// IniFile.cpp: Implementation of the CIniFile class. // Written by: Adam Clauss // Email: cabadam@houston.rr.com // You may use this class/code as you wish in your programs. Feel free to distribute it, and // email suggested changes to me. // // Rewritten by: Shane Hill // Date: 21/08/2001 // Email: Shane.Hill@dsto.defence.gov.au // Reason: Remove dependancy on MFC. Code should compile on any // platform. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // C++ Includes #include #include #include // C Includes #include #include #include // Local Includes #include "IniReader.h" #include #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) #define iniEOL endl #else #define iniEOL '\r' << endl #endif CIniFile::CIniFile( string const iniPath) { Path( iniPath); caseInsensitive = true; } bool CIniFile::ReadFile() { // Normally you would use ifstream, but the SGI CC compiler has // a few bugs with ifstream. So ... fstream used. fstream f; string line; string keyname, valuename, value; string::size_type pLeft, pRight; f.open( path.c_str(), ios::in); if ( f.fail()) return false; while( getline( f, line)) { // To be compatible with Win32, check for existence of '\r'. // Win32 files have the '\r' and Unix files don't at the end of a line. // Note that the '\r' will be written to INI files from // Unix so that the created INI file can be read under Win32 // without change. if( !line.length())continue; if ( line[line.length() - 1] == '\r') line = line.substr( 0, line.length() - 1); if ( line.length()) { // Check that the user hasn't openned a binary file by checking the first // character of each line! if ( !isprint( line[0])) { printf( "Failing on char %d\n", line[0]); f.close(); return false; } if (( pLeft = line.find_first_of(";#[=")) != string::npos) { switch ( line[pLeft]) { case '[': if ((pRight = line.find_last_of("]")) != string::npos && pRight > pLeft) { keyname = line.substr( pLeft + 1, pRight - pLeft - 1); AddKeyName( keyname); } break; case '=': valuename = line.substr( 0, pLeft); value = line.substr( pLeft + 1); SetValue( keyname, valuename, value); break; case ';': case '#': if ( !names.size()) HeaderComment( line.substr( pLeft + 1)); else KeyComment( keyname, line.substr( pLeft + 1)); break; } } } } f.close(); if ( names.size()) return true; return false; } bool CIniFile::WriteFile() { unsigned commentID, keyID, valueID; // Normally you would use ofstream, but the SGI CC compiler has // a few bugs with ofstream. So ... fstream used. fstream f; f.open( path.c_str(), ios::out); if ( f.fail()) return false; // Write header comments. for ( commentID = 0; commentID < comments.size(); ++commentID) f << ';' << comments[commentID] << iniEOL; if ( comments.size()) f << iniEOL; // Write keys and values. for ( keyID = 0; keyID < keys.size(); ++keyID) { f << '[' << names[keyID] << ']' << iniEOL; // Comments. for ( commentID = 0; commentID < keys[keyID].comments.size(); ++commentID) f << ';' << keys[keyID].comments[commentID] << iniEOL; // Values. for ( valueID = 0; valueID < keys[keyID].names.size(); ++valueID) f << keys[keyID].names[valueID] << '=' << keys[keyID].values[valueID] << iniEOL; f << iniEOL; } f.close(); return true; } long CIniFile::FindKey( string const keyname) const { for ( unsigned keyID = 0; keyID < names.size(); ++keyID) if ( CheckCase( names[keyID]) == CheckCase( keyname)) return long(keyID); return noID; } long CIniFile::FindValue( unsigned const keyID, string const valuename) const { if ( !keys.size() || keyID >= keys.size()) return noID; for ( unsigned valueID = 0; valueID < keys[keyID].names.size(); ++valueID) if ( CheckCase( keys[keyID].names[valueID]) == CheckCase( valuename)) return long(valueID); return noID; } unsigned CIniFile::AddKeyName( string const keyname) { names.resize( names.size() + 1, keyname); keys.resize( keys.size() + 1); return names.size() - 1; } string CIniFile::KeyName( unsigned const keyID) const { if ( keyID < names.size()) return