'IP Reg',
'lang_asset' => 'Asset',
'lang_assets' => 'Assets',
'lang_assetclass' => 'Assetclass',
'lang_assetclasses' => 'Assetclasses',
'lang_assetclassgroup' => 'Assetclassgroup',
'lang_assetclassgroups' => 'Assetclassgroups',
'lang_cable' => 'Cable',
'lang_cables' => 'Cables',
'lang_location' => 'Location',
'lang_locations' => 'Locations',
'lang_menu' => 'Menu',
'lang_nat' => 'NAT',
'lang_nats' => 'NATs',
'lang_node' => 'Node',
'lang_nodes' => 'Nodes',
'lang_user' => 'User',
'lang_users' => 'Users',
'lang_zone' => 'Zone',
'lang_zones' => 'Zones',
'lang_sublocation' => 'Sub-location',
'lang_sublocations' => 'Sub-locations',
'lang_subnet' => 'Subnet',
'lang_subnets' => 'Subnets',
'lang_tooltips' => 'Tooltips',
'lang_vlan' => 'VLAN',
'lang_vlans' => 'VLANs',
'lang_about' => 'About',
'lang_all' => 'All',
'lang_cancel' => 'Cancel',
'lang_color' => 'Color',
'lang_del' => 'Delete',
'lang_error' => 'Error',
'lang_item' => 'Item',
'lang_language' => 'Language',
'lang_login' => 'Login',
'lang_logout' => 'Logout',
'lang_options' => 'Options',
'lang_option_none' => '(none)',
'lang_reset' => 'Reset',
'lang_search' => 'Search',
'lang_statistics' => 'Statistics',
'lang_subitem' => 'Sub-Item',
'lang_submit' => 'Submit',
'lang_save' => 'Save',
'lang_unassigned' => 'Unassigned',
'lang_warning' => 'Warning',
'lang_description' => 'Description',
'lang_empty' => 'empty',
'lang_source' => 'Source',
'lang_target' => 'Target',
'lang_length' => 'Length',
'lang_flag_deleted' => 'deleted',
'lang_flag_reserved' => 'reserved',
'lang_asset_add' => 'Add asset',
'lang_asset_del' => 'Delete asset',
'lang_asset_edit' => 'Modify asset',
'lang_asset_info' => 'Asset info',
'lang_asset_name' => 'Asset name',
'lang_asset_hostname' => 'Hostname',
'lang_asset_none' => 'There are no assets defined',
'lang_asset_intf' => 'Number of interfaces',
'lang_asset_type' => 'Asset type',
'lang_assetclass_add' => 'Add assetclass',
'lang_assetclass_del' => 'Delete assetclass',
'lang_assetclass_edit' => 'Mofidy assetclass',
'lang_assetclass_name' => 'Assetclass name',
'lang_assetclass_count' => '# Assets',
'lang_assetclass_none' => 'There are no assetclasses defined',
'lang_assetclassgroup_add' => 'Add assetclassgroup',
'lang_assetclassgroup_del' => 'Delete assetclassgroup',
'lang_assetclassgroup_edit' => 'Modify assetclassgroup',
'lang_assetclassgroup_name' => 'Assetclassgroup Name',
'lang_assetclass_desc' => 'Description',
'lang_assetclassgroup_count' => '# Classes',
'lang_assetclassgroup_none' => 'There are no assetclassegroups defined',
'lang_assignnodetoasset' => 'Assign node to asset',
'lang_assignnodetoasset_existing' => 'Assign node to existing asset',
'lang_assignnodetoasset_new' => 'Assign node to new asset',
'lang_assigniptonode' => 'Assign IP to node',
'lang_assigniptonode_existing' => 'Assign IP to existing node',
'lang_assigniptonode_new' => 'Assign IP to new node',
'lang_assignlocationtosubnet' => 'Assign location to subnet',
'lang_assignlocationtosubnet_existing' => 'Assign location to existing subnet',
'lang_assignlocationtosubnet_new' => 'Assign location to new subnet',
'lang_assignsubnettovlan' => 'Assign subnet to VLAN',
'lang_assignsubnettovlan_existing' => 'Assign subnet to existing VLAN',
'lang_assignsubnettovlan_new' => 'Assign subnet to new VLAN',
'lang_assignvlantosubnet' => 'Assign VLAN to subnet',
'lang_assignvlantosubnet_existing' => 'Assign VLAN to existing subnet',
'lang_assignvlantosubnet_new' => 'Assign VLAN to new subnet',
'lang_location_add' => 'Add location',
'lang_location_del' => 'Delete location',
'lang_location_edit' => 'Modify location',
'lang_location_info' => 'Location info',
'lang_location_name' => 'Location name',
