--------------- 0.2.1 --------------- -Auto-Type -Custom Icons Extension -when saving an attachment the original filename is adopted by the file dialog --------------- 0.2.0 --------------- -ported whole application from Qt3 to Qt4 (better performance, less memory usage, ready for KDE4) -improved Mac OS X support -added Drag&Drop support -multiple seclection mode for entries -improved loading performance for large databases -faster in-memory encryption -search field in toolbar now works -mainwindow size, splitter position and column sizes are restored at start-up -added option for alternating row colors -improved key/password dialog -removed language dialog - program now uses system's default language -loading translation files for Qt (e.g. file dialogs) -added text export function -added option "Never" for expire dates. -fixed problem with hex. key files -fixed problem with damaged file attachments after various entry operations -fixed segmentation fault when using new icons with higher index -fixed error when saving empty databases