AboutDialog$TRANSLATION_AUTHOR$TRANSLATION_AUTHOR_EMAILHere you can enter your email or homepage if you want.Information on how to translate KeePassX can be found under:TeamDeveloper, Project AdminWeb DesignerDeveloperThanks ToPatches for better MacOS X supportMain Application IconVarious fixes and improvementsErrorFile '%1' could not be found.Make sure that the program is installed correctly.OKCurrent TranslationNonePlease replace 'None' with the language of your translationAuthorAboutDlgAboutAppNameAppFunchttp://keepassx.sourceforge.netkeepassx@gmail.comCreditsTranslationLicenseCopyright (C) 2005 - 2008 KeePassX Team
KeePassX is distributed under the terms of the
General Public License (GPL) version 2.AddBookmarkDlgAdd BookmarkTitle:File:Browse...Edit BookmarkKeePass Databases (*.kdb)All Files (*)AutoTypeMore than one 'Auto-Type:' key sequence found.
Allowed is only one per entry.Syntax Error in Auto-Type sequence near character %1
Found '{' without closing '}'Auto-Type string contains invalid charactersAutoTypeDlgKeePassX - Auto-TypeClick on an entry to auto-type it.GroupTitleUsernameAuto-TypeCDbSettingsDlgSettingsAES(Rijndael): 256 Bit (default)Twofish: 256 BitWarningPlease determine the number of encryption rounds.OKError'%1' is not valid integer value.The number of encryption rounds have to be greater than 0.CEditEntryDlgToday1 Week2 Weeks3 Weeks1 Month3 Months6 Months1 YearCalendar...%1 BitEdit EntryWarningPassword and password repetition are not equal.
Please check your input.OK[Untitled Entry]Add Attachment...ErrorCould not open file.The chosen entry has no attachment or it is empty.Save Attachment...Error while writing the file.Delete Attachment?You are about to delete the attachment of this entry.
Are you sure?YesNo, CancelNew EntryCGenPwDialogPassword GeneratorNoticeYou need to enter at least one characterOK%1 BitsCPasswordDialogCSelectIconDlgReplace...DeleteAdd Custom IconPickAdd Icons...Images (%1)%1: File could not be loaded.ErrorAn error occured while loading the icon(s):An error occured while loading the icon.CSettingsDlgSettingsSelect a directory...Select an executable...CalendarDialogCalendarCollectEntropyDlgRandom Number GeneratorCollecting entropy...
Please move the mouse and/or press some keys until enought entropy for a reseed of the random number generator is collected.<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600; color:#006400;">Random pool successfully reseeded!</span></p></body></html>Entropy CollectionCustomizeDetailViewDialogDialogRich Text EditorBoldBItalicIUnderlinedULeft-AlignedLCenteredCRight-AlignedRJustifiedText ColorFont Size67891011121416182022242628364278TemplatesTHTMLGroupTitleUsernamePasswordUrlCommentAttachment NameCreation DateLast Access DateLast Modification DateExpiration DateTime till ExpirationDatabaseNeverDatabaseSettingsDlgDatabase SettingsEncryptionAlgorithm:Encryption Rounds:Calculate rounds for a 1-second delay on this computerDetailViewTemplateGroupTitleUsernamePasswordURLCreationLast AccessLast ModificationExpirationCommentEditEntryDialogEdit EntryGe&n.Quality:Attachment:Title:Username:Comment:%1URL:Group:Password Repet.:Password:Expires:Never%1 BitIcon:EditGroupDialogGroup PropertiesIcon:Title:>ExpiredEntriesDialogExpired EntriesDouble click on an entry to jump to it.GroupTitleUsernameExpiredExpired Entries in the DatabaseExport_KeePassX_XmlKeePassX XML FileXML Files (*.xml)All Files (*)Export_TxtText FileAll Files (*)Text Files (*.txt)ExporterBaseImport File...Export FailedFileErrorsNo error occurred.An error occurred while reading from the file.An error occurred while writing to the file.A fatal error occurred.An resource error occurred.The file could not be opened.The operation was aborted.A timeout occurred.An unspecified error occurred.The file could not be removed.The file could not be renamed.The position in the file could not be changed.The file could not be resized.The file could not be accessed.The file could not be copied.GenPwDlgPassword GeneratorOptionsUse follo&wing character groups:Alt+W&Lower LettersAlt+LU&nderlineAlt+N&NumbersWhite &SpacesAlt+S&Upper LettersAlt+UMinus&Special CharactersUse &only following characters:Alt+OLength:Quality:Enable entropy collectionAlt+MCollect only once per sessionNew Password:GenerateImport_KWalletXmlXML Files (*.xml)All Files (*)Import FailedInvalid XML data (see stdout for details).Invalid XML file.Document does not contain data.Import_KeePassX_XmlKeePass XML Files (*.xml)All Files (*)Import FailedXML parsing error on line %1 column %2:
%3Parsing error: File is no valid KeePassX XML file.Import_PwManagerPwManager Files (*.pwm)All Files (*)Import FailedFile is empty.File is no valid PwManager file.Unsupported file version.Unsupported hash algorithm.Unsupported encryption algorithm.Compressed files are not supported yet.Wrong password.File is damaged (hash test failed).Invalid XML data (see stdout for details).ImporterBaseImport File...Import FailedKdb3DatabaseCould not open file.Unexpected file size (DB_TOTAL_SIZE < DB_HEADER_SIZE)Wrong SignatureUnsupported File Version.Unknown Encryption Algorithm.Decryption failed.
The key is wrong or the file is damaged.Hash test failed.
