IP Reg is a IPAM tool to keep track of assets, nodes (IP addresses, MAC addresses, DNS aliases) within different subnets, over different locations or even VLAN's. Written in PHP, used with a MySQL-database to have a unique insight in your local network.
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$Id: yapter.php,v 1.24 2006/01/31 07:30:28 nvie Exp $
Yapter 2.14b2 - Yet Another PHP Template Engine <EFBFBD>
Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Vincent Driessen
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
For more information, visit http://yapter.sf.net/ or contact us at
The full terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License that apply to Yapter
can be found at http://yapter.sf.net/LICENSE
// Define Yapter's warning levels
define('E_YAPTER_NONE', 0); // Be completely silent
define('E_YAPTER_NOTICE', 1); // Report notices
define('E_YAPTER_WARNING', 2); // Report warnings
define('E_YAPTER_ERROR', 4); // Report errors
define('E_YAPTER_DIE_ON_ERROR', 8); // Die on errors
define('E_YAPTER_ALL', 15); // Report errors, warnings and notices
// Define Yapter's ignore levels
define('E_YAPTER_IGN_UNKNOWN_VARS', 16); // Ignore unknown variables
define('E_YAPTER_AUTO_HIDE_BLOCK', 32); // Automaticly hide unparsed blocks
class Template {
var $parseUnknownVars = false; // Defines whether unknown variables should be removed or left alone
var $blox = array(); // $blox[blockname]['content'] holds the template's content
// $blox[blockname]['numlines'] holds the number of lines in the block
// $blox[blockname]['parsed'] holds an array with the parsed data
// $blox[$_ROOT] always holds the main template
var $blockDefs = array(); // Keeps track of all block-definitions from which multiple blocks...
// ...can be created instances of
var $vars = array(); // This array contains all variables. All are accessible from all blocks.
var $warningLevel; // The level of verbosity Yapter complies with (see the E_* defines above)
var $startTime; // Holds the start time of the script, so that it can compare it to the...
// ...end time to calculate the execution time. (For debugging purposes only.)
var $missing_list; // List of variable names that are declared but never set.
function error($msg)
if ($this->warningLevel & E_YAPTER_ERROR)
if ($this->warningLevel & E_YAPTER_DIE_ON_ERROR )
// if DIE_ON_ERROR is set, then do die on error!
die("<br />\n<b>Yapter error</b>: ".$msg."<br />\n"); // Die here!
// else just barf out the message
echo "<br />\n<b>Yapter error</b>: ".$msg."<br />\n";
function warning($msg)
if ($this->warningLevel & E_YAPTER_WARNING)
echo "<br />\n<b>Yapter warning</b>: ".$msg."<br />\n";
function notice($msg)
if ($this->warningLevel & E_YAPTER_NOTICE)
echo "<br />\n<b>Yapter notice</b>: ".$msg."<br />\n";
function warn_var_not_set($varname)
if (!in_array($varname, $this->missing_list) && !($this->warningLevel & E_YAPTER_IGN_UNKNOWN_VARS)) {
$this->missing_list[] = $varname; // Add it to the list...
// ...and print a warning once.
$this->warning('Variable <b>'.htmlspecialchars($varname).'</b> found, but never assigned a value. (This message is shown only once for each variable.)');
function Template($file, $level = E_YAPTER_ALL)
if (is_bool($level)) {
// Rationale:
// =========
// Older Yapter versions had the possibility of turning
// on the so called "debug mode" with a bool parameter
// as the second argument to this constructor.
// However, since debug mode was dropped and the
// warning level support was built in, it was a logical
// step of replacing the second parameter.
// However, to prevent people from making mistakes,
// we'll check if the user passed a boolean parameter.
// If so, he or she is probably using debug mode, and
// we'll issue a notice in these cases.
// Thanks to Ivo Koster.