'lang_location_hierarchy' => 'Location hierarchy',
'lang_location_parent' => 'Parent',
'lang_sublocation_add' => 'Add Sub-location',
'lang_location_none' => 'There are no locations defined',
'lang_locationsubnet' => 'Location/Subnet',
'lang_locationsubnet_edit' => 'Edit Location/Subnet',
'lang_cable_add' => 'Add cable',
'lang_cable_del' => 'Delete cable',
'lang_cable_edit' => 'Modify cable',
'lang_cable_info' => 'Cable info',
'lang_cable_type' => 'Cable type',
'lang_cable_none' => 'There are no cables defined',
'lang_node_add' => 'Add node',
'lang_node_del' => 'Delete node',
'lang_node_edit' => 'Modify node',
'lang_node_info' => 'Node info',
'lang_node_none' => 'There are no nodes defined',
'lang_dns1' => 'DNS name',
'lang_dns2' => 'DNS Alias',
'lang_ip' => 'IP Address',
'lang_mac' => 'MAC Address',
'lang_proto_vers' => 'Protocol version',
'lang_nat_add' => 'Add NAT',
'lang_nat_del' => 'Delete NAT',
'lang_nat_edit' => 'Modify NAT',
'lang_nat_rules' => 'NAT Rules',
'lang_nat_type' => 'Type',
'lang_nat_type_1' => 'Hide',
'lang_nat_type_2' => 'Static',
'lang_nat_type_3' => 'Dynamic',
'lang_nat_none' => 'There are no nat rules defined',
'lang_search_results_found' => 'Total results found',
'lang_subnet_add' => 'Add subnet',
'lang_subnet_subnetaddress' => 'Subnet address',
'lang_subnet_subnetaddress_mask' => 'Subnet address/Mask',
'lang_subnet_broadcastaddress' => 'Broadcast address',
'lang_subnet_nodesinsubnet' => 'Nodes in subnet',
'lang_subnet_subnetused' => 'Subnet used',
'lang_subnet_del' => 'Delete subnet',
'lang_subnet_edit' => 'Modify subnet',
'lang_subnet_info' => 'Subnet info',
'lang_subnet_mask' => 'Subnet mask',
'lang_subnet_dhcp' => 'Exclude DHCP',
'lang_subnet_dhcpstart' => 'DHCP Start',
'lang_subnet_dhcpend' => 'DHCP End',
'lang_subnet_ntp_server' => 'NTP Server',
'lang_subnet_none' => 'There are no subnets defined',
'lang_subnetlocation' => 'Subnet/Location',
'lang_subnetlocation_edit' => 'Edit Subnet/Location',
'lang_subnetvlan' => 'Subnet/VLAN',
'lang_subnetvlan_edit' => 'Edit Subnet/VLAN',
'lang_user_add' => 'Add user',
'lang_user_del' => 'Delete user',
'lang_user_displayname' => 'Displayname',
'lang_user_edit' => 'Mofidy user',
'lang_user_name' => 'Username',
'lang_user_password' => 'Password',
'lang_user_language' => 'Language',
'lang_user_realm' => 'Realm',
'lang_user_roles' => 'Roles',
'lang_user_role_add' => 'Add',
'lang_user_role_edit' => 'Edit',
'lang_user_role_delete' => 'Delete',
'lang_user_role_manage' => 'Manage',
'lang_user_role_admin' => 'Adminstration',
'lang_zone_add' => 'Add zone',
'lang_zone_del' => 'Delete zone',
'lang_zone_edit' => 'Modify zone',
'lang_zone_none' => 'There are no zones defined',
'lang_vlan_add' => 'Add VLAN',
'lang_vlan_del' => 'Delete VLAN',
'lang_vlan_edit' => 'Modify VLAN',
'lang_vlan_number' => 'VLAN ID',
'lang_vlan_info' => 'VLAN info',
'lang_vlan_new' => 'VLAN info',
'lang_vlan_name' => 'VLAN name',
'lang_vlan_none' => 'There are no VLANs defined',
'lang_vlansubnet' => 'VLAN/Subnet',
'lang_vlansubnet_edit' => 'Edit VLAN/Subnet',
'lang_comments' => 'Comments',
'lang_comments_error' => 'Error',
'lang_comments_asset_del_nodes' => 'These nodes will also be deleted!',
'lang_comments_ipinuse' => 'IP in use',
'lang_comments_notallowed' => 'Not allowed',
'lang_comments_search_nosearch' => 'Nothing to search for!',
'lang_comments_usernameinuse' => 'Username in use',
'lang_comments_invalidpass' => 'Invalid password',
'lang_comments_invalidnewpass' => 'Invalid new password',
'lang_comments_accessdenied' => 'Access denied',
'lang_options_ipreg' => 'IP Reg options',
'lang_options_profile' => 'Current user profile',
