers << 0; } } } if (validEntries.size()==1){ focusedWindow = 0; perform(validEntries[0],wasLocked,entryNumbers[0],wasLocked); } else if (validEntries.size()>1){ focusedWindow = w; AutoTypeDlg* dlg = new AutoTypeDlg(validEntries, entryNumbers, wasLocked); dlg->show(); } } bool AutoTypeGlobalX11::registerGlobalShortcut(const Shortcut& s){ if (s.key == 0) return false; int code=XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, HelperX11::getKeysym(s.key)); uint mod=HelperX11::getShortcutModifierMask(s); if (s.key==shortcut.key && s.ctrl==shortcut.ctrl && s.shift==shortcut.shift && s.alt==shortcut.alt && s.altgr==shortcut.altgr && s.win==shortcut.win && code==oldCode && mod==oldMod) return true; HelperX11::startCatchErrors(); XGrabKey(dpy, code, mod, windowRoot, true, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); XGrabKey(dpy, code, mod | Mod2Mask, windowRoot, true, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); XGrabKey(dpy, code, mod | LockMask, windowRoot, true, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); XGrabKey(dpy, code, mod | Mod2Mask | LockMask, windowRoot, true, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); HelperX11::stopCatchErrors(); if (HelperX11::errorOccurred()){ XUngrabKey(dpy, code, mod, windowRoot); XUngrabKey(dpy, code, mod | Mod2Mask, windowRoot); XUngrabKey(dpy, code, mod | LockMask, windowRoot); XUngrabKey(dpy, code, mod | Mod2Mask | LockMask, windowRoot); return false; } else { unregisterGlobalShortcut(); shortcut = s; oldCode = code; oldMod = mod; return true; } } void AutoTypeGlobalX11::unregisterGlobalShortcut(){ if (shortcut.key==0) return; XUngrabKey(dpy, oldCode, oldMod, windowRoot); XUngrabKey(dpy, oldCode, oldMod | Mod2Mask, windowRoot); XUngrabKey(dpy, oldCode, oldMod | LockMask, windowRoot); XUngrabKey(dpy, oldCode, oldMod | Mod2Mask | LockMask, windowRoot); shortcut.key = 0; oldCode = 0; oldMod = 0; } QString AutoTypeGlobalX11::getRootGroupName(IEntryHandle* entry){ IGroupHandle* group = entry->group(); int level = group->level(); for (int i=0; iparent(); return group->title(); }