$this->notice('Debug mode is not supported anymore since Yapter version 2.12.');
$this->warningLevel = E_YAPTER_ALL;
$this->warningLevel = (int)$level;
$this->startTime = $this->getmicrotime();
$this->addBlockFromFile($this->_ROOT, $file);
$this->missing_list = array();
/* setParseMode(): specifies to parse unknown variables or not */
function setParseMode($parseUnknownVars)
$this->parseUnknownVars = (bool)$parseUnknownVars;
/* setWarningLevel(): sets the level of verbosity which Yapter should obey */
function setWarningLevel($level)
$this->warningLevel = $level;
/* addBlock(): adds a new block to the blox-array */
function addBlock($blockname, $content)
$this->blox[$blockname]['content'] = $content;
$this->blox[$blockname]['numlines'] = sizeof($this->blox[$blockname]['content']);
$this->blox[$blockname]['parsed'] = '';
/* addBlockFromFile(): adds a new block, filling it with the specified's file contents */
function addBlockFromFile($blockname, $file)
$content = @file($file) or $this->error('Cannot open template file <b>'.htmlspecialchars($file).'</b>!');
//--- eliminate double block def mod -klp
// if ($blockname != $this->_ROOT)
// $this->addBlockDef($blockname, $content);
$this->addBlock($blockname, $content);
/* addBlockDef(): adds a block definition to the block-definition array from which other blocks can be copied */
function addBlockDef($blockdef, $content)
/* if (isset($this->blockDefs[$blockdef]))
$this->error('Block "'.htmlspecialchars($blockdef).'" allready exists. I cannot create it twice.');
$this->blockDefs[$blockdef] = $content;
$this->blockDefs[$blockdef] = $content;
/* addBlockFromDef(): copies a block from the block definition array */
function addBlockFromDef($blockname, $blockdef)
$this->addBlock($blockname, $this->blockDefs[$blockdef]);
/* prepare(): handles subprocessing of templates found in the main template file */
function prepare($blockname)
$currblockcontents = array();
$block = &$this->blox[$blockname];
for ($i = 0; $i < $block['numlines']; $i++) {
if (isset($block['content'][$i]))
$line = $block['content'][$i];
// Try to find a tag-definition on this line
if (preg_match('/\[(INCLUDE|BLOCK|END|REUSE|SET) ([A-Za-z0-9_.\/-]+)( AS ([A-Za-z0-9_-]+))?]/', $line, $matches)) {
$type = $matches[1];
$name = (!empty($matches[4])) ? $matches[4] : $matches[2];
if ($type == 'END' && !isset($currblockdef))
$this->error('"[END '.$name.']" found without matching "[BLOCK '.$name.']" or "[SET '.$name.']"');
if ($type == 'END' && $matches[2] == $currblockdef) {
if (isset($matches[4]))
$this->error('Given "AS"-parameter not allowed in END-tags!');
// End the current block definition: add the block to the blox-array
//--- if wrapper mod -klp
if (isset($currblockdef) && isset($currblockcontents) && isset($currblockname)) {
$this->addBlockDef($currblockdef, $currblockcontents);
$this->addBlockFromDef($currblockname, $currblockdef);
// Now, try to remove the block from the template definition, replacing it with a var
for ($j = $i; $j >= $currblockstart; $j--) {
if ($j == $currblockstart && $currblocktype == 'BLOCK')
$block['content'][$j] = "{" . $currblockname . "}";
// unset these thingies for further preparing
$currblockcontents = array();
} elseif (($type == 'SET' || $type == 'BLOCK') && !isset($currblockname)) {
if ($type == 'BLOCK') {
// Start block definition
$currblocktype = $type;
$currblockstart = $i;
$currblockname = $name;
$currblockdef = $matches[2];
} else { // SET-tag
// Start block definition
if (isset($matches[4]))
$this->error('Given "AS"-parameter not allowed in SET-tags!');
$currblocktype = $type;
$currblockstart = $i;
$currblockname = $matches[2];
$currblockdef = $matches[2];
} elseif ($type == 'INCLUDE' && !isset($currblockname)) {
// Make this line a variable...
$block['content'][$i] = "{" . $name . "}\n";
// ...and include the given file...
$this->addBlockFromFile($name, $matches[2]);
} elseif ($type == 'REUSE' && !isset($currblockname)) {
if (!isset($matches[4]))
$this->error('Missing "AS"-parameter in [REUSE <b>$name</b>] tag!');
// Make this line a variable...
$block['content'][$i] = "{" . $matches[4] . "}\n";
// ...and get this REUSE value from the block definition list...
