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171 lines
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171 lines
6.3 KiB
IP Reg, a PHP/MySQL IPAM tool
Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Wietse Warendorff (up to v0.5)
Copyright (C) 2011-2023 Thomas Hooge
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
if (! include("config.php")) {
echo "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>IP Reg</title></head><body>\n";
echo "<h1>IP Reg</h1><h2>No configuration</h2>\n";
echo '<p>Error loading configuration.';
echo 'Please <a href="install">check your installation</a>.', "</p>\n";
echo "</body></html>\n";
// connect to database
$dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=$config_mysql_host;dbname=$config_mysql_dbname;charset=utf8", $config_mysql_username, $config_mysql_password);
include("lib.php"); // for smarty e.g.
// ========== LOGIN FUNCTIONS =================================================
function check_ldap_bind($user_name, $user_pass) {
global $config_ldap_host;
global $config_ldap_port;
global $config_ldap_base_dn;
global $config_ldap_bind_dn;
global $config_ldap_bind_pass;
global $config_ldap_login_attr;
$ldap_conn = NULL;
foreach ($config_ldap_host as $server) {
if ($ldap_conn = ldap_connect($server, $config_ldap_port)) {
if ($res = ldap_bind($ldap_conn, $config_ldap_bind_dn, $config_ldap_bind_pass)) {
ldap_set_option($ldap_conn, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0);
ldap_set_option($ldap_conn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
$filter = "(&(objectClass=user)($config_ldap_login_attr=$user_name))";
$res = ldap_search($ldap_conn, $config_ldap_base_dn, $filter, ['dn']);
if ($res) {
$info = ldap_get_entries($ldap_conn, $res);
$user_dn = $info[0]['dn'];
$res = @ldap_bind($ldap_conn, $user_dn, $user_pass);
if ($res) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
function user_login ($user_name, $user_pass) {
global $dbh;
if (strlen($user_name) < 1) {
return FALSE;
if (strlen($user_pass) < 1) {
return FALSE;
$sql = "SELECT user_id, user_pass, user_displayname, user_language,
user_imagesize, user_imagecount, user_mac, user_dateformat,
user_dns1suffix, user_dns2suffix, user_tooltips,
user_menu, user_role, user_flags, user_realm
FROM user
WHERE user_name=?";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
if (!$user = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
// no user record found
return FALSE;
if ($user->user_realm == 'ldap') {
// check LDAP auth
if (! check_ldap_bind($user_name, $user_pass)) {
return FALSE;
// TODO sync LDAP data to local
} else {
// compare local passwords
if (strcmp(md5($user_pass), rtrim($user->user_pass)) != 0) {
// password does not match with md5, check if new hash matches
// For future expansion: $pwd_peppered = hash_hmac('sha256', $user_pass, $config_pepper);
if (! password_verify($user_pass, $user->user_pass)) {
return FALSE;
} else {
// md5 match but outdated. rewrite with new algo
$sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE user SET user_pass=? WHERE user_id=?");
$newhash = password_hash($user_pass, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
$sth->execute([$newhash, $user->user_id]);
// all ok: user is logged in, register session data
$_SESSION['suser_id'] = $user->user_id;
$_SESSION['suser_realm'] = $user->user_realm;
$_SESSION['suser_displayname'] = $user->user_displayname;
$_SESSION['suser_language'] = $user->user_language;
$_SESSION['suser_imagesize'] = $user->user_imagesize;
$_SESSION['suser_imagecount'] = $user->user_imagecount;
$_SESSION['suser_mac'] = $user->user_mac;
$_SESSION['suser_dateformat'] = $user->user_dateformat;
$_SESSION['suser_dns1suffix'] = $user->user_dns1suffix;
$_SESSION['suser_dns2suffix'] = $user->user_dns2suffix;
$_SESSION['suser_tooltips'] = $user->user_tooltips;
$roles = explode(',', $user->user_role);
if (in_array('admin', $roles)) {
// admin means everything!
$roles = ['add', 'edit', 'delete', 'manage', 'admin'];
$_SESSION['suser_role_admin'] = true;
$_SESSION['suser_role_add'] = in_array('add', $roles);
$_SESSION['suser_role_edit'] = in_array('edit', $roles);
$_SESSION['suser_role_delete'] = in_array('delete', $roles);
$_SESSION['suser_role_manage'] = in_array('manage', $roles);
$menu = explode(',', $user->user_menu);
$_SESSION['suser_menu_assets'] = in_array('asset', $menu);
$_SESSION['suser_menu_assetclasses'] = in_array('class', $menu);
$_SESSION['suser_menu_assetclassgroups'] = in_array('group', $menu);
$_SESSION['suser_menu_cables'] = in_array('cable', $menu);
$_SESSION['suser_menu_locations'] = in_array('location', $menu);
$_SESSION['suser_menu_nodes'] = in_array('node', $menu);
$_SESSION['suser_menu_nats'] = in_array('nat', $menu);
$_SESSION['suser_menu_subnets'] = in_array('subnet', $menu);
$_SESSION['suser_menu_vlans'] = in_array('vlan', $menu);
$_SESSION['suser_menu_zones'] = in_array('zone', $menu);
return TRUE;
// No header included, this page has no menu
// ========== LOGIN: HERE BE DRAGONS ==========================================
$language = lang_getfrombrowser($config_lang, $config_lang_default);
include('lang/' . $language . '.php');
$user_name = sanitize($_POST['user_name']);
$user_pass = sanitize($_POST['user_pass']);
if (user_login($user_name, $user_pass) == TRUE) {
header_location($_SESSION['prelogin'] ?? 'index.php');
} else {
$_SESSION = array();
$smarty->assign("config_version", $config_version);