diff --git a/src/src.pro b/src/src.pro
index 9107bc0..0889bc8 100755
--- a/src/src.pro
+++ b/src/src.pro
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ FORMS += forms/EditGroupDlg.ui \
TRANSLATIONS += translations/keepass-de_DE.ts \
translations/keepass-ru_RU.ts \
+ translations/keepass-es_ES.ts \
HEADERS += lib/IniReader.h \
lib/UrlLabel.h \
diff --git a/src/translations/keepass-es_ES.ts b/src/translations/keepass-es_ES.ts
index 7f467c5..ae06b05 100644
--- a/src/translations/keepass-es_ES.ts
+++ b/src/translations/keepass-es_ES.ts
@@ -13,32 +13,34 @@
Acerca de
- Homepage:
- Web:
+ Thanks To
+ Agradecimientos
- KeePassX - Cross Platform Password Manager
- KeePassX - Gestor de Contraseñas Multi-Plataforma
+ License
+ Licencia
- Email:
- Email:
+ Translation
+ Traducción
- Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Tarek Saidi
- Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Tarek Saidi
+ <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style=" white-space: pre-wrap; font-family:Sans Serif; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none;"><p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:12pt; font-weight:600;">KeePassX</span> - Cross Platform Password Manager</p></body></html>
- Thanks To
- Agradecimientos
+ Copyright (C) 2005 - 2006 Tarek Saidi
+KeePassX is distributed under the terms of the
+General Public License (GPL) version 2.
- License
- Licencia
+ tarek.saidi@arcor.de
- Translation
- Traducción
+ http://keepass.berlios.de/
@@ -101,6 +103,14 @@ http://keepass.berlios.de/translation-howto.html
Puede encontrar información sobre cómo traducir KeePassX en esta dirección:
+ Matthias Miller
+ http://www.outofhanwell.com/<br>Mac OS X Support
@@ -279,12 +289,6 @@ Are you sure?
The selected key file or directory does not exist.
El archivo de clave seleccionado o el directorio no existen.
- The selected key file or directory is not readable
-.Please check your permissions.
- El archivo de clave seleccionado o el directorio no se pueden leer.
-Compruebe sus permisos de acceso.
The given directory does not contain any key files.
El directorio no contiene ningún archivo de clave.
@@ -349,6 +353,11 @@ Do you want to replace it?
Existe un archivo con ese nombre.
¿Desea reemplazarlo?
+ The selected key file or directory is not readable.
+Please check your permissions.
@@ -574,7 +583,7 @@ Do you want to replace it?
+ Alt+M
Use &only following characters:
@@ -687,7 +696,7 @@ Do you want to replace it?
+ Ctrl+C
@@ -711,7 +720,7 @@ Do you want to replace it?
+ Ctrl+A
@@ -733,10 +742,6 @@ Do you want to replace it?
Keepass - %1
- Unknown error in PwDatabase::loadDatabase()
- Error desconocido en PwDatabase::loadDatabase()
@@ -849,6 +854,10 @@ to save the changes?
Unknown error in Import_KWalletXml::importFile()
Error desconocido en Import_KWalletXml::importFile()
+ Unknown error in PwDatabase::openDatabase()
@@ -1056,6 +1065,10 @@ to save the changes?
Plain Text (*.txt)
Texto Plano (*.txt)
+ Hide
@@ -1126,24 +1139,10 @@ to save the changes?
Wrong Signature
Firma Incorrecta
- Unsupported File Version
- Version de Archivo no soportada
- Unknown Encryption Algorithm
- Algoritmo de Cifrado desconocido
AES-Init Failed
Falló inicialización de AES
- Decryption failed.
-The key is wrong or the file is damaged
- Descifrado fallido.
-La clave es incorrecta o el fichero está dañado
Unexpected error: Offset is out of range. [G1]
@@ -1178,6 +1177,27 @@ La clave es incorecta o el fichero está dañado.
