. For more information, visit http://sourceforge.net/projects/ipreg, or contact me at wietsew@users.sourceforge.net *****************************************************************************/ // start page // includes include("includes.php"); // get id $location_id = sanitize($_GET['location_id']); // start output include("header.php"); // set language variables $smarty->assign($lang); // setup location // build query $query = "SELECT location_name, location_parent, location_info, location_sort FROM location WHERE location.location_id=" . $location_id; // run query $location = $db->db_select($query); // get parent $location_parent = $location[0]['location_parent']; // send to tpl $smarty->assign("location_id", $location_id); $smarty->assign("location_name", $location[0]['location_name']); $smarty->assign("location_info", $location[0]['location_info']); $smarty->assign("location_sort", $location[0]['location_sort']); // setup parent location // look for locations // build query $query = "SELECT location.location_id AS location_id, location.location_name AS location_name, location.location_parent AS location_parent FROM location ORDER BY location.location_name"; // run query $locations = $db->db_select($query); // count results $location_counter = count($locations); // counter to tpl $smarty->assign("location_counter", $location_counter); // any loactions? if ($location_counter>0) { // get objects foreach($locations AS $location) { // create arrays $location_names[$location['location_id']] = $location['location_name']; $parents[$location['location_parent']][] = $location['location_id']; } } // look for parents // function to look for parents and create a new array for every child function location($parents, $parent = 0) { // loop array to check foreach($parents[$parent] as $child) { if(isset($parents[$child])) { // element has children $children[$child] = location($parents, $child); } else { // no children, set NULL $children[$child] = NULL; } } // and again... return $children; } // recursive children check to template function checkchildren($locations, $level) { global $location_options; global $location_names; global $location_parent; foreach ($locations as $parent=>$child) { $row = str_repeat("-  ", $level) . $location_names[$parent]; $location_options[$parent] = $row; if(isset($child)) { checkchildren($child, $level+1); } } } $tree = location($parents); $location_options = array(0 => '-'); checkchildren($tree, 0); $smarty->assign("location_options", $location_options); $smarty->assign("location_parent", $location_parent); // end page // output $smarty->display("locationedit.tpl"); // end output include("footer.php"); ?>