Tarek Saidi MainWindow 0 0 724 468 true KeePassX 9 6 7 7 0 60 Qt::Horizontal false 7 7 30 0 true true false false 7 7 70 0 QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection false true false 7 4 0 10 16777215 60 true 0 0 724 27 Help File Import from... Export to... Extras Edit View Columns Type Here Toolbar Icon Size New Database... Open Database... Close Database Save Database Save Database As... Database Settings... Change Master Key... Exit PwManager File (*.pwm) KWallet XML-File (*.xml) Add New Group... Edit Group... Delete Group Copy Password to Clipboard Copy Username to Clipboard Open URL Save Attachment As... Add New Entry... View/Edit Entry... Delete Entry Clone Entry Search In Database... Search in this group... true Show Toolbar true Show Entry Details true Hide Usernames true Hide Passwords true Title true Username true URL true Password true Comment true Expires true Creation true Last Change true Last Access true Attachment Settings... About... true Show Statusbar KeePassX Handbook... Plain Text (*.txt) Hide Perform AutoType 16x16 22x22 28x28 KeepassGroupView QTreeWidget
KeepassEntryView QTreeWidget