'lang_options_display' => 'Display options',
'lang_options_password' => 'Change password',
'lang_options_imagesize' => 'Imagesize',
'lang_options_imagesize_help' => 'Size (in pixels) of colored square on subnetview',
'lang_options_imagecount' => 'Imagecount',
'lang_options_imagecount_help' => 'Nr of colored squares per row on subnetview',
'lang_options_mac' => 'MAC Address',
'lang_options_mac_help' => 'Format in which a MAC address is displayed (e.g. xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx)',
'lang_options_menu_help' => 'Select items to be displayed in menu',
'lang_options_dateformat' => 'Date format',
'lang_options_dateformat_help' => 'Format in which dates are displayed using the php-date-format (see http://www.php.net/date for more info)',
'lang_options_dns1suffix' => 'DNS Name suffix',
'lang_options_dns1suffix_help' => 'Default DNS Name suffix when creating a new node',
'lang_options_dns2suffix' => 'DNS Alias suffix',
'lang_options_dns2suffix_help' => 'Default DNS Alias suffix when creating a new node',
'lang_options_currentpassword' => 'Current password',
'lang_options_currentpassword_help' => 'Enter your current password',
'lang_options_newpassword1' => 'New password',
'lang_options_newpassword1_help' => 'Enter your new password',
'lang_options_newpassword2' => 'Retype new password',
'lang_options_newpassword2_help' => 'Re-type your new password',
'lang_options_tooltips_help' => 'Show tooltips',
'lang_options_language_help' => 'Language for this user',
'lang_about_projectpage' => 'Current Project Page',
'lang_about_sfprojectpage' => 'Sourceforge Project Page',
'lang_about_license' => 'License',
'lang_about_gpl' => 'GNU General Public License (GPL)',
'lang_about_smarty' => 'Smarty Template Engine',
'lang_about_iconset' => 'Silk icon set 1.3',
'lang_about_ipreg_ext' => 'IP Reg, a PHP/MySQL IPAM tool',
'lang_about_license_ext' => 'Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Wietse Warendorff (up to v0.5)
Copyright (C) 2011-2023 Thomas Hooge
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.',
'lang_about_changelog' => 'Changelog (major changes only)',
'lang_about_changelog_v09' => 'v0.9 (mar 2023)',
'lang_about_changelog_v09_ext' => '- Changed database interface to PDO / prepared statements
- LDAP authentication
- User rights
- Improved internal menu system',
'lang_about_changelog_v08' => 'v0.8 (feb 2023)',
'lang_about_changelog_v08_ext' => '- Some small improvements and bugfixing
- Code simplification as preparation for big refactoring',
'lang_about_changelog_v07' => 'v0.7 (oct 2018)',
'lang_about_changelog_v07_ext' => '- Added support for PHP7, switched to mysqli',
'lang_about_changelog_v06' => 'v0.6 (may 2011)',
'lang_about_changelog_v06_ext' => '- Moved towards smarty template engine
- Language support finalized
- Added german language
- Some small bug fixes',
'lang_about_changelog_v05' => 'v0.5 (dec 2009)',
'lang_about_changelog_v05_ext' => '- Complete code rewrite
- Input sanitation
- Background image
- Added multiple counters
- HTML is now 100% W3C valid
- More user options',
'lang_about_changelog_v04' => 'v0.4 (jun 2008)',
'lang_about_changelog_v04_ext' => '- SQL vulnerability fixed
- PHP-generated images in subnet overview',
'lang_about_changelog_v03' => 'v0.3 (dec 2007)',
'lang_about_changelog_v03_ext' => '- Class A subnet support
- Multi-language support
- User defined options
- All configuration options in one file (config.php)',
'lang_about_changelog_v02' => 'v0.2 (dec 2007)',
'lang_about_changelog_v02_ext' => '- Fixed ordering of IP addresses
- Fixed info fields',
'lang_about_changelog_v01' => 'v0.1 (dec 2007)',
'lang_about_changelog_v01_ext' => '- First beta release',