* Copyright ( C ) 2005 - 2007 by Tarek Saidi *
* tarek . saidi @ arcor . de *
* *
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation ; version 2 of the License . *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details . *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program ; if not , write to the *
* Free Software Foundation , Inc . , *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 , USA . *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# include "AboutDlg.h"
AboutDialog : : AboutDialog ( QWidget * parent ) : QDialog ( parent )
setupUi ( this ) ;
createBanner ( & BannerPixmap , getPixmap ( " keepassx_large " ) , QString ( " %1 %2 " ) . arg ( APP_DISPLAY_NAME , APP_VERSION ) , width ( ) ) ;
labelAppName - > setText ( APP_DISPLAY_NAME ) ;
labelAppFunc - > setText ( QString ( " - " ) . append ( APP_LONG_FUNC ) ) ;
QString AboutTr = QString ( " <b>%1: %2</b><br><br> " ) . arg ( tr ( " Current Translation " ) ) . arg ( tr ( " None " , " Please replace 'None' with the language of your translation " ) ) ;
if ( TrActive ) {
AboutTr + = QString ( " <b>%1:</b> %2<br> " ) . arg ( tr ( " Author " ) ) . arg ( tr ( " $TRANSLATION_AUTHOR " ) ) ;
QString mail = tr ( " $TRANSLATION_AUTHOR_EMAIL " , " Here you can enter your email or homepage if you want. " ) ;
if ( ! mail . isEmpty ( ) ) {
AboutTr + = mail + " <br> " ;
AboutTr + = " <br> " ;
Edit_Translation - > setHtml ( AboutTr + tr ( " Information on how to translate KeePassX can be found under: " )
+ " <br>http://www.keepassx.org/ " ) ;
QString str ;
str + = " <b> " + tr ( " Team " ) + " </b><br> " ;
str + = " <div style='margin-left:10px;'> " ;
str + = " <u>Tarek Saidi</u><br> " + tr ( " Developer, Project Admin " ) + " <br>tarek_saidi@users.sf.net<br> " ;
str + = " <br> " ;
str + = " <u>Eugen Gorschenin</u><br> " + tr ( " Web Designer " ) + " <br>geugen@users.sf.de<br> " ;
str + = " <br> " ;
str + = " <u>Juan J González Cárdenas [Jota Jota]</u><br> " + tr ( " Developer " ) + " <br>myxelf@users.sf.net<br> " ;
str + = " <br> " ;
str + = " <u>Felix Geyer</u><br> " + tr ( " Developer " ) + " <br>sniperbeamer@users.sf.net<br> " ;
str + = " </div><br><div style='margin-left:0px;'> " ;
str + = " <b> " + tr ( " Thanks To " ) + " </b><br> " ;
str + = " </div><div style='margin-left:10px;'> " ;
str + = " <u>Matthias Miller</u><br> " + tr ( " Patches for better MacOS X support " ) + " <br>www.outofhanwell.com<br></div> " ;
str + = " <br> " ;
str + = " <u>James Nicholls</u><br> " + tr ( " Main Application Icon " ) /*+"<br>"+tr("mailto:???")*/ + " <br></div> " ;
str + = " <br> " ;
str + = " <u>Constantin Makshin</u><br> " + tr ( " Various fixes and improvements " ) + " <br>dinosaur-rus@users.sourceforge.net<br></div> " ;
Edit_Thanks - > setHtml ( str ) ;
QFile gpl ( DataDir + " /license.html " ) ;
if ( ! gpl . open ( QIODevice : : ReadOnly ) ) {
QMessageBox : : critical ( this , tr ( " Error " ) , tr ( " File '%1' could not be found. " )
. arg ( " 'license.html' " ) + " \n " + tr ( " Make sure that the program is installed correctly. " )
, tr ( " OK " ) , 0 , 0 , 2 , 1 ) ;
Edit_License - > setHtml ( QString : : fromUtf8 ( gpl . readAll ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( ButtonBox , SIGNAL ( accepted ( ) ) , SLOT ( close ( ) ) ) ;
void AboutDialog : : paintEvent ( QPaintEvent * event ) {
QDialog : : paintEvent ( event ) ;
QPainter painter ( this ) ;
painter . setClipRegion ( event - > region ( ) ) ;
painter . drawPixmap ( QPoint ( 0 , 0 ) , BannerPixmap ) ;