The key is wrong or the file is damaged.Unexpected error: Offset is out of range.Invalid group tree.Key file is empty.The database must contain at least one group.Could not open file for writing.Kdb3Database::EntryHandleBytesKiBMiBGiBKeepassEntryViewDelete?ErrorAt least one group must exist before adding an entry.OKTitleUsernameURLPasswordCommentsExpiresCreationLast ChangeLast AccessAttachmentGroupAre you sure you want to delete this entry?Are you sure you want to delete these %1 entries?KeepassGroupViewSearch ResultsDelete?Are you sure you want to delete this group, all it's child groups and all their entries?KeepassMainWindowReadyLockedUnlockedCtrl+OCtrl+SCtrl+LCtrl+QCtrl+GCtrl+CCtrl+BCtrl+UCtrl+YCtrl+ECtrl+DCtrl+KCtrl+FCtrl+VCtrl+WShift+Ctrl+SShift+Ctrl+FErrorThe database file does not exist.Loading Database...Loading FailedUnknown error while loading database.The following error occured while opening the database:Save modified file?The current file was modified. Do you want
to save the changes?newOpen Database...KeePass Databases (*.kdb)All Files (*)Expired1 Month%1 Months1 Year%1 Years1 Day%1 Daysless than 1 dayClone EntryDelete EntryClone EntriesDelete EntriesFile could not be saved.Save Database...Un&lock Workspace&Lock WorkspaceShow &ToolbarCtrl+NCtrl+PCtrl+XMainErrorFile '%1' could not be found.OKMainWindowKeePassXGroups&Help&File&Export to...&Import from...&Edit&ViewE&xtras&Open Database...&Close Database&Save DatabaseSave Database &As...&Database Settings...Change &Master Key...&Lock Workspace&Settings...&About...&KeePassX Handbook...HideStandard KeePass Single User Database (*.kdb)Advanced KeePassX Database (*.kxdb)Recycle Bin...&BookmarksToolbar &Icon Size&Columns&Manage Bookmarks...&Quit&Add New Group...&Edit Group...&Delete GroupCopy Password &to ClipboardCopy &Username to Clipboard&Open URL&Save Attachment As...Add &New Entry...&View/Edit Entry...De&lete Entry&Clone EntrySearch &in Database...Search in this &Group...Show &Entry DetailsHide &UsernamesHide &Passwords&TitleUser&name&URL&Password&CommentE&xpiresC&reation&Last ChangeLast &AccessA&ttachmentShow &Statusbar&Perform AutoType&16x16&22x222&8x28&New Database...&Password Generator...&Group (search results only)Show &Expired Entries...&Add Bookmark...Bookmark &this Database...ManageBookmarksDlgManage BookmarksPasswordDialogEnter Master KeySet Master KeyChange Master KeyDatabase KeyLast FileSelect a Key FileAll Files (*)Key Files (*.key)Please enter a Password or select a key file.Please enter a Password.Please provide a key file.%1:
No such file or directory.The selected key file or directory is not readable.The given directory does not contain any key files.The given directory contains more then one key files.
Please specify the key file directly.%1:
File is not readable.Create Key File...PasswordDlgLast FileEnter a Password and/or choose a key file.KeyPassword:&Browse...Alt+BKey File:Generate Key File...Please repeat your password:BackPasswords are not equal.QObjectCould not locate library file.SearchDialogSearchSearch_DlgSearch...Include:Pass&wordsAlt+WA&nhangAlt+NU&RLsAlt+RC&ommentsAlt+O&UsernamesAlt+U&TitlesAlt+T&Case SensitiveAlt+CRegular E&xpressionAlt+XInclude Subgroups (recursive)Search For:SelectIconDlgIcon SelectionSettingsDialogSettingsThe integration plugins provide features like usage of the native file dialogs and message boxes of the particular desktop environments.GeneralShow system tray iconMinimize to tray instead of taskbarMinimize to tray when clicking the main window's close buttonRemember last opened fileAlt+ÖRemember last key type and locationStart minimizedStart lockedSave recent directories of file dialogsClear History NowAlways ask before deleting entries or groupsAppea&ranceBanner ColorText Color:Change...Color 2:C&hange...Alt+HColor 1:Alternating Row ColorsCustomize Entry Detail View...Group tree at start-up:Restore last stateExpand all itemsDo not expand any itemSecurityEdit Entry DialogAlt+OClear clipboard after:Lock workspace when minimizing the main windowFeaturesYou can disable several features of KeePassX here according to your needs in order to keep the user interface slim.BookmarksDesktop IntegrationPlug-InsNoneGnome Desktop Integration (Gtk 2.x)KDE 4 Desktop IntegrationYou need to restart the program before the changes take effect.Configure...AdvancedAuto-Type Fine TuningTime between the activation of an auto-type action by the user and the first simulated key stroke.msPre-Gap:Key Stroke Delay:Delay between two simulated key strokes. Increase this if Auto-Type is randomly skipping characters.Custom Browser CommandBrowseMedia Root:The directory where storage devices like CDs and memory sticks are normally mounted.Browse...Enable this if you want to use your bookmarks and the last opened file independet from their absolute paths. This is especially useful when using KeePassX portably and therefore with changing mount points in the file system.Save relative paths (bookmarks and last file)Global Auto-Type Shortcut:Automatically save database on exit and workspace lockingShow plain text passwords in:Database Key DialogsecondsLock database after inactivity ofUse entries' title to match the window for Global Auto-TypeShortcutWidgetCtrlShiftAltAltGrWinSimplePasswordDialogEnter your PasswordPassword:WorkspaceLockedWidgetForm<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
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</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:10pt; font-weight:600;">The workspace is locked.</span></p></body></html>UnlockClose Database