IP Reg Installation 1. Install requirements IP Reg version 0.6 and up depends on smarty template engine. In Debian install it with: "apt-get install smarty3". The PHP-GD module is also required: "apt-get install php-gd". 2. Create database Create a database for IP Reg on your web server, as well as a MySQL user who has all privileges for accessing and modifying it. CREATE DATABASE ipreg; Create database-user for application with minimum necessary rights. CREATE USER 'ipreg'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '********'; GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON ipreg.* TO 'ipreg'@'localhost'; 3. Run database import Import the mysql.sql file into your database, which will create the tables mysql ipreg < mysql.sql Optional import some sample data mysql ipreg < mysql_sample.sql 4. Upload files Upload all files and directories (except the install directory) to your webserver. 5. Create and edit config file Rename sample configfile config.php-sample: mv config.php-sample config.php Open config.php in a text editor and fill in your database details. 6. Check file access rights for security Only directory tpl_c should be writeble by webserver. Configfile should be readable by webserver but not writeable. chmod 640 config.php chgrp www-data config.php chown www-data tpl_c 7. Start using IP Reg Start your browser and login to IP Reg with the default username/password: admin/admin