names[keyID]; else return ""; } unsigned CIniFile::NumValues( unsigned const keyID) { if ( keyID < keys.size()) return keys[keyID].names.size(); return 0; } unsigned CIniFile::NumValues( string const keyname) { long keyID = FindKey( keyname); if ( keyID == noID) return 0; return keys[keyID].names.size(); } string CIniFile::ValueName( unsigned const keyID, unsigned const valueID) const { if ( keyID < keys.size() && valueID < keys[keyID].names.size()) return keys[keyID].names[valueID]; return ""; } string CIniFile::ValueName( string const keyname, unsigned const valueID) const { long keyID = FindKey( keyname); if ( keyID == noID) return ""; return ValueName( keyID, valueID); } bool CIniFile::SetValue( unsigned const keyID, unsigned const valueID, string const value) { if ( keyID < keys.size() && valueID < keys[keyID].names.size()) keys[keyID].values[valueID] = value; return false; } bool CIniFile::SetValue( string const keyname, string const valuename, string const value, bool const create) { long keyID = FindKey( keyname); if ( keyID == noID) { if ( create) keyID = long( AddKeyName( keyname)); else return false; } long valueID = FindValue( unsigned(keyID), valuename); if ( valueID == noID) { if ( !create) return false; keys[keyID].names.resize( keys[keyID].names.size() + 1, valuename); keys[keyID].values.resize( keys[keyID].values.size() + 1, value); } else keys[keyID].values[valueID] = value; return true; } bool CIniFile::SetValueI( string const keyname, string const valuename, int const value, bool const create) { char svalue[MAX_VALUEDATA]; sprintf( svalue, "%d", value); return SetValue( keyname, valuename, svalue); } bool CIniFile::SetValueF( string const keyname, string const valuename, double const value, bool const create) { char svalue[MAX_VALUEDATA]; sprintf( svalue, "%f", value); return SetValue( keyname, valuename, svalue); } bool CIniFile::SetValueV( string const keyname, string const valuename, char *format, ...) { va_list args; char value[MAX_VALUEDATA]; va_start( args, format); vsprintf( value, format, args); va_end( args); return SetValue( keyname, valuename, value); } string CIniFile::GetValue( unsigned const keyID, unsigned const valueID, string const defValue) const { if ( keyID < keys.size() && valueID < keys[keyID].names.size()) return keys[keyID].values[valueID]; return defValue; } string CIniFile::GetValue( string const keyname, string const valuename, string const defValue) const { long keyID = FindKey( keyname); if ( keyID == noID) return defValue; long valueID = FindValue( unsigned(keyID), valuename); if ( valueID == noID) return defValue; return keys[keyID].values[valueID]; } int CIniFile::GetValueI(string const keyname, string const valuename, int const defValue) const { char svalue[MAX_VALUEDATA]; sprintf( svalue, "%d", defValue); return atoi( GetValue( keyname, valuename, svalue).c_str()); } double CIniFile::GetValueF(string const keyname, string const valuename, double const defValue) const { char svalue[MAX_VALUEDATA]; sprintf( svalue, "%f", defValue); return atof( GetValue( keyname, valuename, svalue).c_str()); } // 16 variables may be a bit of over kill, but hey, it's only code. unsigned CIniFile::GetValueV( string const keyname, string const valuename, char *format, void *v1, void *v2, void *v3, void *v4, void *v5, void *v6, void *v7, void *v8, void *v9, void *v10, void *v11, void *v12, void *v13, void *v14, void *v15, void *v16) { string value; // va_list args; unsigned nVals; value = GetValue( keyname, valuename); if ( !value.length()) return false; // Why is there not vsscanf() function. Linux man pages say that there is // but no compiler I've seen has it defined. Bummer! // // va_start( args, format); // nVals = vsscanf( value.c_str(), format, args); // va_end( args); nVals = sscanf( value.c_str(), format, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16); return nVals; } bool CIniFile::DeleteValue( string const