Key file could not be written.
No se pudo escribir archivo de clave.
+ Could not open file.
+ No se pudo abrir el archivo.
+ Unsupported File Version.
+ Unknown Encryption Algorithm.
+ Decryption failed.
+The key is wrong or the file is damaged.
+ Could not open file for writing.
@@ -1207,10 +1227,6 @@ Asegúrese de tener acceso para escritura en '~/.keepass'.Could not open file.
No se pudo abrir el archivo.
- Datei ist leer
File is no valid PwManager file.
El archivo no es un archivo PwManager válido.
@@ -1260,17 +1276,17 @@ Asegúrese de tener acceso para escritura en '~/.keepass'.El documento no contiene datos.
- Warnung:
- Advertencia:
+ Error
+ Error
- ungültiger RGB-Farbwert.
- color RGB no válido.
+ Warning:
- Error
- Error
+ Invalid RGB color value.
@@ -1470,14 +1486,14 @@ Asegúrese de tener acceso para escritura en '~/.keepass'.Browse...
- Media Directory:
- Directorio de Medios:
Remember last key type and location
Recordar último tipo de clave y localización
+ Mounting Root:
diff --git a/src/translations/keepass-ru_RU.ts b/src/translations/keepass-ru_RU.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ac3946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/translations/keepass-ru_RU.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,1551 @@
+ Could not open file (FileError=%1)
+ AboutDlg
+ About
+ Thanks To
+ License
+ Translation
+ <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style=" white-space: pre-wrap; font-family:Sans Serif; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none;"><p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:12pt; font-weight:600;">KeePassX</span> - Cross Platform Password Manager</p></body></html>
+ Copyright (C) 2005 - 2006 Tarek Saidi
+KeePassX is distributed under the terms of the
+General Public License (GPL) version 2.
+ tarek.saidi@arcor.de
+ http://keepass.berlios.de/
+ CAboutDialog
+ KeePassX %1
+ Error
+ File '%1' could not be found.
+ Make sure that the program is installed correctly.
+ OK
+ Could not open file '%1'
+ The following error occured:
+ http://keepass.berlios.de/index.php
+ <b>Current Translation: None</b><br><br>
+ Please replace 'None' with the language of your translation
+ <b>Author:</b> %1<br>
+ Here you can enter your email or homepage if you want.
+ Information on how to translate KeePassX can be found under:
+ Matthias Miller
+ http://www.outofhanwell.com/<br>Mac OS X Support
+ CDbSettingsDlg
+ AES(Rijndael): 256 Bit (default)
+ Twofish: 256 Bit
+ Warning
+ Please determine the number of encryption rounds.
+ OK
+ Error
+ '%1' is not valid integer value.
+ The number of encryption rounds have to be greater than 0.
+ CEditEntryDlg
+ Warning
+ Password and password repetition are not equal.
+Please check your input.
+ OK
+ Save Attachment...
+ Overwrite?
+ A file with this name already exists.
+Do you want to replace it?
+ Yes
+ No
+ Error
+ Could not remove old file.
+ Could not create new file.
+ Error while writing the file.
+ Delete Attachment?
+ You are about to delete the attachment of this entry.
+Are you sure?
+ No, Cancel
+ Edit Entry
+ Could not open file.
+ CGenPwDialog
+ Notice
+ You need to enter at least one character
+ OK
+ Error
+ Could not open '/dev/random' or '/dev/urandom'.
+ CPasswordDialog
+ OK
+ Error
+ Please enter a Password.
+ Please choose a key file.
+ Please enter a Password or select a key file.
+ Database Key
+ Select a Key File
+ *.key
+ Unexpected Error: File does not exist.
+ The selected key file or directory does not exist.
+ The given directory does not contain any key files.
+ The given directory contains more then one key file.
+Please specify the key file directly.
+ The key file found in the given directory is not readable.
+Please check your permissions.
+ Key file could not be found.
+ Key file is not readable.
