AboutDlg About Über Homepage: Homepage: KeePassX - Cross Platform Password Manager KeePassX - Cross-Platform Passwort Manager Email: EMail: Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Tarek Saidi Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Tarek Saidi Thanks To Dank An License Lizenz <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style=" white-space: pre-wrap; font-family:Sans Serif; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none;"><p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"></p></body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style=" white-space: pre-wrap; font-family:Sans Serif; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none;"><p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"></p></body></html> Translation Übersetzung CAboutDialog KeePassX %1 KeePassX %1 Error Fehler File '%1' could not be found. Datei '%1' konnte nicht geöffnet werden. Make sure that the program is installed correctly. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Programm korrekt installiert wurde. OK OK Could not open file '%1' Datei '%1' konnte nicht geöffnet werden. The following error occured: %1 Folgender Fehler ist aufgetreten: %1 http://keepass.berlios.de/index.php http://keepass.berlios.de/index.php CChangeKeyDlg Change Master Key Error Fehler Please enter a password. OK OK Please choose a key file. Please select a key file or enter a password. Overwrite? A file with this name already exists. Do you want to replace it? Could not open key file for writing. Key file could not be written. Password and password repetition are not equal. Please check your input. Open key file Choose Directory CDbSettingsDlg AES(Rijndael): 256 Bit (default) Twofish: 256 Bit Warning Please determine the number of encryption rounds. OK OK Error Fehler '%1' is not valid integer value. The number of encryption rounds have to be greater than 0. CEditEntryDlg Warning Password and password repetition are not equal. Please check your input. OK OK Save Attachment... Overwrite? A file with this name already exists. Do you want to replace it? Yes No Error Fehler Could not remove old file. Could not create new file. Error while writing the file. Delete Attachment? You are about to delete the attachment of this entry. Are you sure? No, Cancel Edit Entry Could not open file. CGenPwDialog Notice You need to enter at least one character OK OK Error Fehler Could not open '/dev/random' or '/dev/urandom'. CPasswordDialog No key file found No key file could be found in the chosen directory. Make sure that the volume is mounted correctly. Please use the manual file selection for key files with a filename other than 'pwsafe.key'. OK OK Browse... Open Key File Error Fehler Please enter a Password. Please choose a key file. Please enter a Password or select a key file. Open Database Select File Manually... < none > CSearchDlg Notice Please enter a search string. OK OK Search CSettingsDlg Settings ChangeKeyDialog Change Master Key Key Use password AND key file Key file or directory: Password Repetition: Password: ... &Browse... Alt+B Enter a Password and/or choose a key file. &Cancel Alt+C O&K Alt+K EditEntryDialog Edit Entry Username: Password Repet.: Title: URL: Password: Quality: Comment: Expires: Group: &Cancel Alt+C %1 Icon: % Bit Ge&n. ... O&K Alt+K Never Attachment: EditGroupDialog Group Properties Title: Icon: &Cancel Alt+C O&K Alt+K GenPwDlg Alt+U Alt+N Alt+M Alt+L Password Generator Accep&t &Cancel Generate New Password: Quality: Options &Upper Letters &Lower Letters &Numbers &Special Characters Minus U&nderline h&igher ANSI-Characters Alt+H Use &only following characters: Alt+O Length: Use "/dev/rando&m" Use follo&wing character groups: Alt+W White &Spaces Alt+S KeepassEntryView Title Username URL Password Comments Expires Creation Last Change Last Access Attachment KeepassGroupView Search Results Groups KeepassMainWindow Ctrl+N Ctrl+O Ctrl+S Ctrl+G Ctrl+C Ctrl+B Ctrl+U Ctrl+Y Ctrl+E Ctrl+D Ctrl+K Ctrl+F Ctrl+W Shift+Ctrl+S Shift+Ctrl+F Keepass - %1 Unknown error in PwDatabase::loadDatabase() Error Fehler The following error occured while opening the database: %1 OK OK Save modified file? The current file was modified. Do you want to save the changes? Yes No Cancel KeePassX - %1 <B>Group: </B>%1 <B>Title: </B>%2 <B>Username: </B>%3 <B>URL: </B><a href=%4>%4</a> <B>Password: </B>%5 <B>Creation: </B>%6 <B>Last Change: </B>%7 <B>LastAccess: </B>%8 <B>Expires: </B>%9 Clone Entry Delete Entry Clone Entries Delete Entries File could not be saved. %1 Save Database As... Ready [new] Open Database... MainWindow KeePassX File Import from... View Columns Extras Help New Database... Open Database... Close Database Save Database Save Database As... Database Settings... Change Master Key... Exit PwManager File (*.pwm) KWallet XML-File (*.xml) Add New Group... Edit Group... Delete Group Copy Password to Clipboard Copy Username to Clipboard Open URL Save Attachment As... Add New Entry... View/Edit Entry... Delete Entry Clone Entry Search In Database... Search in this group... Show Toolbar Show Entry Details Hide Usernames Hide Passwords Title Username URL Password Comment Expires Creation Last Change Last Access Attachment Settings... About... Edit Show Statusbar PasswordDlg TextLabel OK OK ... Cancel Enter a Password and/or choose a key file. Key Password: Key file or directory: &Browse... Alt+B Use Password AND Key File PwDatabase Unknown Error Unexpected file size (DB_TOTAL_SIZE < DB_HEADER_SIZE) Wrong Signature Unsupported File Version Unknown Encryption Algorithm AES-Init Failed Decryption failed. The key is wrong or the file is damaged Hash test failed. The key is wrong or the file is damaged Unexpected error: Offset is out of range. [G1] Unexpected error: Offset is out of range. [G2] Unexpected error: Offset is out of range. [E1] Unexpected error: Offset is out of range. [E2] Unexpected error: Offset is out of range. [E3] QObject Warning Could not save configuration file. Make sure you have write access to '~/.keepass'. OK OK File '%1' could not be found. Datei '%1' konnte nicht geöffnet werden. File not found. Could not open file. Datei ist leer File is no valid PwManager file. Unsupported file version. Unsupported hash algorithm. Unsupported encryption algorithm. Compressed files are not supported yet. Wrong password. File is damaged (hash test failed). Invalid XML data (see stdout for details). File is empty. Invalid XML file (see stdout for details). Invalid XML file. Document does not contain data. Warnung: ungültiger RGB-Farbwert. Error Fehler Search_Dlg Alt+T Alt+U A&nhang Alt+N Alt+W Alt+C Search... Search For: Regular E&xpression Alt+X &Case Sensitive Include: &Titles &Usernames C&omments Alt+O U&RLs Alt+R Pass&words Search Clo&se Alt+S Include Subgroups (recursive) SettingsDialog Alt+Ö O&K Alt+K Alt+C Settings &Cancel Securi&try Clear clipboard after: Seconds Sh&ow passwords in plain text by default Alt+O Appea&rance Banner Color Text Color: Change... Color 2: C&hange... Alt+H Color 1: Expand group tree when opening a database &Other Remember last opend file Browser Command: SimplePasswordDialog O&K Alt+K Alt+C ... Enter your Password Password: &Cancel dbsettingdlg_base Database Settings Encryption Algorithm: ? Encryption Rounds: O&K Ctrl+K &Cancel Ctrl+C