setvars($lang); // get string that was searched for if (empty($search)) { $tp->parse("nosearch"); $tp->hide("asset"); $tp->hide("location"); $tp->hide("node"); $tp->hide("subnet"); $tp->hide("vlan"); $tp->hide("resultcount"); } else { $tp->hide("nosearch"); // set needle and counter $needle = '%' . $search . '%'; $resultcounter = 0; // search assets $result = mysql_query("SELECT asset_id, asset_name FROM asset WHERE asset_name LIKE '$needle' OR asset_info LIKE '%$needle%' ORDER BY asset_name") or die(mysql_error()); for ($i=0;$row=mysql_fetch_object($result);$i++) { $tp->set("counter", $i+1); $tp->set("item_name", $lang['lang_assets']); $tp->set("item", "asset"); $tp->set("id", $row->asset_id); $tp->set("name", $row->asset_name); $resultcounter++; $tp->parse("row"); } if (($i>0) ? $tp->parse("asset") : $tp->hide("asset")); $tp->clear("row"); // search locations $result = mysql_query("SELECT location_id, location_name FROM location WHERE location_name LIKE '$needle' OR location_info LIKE '%$needle%' ORDER BY location_name") or die(mysql_error()); for ($i=0;$row=mysql_fetch_object($result);$i++) { $tp->set("counter", $i+1); $tp->set("item_name", $lang['lang_locations']); $tp->set("item", "location"); $tp->set("id", $row->location_id); $tp->set("name", $row->location_name); $resultcounter++; $tp->parse("row"); } if (($i>0) ? $tp->parse("location") : $tp->hide("location")); $tp->clear("row"); // search node $result = mysql_query("SELECT node_id, ip FROM node WHERE ip LIKE '$needle' OR mac LIKE '$needle' OR dns1 LIKE '$needle' OR dns2 LIKE '$needle' OR node_info LIKE '$needle' ORDER BY ip") or die(mysql_error()); for ($i=0;$row=mysql_fetch_object($result);$i++) { $tp->set("counter", $i+1); $tp->set("item_name", $lang['lang_nodes']); $tp->set("item", "node"); $tp->set("id", $row->node_id); $tp->set("name", $row->ip); $resultcounter++; $tp->parse("row"); } if (($i>0) ? $tp->parse("node") : $tp->hide("node")); $tp->clear("row"); // search subnet $result = mysql_query("SELECT subnet_id, subnet_address FROM subnet WHERE subnet_address LIKE '$needle' OR subnet_info LIKE '%$needle%' ORDER BY INET_ATON(subnet_address)") or die(mysql_error()); for ($i=0;$row=mysql_fetch_object($result);$i++) { $tp->set("counter", $i+1); $tp->set("item_name", $lang['lang_subnets']); $tp->set("item", "subnet"); $tp->set("id", $row->subnet_id); $tp->set("name", $row->subnet_address); $resultcounter++; $tp->parse("row"); } if (($i>0) ? $tp->parse("subnet") : $tp->hide("subnet")); $tp->clear("row"); // search vlan $result = mysql_query("SELECT vlan_id, vlan_name FROM vlan WHERE vlan_name LIKE '$needle' OR vlan_info LIKE '%$needle%' ORDER BY vlan_name") or die(mysql_error()); for ($i=0;$row=mysql_fetch_object($result);$i++) { $tp->set("counter", $i+1); $tp->set("item_name", $lang['lang_vlans']); $tp->set("item", "vlan"); $tp->set("id", $row->vlan_id); $tp->set("name", $row->vlan_name); $resultcounter++; $tp->parse("row"); } if (($i>0) ? $tp->parse("vlan") : $tp->hide("vlan")); $tp->clear("row"); $tp->set("resultcounter", $resultcounter); $tp->parse("resultcount"); } // output $tp->parse(); $tp->spit(); include("footer.php"); ?>