+Please check your permissions.
+ Warning
+ Password an password repetition are not equal.
+Please check your input.
+ Please enter a password or select a key file.
+ A file with the name 'pwsafe.key' already exisits in the given directory.
+Do you want to replace it?
+ Yes
+ No
+ The exisiting file is not writable.
+ A file with the this name already exisits.
+Do you want to replace it?
+ The selected key file or directory is not readable.
+Please check your permissions.
+ CSearchDlg
+ Notice
+ Please enter a search string.
+ OK
+ Search
+ CSettingsDlg
+ Settings
+ Select a directory...
+ EditEntryDialog
+ Edit Entry
+ Username:
+ Password Repet.:
+ Title:
+ URL:
+ Password:
+ Quality:
+ Comment:
+ Expires:
+ Group:
+ &Cancel
+ Alt+C
+ %1
+ Icon:
+ % Bit
+ Ge&n.
+ ...
+ O&K
+ Alt+K
+ Never
+ Attachment:
+ EditGroupDialog
+ Group Properties
+ Title:
+ Icon:
+ &Cancel
+ Alt+C
+ O&K
+ Alt+K
+ GenPwDlg
+ Alt+U
+ Alt+N
+ Alt+M
+ Alt+L
+ Password Generator
+ Accep&t
+ &Cancel
+ Generate
+ New Password:
+ Quality:
+ Options
+ &Upper Letters
+ &Lower Letters
+ &Numbers
+ &Special Characters
+ Minus
+ U&nderline
+ h&igher ANSI-Characters
+ Alt+H
+ Use &only following characters:
+ Alt+O
+ Length:
+ Use "/dev/rando&m"
+ Use follo&wing character groups:
+ Alt+W
+ White &Spaces
+ Alt+S
+ KeepassEntryView
+ Title
+ Username
+ Password
+ Comments
+ Expires
+ Creation
+ Last Change
+ Last Access
+ Attachment
+ %1 items
+ KeepassGroupView
+ Search Results
+ Groups
+ KeepassMainWindow
+ Ctrl+N
+ Ctrl+O
+ Ctrl+S
+ Ctrl+G
+ Ctrl+C
+ Ctrl+B
+ Ctrl+U
+ Ctrl+Y
+ Ctrl+E
+ Ctrl+D
+ Ctrl+K
+ Ctrl+F
+ Ctrl+W
+ Shift+Ctrl+S
+ Shift+Ctrl+F
+ Keepass - %1
+ Error
+ The following error occured while opening the database:
+ OK
+ Save modified file?
+ The current file was modified. Do you want
+to save the changes?
+ Yes
+ No
+ Cancel
+ KeePassX - %1
+ <B>Group: </B>%1 <B>Title: </B>%2 <B>Username: </B>%3 <B>URL: </B><a href=%4>%4</a> <B>Password: </B>%5 <B>Creation: </B>%6 <B>Last Change: </B>%7 <B>LastAccess: </B>%8 <B>Expires: </B>%9
+ Clone Entry
+ Delete Entry
+ Clone Entries
+ Delete Entries
+ File could not be saved.
+ Save Database As...
+ Ready
+ [new]
+ Open Database...
+ Loading Database...
+ Loading Failed
+ Could not create key file. The following error occured:
+ Export To...
+ KeePassX [new]
+ Unknown error in Import_PwManager::importFile()()
+ Unknown error in Import_KWalletXml::importFile()
+ Unknown error in PwDatabase::openDatabase()
+ MainWindow
+ KeePassX
+ File
+ Import from...
+ View
+ Columns
+ Extras
+ Help
+ New Database...
+ Open Database...
+ Close Database
+ Save Database
+ Save Database As...
+ Database Settings...
+ Change Master Key...
+ Exit
+ PwManager File (*.pwm)
+ KWallet XML-File (*.xml)
+ Add New Group...
+ Edit Group...