keyname, string const valuename) { long keyID = FindKey( keyname); if ( keyID == noID) return false; long valueID = FindValue( unsigned(keyID), valuename); if ( valueID == noID) return false; // This looks strange, but is neccessary. vector::iterator npos = keys[keyID].names.begin() + valueID; vector::iterator vpos = keys[keyID].values.begin() + valueID; keys[keyID].names.erase( npos, npos + 1); keys[keyID].values.erase( vpos, vpos + 1); return true; } bool CIniFile::DeleteKey( string const keyname) { long keyID = FindKey( keyname); if ( keyID == noID) return false; // Now hopefully this destroys the vector lists within keys. // Looking at source, this should be the case using the destructor. // If not, I may have to do it explicitly. Memory leak check should tell. // memleak_test.cpp shows that the following not required. //keys[keyID].names.clear(); //keys[keyID].values.clear(); vector::iterator npos = names.begin() + keyID; vector::iterator kpos = keys.begin() + keyID; names.erase( npos, npos + 1); keys.erase( kpos, kpos + 1); return true; } void CIniFile::Erase() { // This loop not needed. The vector<> destructor seems to do // all the work itself. memleak_test.cpp shows this. //for ( unsigned i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) { // keys[i].names.clear(); // keys[i].values.clear(); //} names.clear(); keys.clear(); comments.clear(); } void CIniFile::HeaderComment( string const comment) { comments.resize( comments.size() + 1, comment); } string CIniFile::HeaderComment( unsigned const commentID) const { if ( commentID < comments.size()) return comments[commentID]; return ""; } bool CIniFile::DeleteHeaderComment( unsigned commentID) { if ( commentID < comments.size()) { vector::iterator cpos = comments.begin() + commentID; comments.erase( cpos, cpos + 1); return true; } return false; } unsigned CIniFile::NumKeyComments( unsigned const keyID) const { if ( keyID < keys.size()) return keys[keyID].comments.size(); return 0; } unsigned CIniFile::NumKeyComments( string const keyname) const { long keyID = FindKey( keyname); if ( keyID == noID) return 0; return keys[keyID].comments.size(); } bool CIniFile::KeyComment( unsigned const keyID, string const comment) { if ( keyID < keys.size()) { keys[keyID].comments.resize( keys[keyID].comments.size() + 1, comment); return true; } return false; } bool CIniFile::KeyComment( string const keyname, string const comment) { long keyID = FindKey( keyname); if ( keyID == noID) return false; return KeyComment( unsigned(keyID), comment); } string CIniFile::KeyComment( unsigned const keyID, unsigned const commentID) const { if ( keyID < keys.size() && commentID < keys[keyID].comments.size()) return keys[keyID].comments[commentID]; return ""; } string CIniFile::KeyComment( string const keyname, unsigned const commentID) const { long keyID = FindKey( keyname); if ( keyID == noID) return ""; return KeyComment( unsigned(keyID), commentID); } bool CIniFile::DeleteKeyComment( unsigned const keyID, unsigned const commentID) { if ( keyID < keys.size() && commentID < keys[keyID].comments.size()) { vector::iterator cpos = keys[keyID].comments.begin() + commentID; keys[keyID].comments.erase( cpos, cpos + 1); return true; } return false; } bool CIniFile::DeleteKeyComment( string const keyname, unsigned const commentID) { long keyID = FindKey( keyname); if ( keyID == noID) return false; return DeleteKeyComment( unsigned(keyID), commentID); } bool CIniFile::DeleteKeyComments( unsigned const keyID) { if ( keyID < keys.size()) { keys[keyID].comments.clear(); return true; } return false; } bool CIniFile::DeleteKeyComments( string const keyname) { long keyID = FindKey( keyname); if ( keyID == noID) return false; return DeleteKeyComments( unsigned(keyID)); } string CIniFile::CheckCase( string s) const { if ( caseInsensitive) for ( string::size_type i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) s[i] = tolower(s[i]); return s; }