+ Delete Group
+ Copy Password to Clipboard
+ Copy Username to Clipboard
+ Open URL
+ Save Attachment As...
+ Add New Entry...
+ View/Edit Entry...
+ Delete Entry
+ Clone Entry
+ Search In Database...
+ Search in this group...
+ Show Toolbar
+ Show Entry Details
+ Hide Usernames
+ Hide Passwords
+ Title
+ Username
+ Password
+ Comment
+ Expires
+ Creation
+ Last Change
+ Last Access
+ Attachment
+ Settings...
+ About...
+ Edit
+ Show Statusbar
+ Export to...
+ KeePassX Handbook...
+ Plain Text (*.txt)
+ Hide
+ PasswordDlg
+ TextLabel
+ OK
+ ...
+ Cancel
+ Enter a Password and/or choose a key file.
+ Key
+ Password:
+ Key file or directory:
+ &Browse...
+ Alt+B
+ Use Password AND Key File
+ Exit
+ Password Repet.:
+ PwDatabase
+ Unknown Error
+ Unexpected file size (DB_TOTAL_SIZE < DB_HEADER_SIZE)
+ Wrong Signature
+ AES-Init Failed
+ Unexpected error: Offset is out of range. [G1]
+ Unexpected error: Offset is out of range. [G2]
+ Unexpected error: Offset is out of range. [E1]
+ Unexpected error: Offset is out of range. [E2]
+ Unexpected error: Offset is out of range. [E3]
+ Hash test failed.
+The key is wrong or the file is damaged.
+ Could not open key file.
+ Key file could not be written.
+ Could not open file.
+ Could not open file for writing.
+ Unsupported File Version.
+ Unknown Encryption Algorithm.
+ Decryption failed.
+The key is wrong or the file is damaged.
+ QObject
+ Warning
+ Could not save configuration file.
+Make sure you have write access to '~/.keepass'.
+ OK
+ File '%1' could not be found.
+ File not found.
+ Could not open file.
+ File is no valid PwManager file.
+ Unsupported file version.
+ Unsupported hash algorithm.
+ Unsupported encryption algorithm.
+ Compressed files are not supported yet.
+ Wrong password.
+ File is damaged (hash test failed).
+ Invalid XML data (see stdout for details).
+ File is empty.
+ Invalid XML file (see stdout for details).
+ Invalid XML file.
+ Document does not contain data.
+ Error
+ Warning:
+ Invalid RGB color value.
+ Search_Dlg
+ Alt+T
+ Alt+U
+ A&nhang
+ Alt+N
+ Alt+W
+ Alt+C
+ Search...
+ Search For:
+ Regular E&xpression
+ Alt+X
+ &Case Sensitive
+ Include:
+ &Titles
+ &Usernames
+ C&omments
+ Alt+O
+ U&RLs
+ Alt+R
+ Pass&words
+ Search
+ Clo&se
+ Alt+S
+ Include Subgroups (recursive)
+ SettingsDialog
+ Alt+Ö
+ O&K
+ Alt+K
+ Alt+C
+ Settings
+ &Cancel
+ Clear clipboard after:
+ Seconds
+ Sh&ow passwords in plain text by default
+ Alt+O
+ Appea&rance
+ Banner Color
+ Text Color:
+ Change...
+ Color 2:
+ C&hange...
+ Alt+H
+ Color 1:
+ Expand group tree when opening a database
+ &Other
+ Remember last opend file
+ Browser Command:
+ Securi&ty
+ Alternating Row Colors
+ Browse...
+ Remember last key type and location
+ Mounting Root:
+ SimplePasswordDialog
+ O&K
+ Alt+K
+ Alt+C
+ ...
+ Enter your Password
+ Password:
+ &Cancel
+ dbsettingdlg_base
+ Database Settings
+ Encryption
+ Algorithm:
+ ?
+ Encryption Rounds:
+ O&K
+ Ctrl+K
+ &Cancel
+ Ctrl+C