$this->addBlockFromDef($matches[4], $matches[2]);
} elseif ($currblockname != $name) {
if ($currblockname)
$currblockcontents[] = $line;
} else {
// No tag-definition... just normal text so do nothing here
if (!empty($currblockname))
$currblockcontents[] = $line;
/* parse(): parses the specified block, filling variables and nested blockdefs */
function parse($blockname = '')
if (!$blockname)
$blockname = $this->_ROOT;
if (!isset($this->blox[$blockname]))
$this->error('Block "'.htmlspecialchars($blockname).'" does not exist.');
$block = &$this->blox[$blockname];
$parsed = $block['content'];
// Loop through all the lines of the template and parse variables one-by-one
for ($i = 0; $i < $block['numlines']; $i++) {
if (!isset($parsed[$i]))
$line = $parsed[$i];
// Look for variables in this line, processing it character-by-character
for ($j = 0; $j < strlen($line); $j++) {
$char = $line[$j];
if (!isset($start) && $char == '{')
$start = $j;
elseif (isset($start) && $char == '}') {
// The sequence {} is not a valid variable value
if (!isset($buffer)) {
} else {
// Gotcha! Now replace this variable with its contents
// First, check to see if it's a variable or a block that has to be parsed
if (isset($this->vars[$buffer]))
$value = $this->vars[$buffer];
elseif (isset($this->blox[$buffer])) {
if ($this->blox[$buffer]['parsed']) {
// The value must be filled with the parsed data from the $buffer block
$value = @implode('', $this->blox[$buffer]['parsed']);
} elseif ($this->warningLevel & E_YAPTER_AUTO_HIDE_BLOCK) {
// Automaticly hide unparsed bloks
$value = "";
} else {
// Make the recursive call now
$value = @implode('', $this->parse($buffer));
} else {
// No variable or block name found by the name of $buffer
// First, issue a warning!
if ($this->parseUnknownVars) {
// Unable to find variable, replace this one with an empty
// string silently.
$value = '';
} else {
// Unable to find variable, leave this one alone...
$part1 = substr($line, 0, $start);
$part2 = substr($line, $start + strlen($buffer) + 2);
$line = $part1 . $value . $part2;
$j += strlen($value) - (strlen($buffer) + 2);
} elseif (isset($start)) {
// Check to see $char is a proper character (range: [A-Za-z0-9_./-])
// In Yapter 2.13b2, I've added the '/' char as well, to support inclusion
// from Unix paths, like '../../foo.tpl'
if (($char >= 'a' && $char <= 'z') || ($char >= '0' && $char <= '9') || ($char >= 'A' && $char <= 'Z') || ($char == '_') || ($char == '.') || ($char == '-') || ($char == '/')) {
if (!empty($buffer))
$buffer .= $char;
$buffer = $char;
} else {
$parsed[$i] = $line;
if (is_array($this->blox[$blockname]['parsed'])) {
$this->blox[$blockname]['parsed'] = array_merge($this->blox[$blockname]['parsed'], $parsed);
} else {
//--- array cast mod -klp
$this->blox[$blockname]['parsed'] = (array) $parsed;
return $this->blox[$blockname]['parsed'];
/* set(): assigns a value to a variabele inside curly brackets ('{' and '}') */
function set($varname, $value)
if (isset($value))
$this->vars[$varname] = $value;
$this->warning('Trying to set <b>'.htmlspecialchars($varname).'</b> to NULL. Variable not set.');
/* setVars(): assigns values to variables for each element in the given array
Contributed by: Raniz
function setVars($variables)
if (!is_array($variables))
$this->error('Value passed to setVars is not an array.');
foreach($variables as $varname => $value)
$this->vars[$varname] = $value;
/* setFile(): assigns the contents of a file to a variabele inside curly brackets ('{' and '}') */
function setFile($varname, $filename)
if (!file_exists($filename))
$this->error('Cannot open file "'.htmlspecialchars($filename).'" for inclusion in "'.htmlspecialchars($varname).'".');
$value = implode('', file($filename));
$this->set($varname, $value);
/* getVar(): returns the value of the 'varname' variable */
function getVar($varname)
if ($this->vars[$varname])
return $this->vars[$varname];
return false;
/* getBlock(): returns the content of the 'blockname' block */
function getBlockContent($blockname)
if ($this->$blox[$blockname]['content'])
return @implode('', $this->$blox[$blockname]['content']);
return false;
/* replace(): replaces the content of one block by another */
function replace($block, $byblock)
if (!isset($this->blox[$block]))
$this->error('Block "'.htmlspecialchars($block).'" does not exist.');
if (!isset($this->blox[$byblock]))
$this->error('Block "'.htmlspecialchars($block).'" does not exist.');
$this->blox[$block]['content'] = $this->blox[$byblock]['content'];
$this->blox[$block]['numlines'] = $this->blox[$byblock]['numlines'];
/* hide(): hides all the contents of the given block */
function hide($block)
if (!isset($this->blox[$block]))
$this->error('Block "'.htmlspecialchars($block).'" does not exist.');
$this->blox[$block]['content'] = array();
$this->blox[$block]['numlines'] = 0;
/* clear(): resets the parsed data to an empty string again and defines the block as 'unparsed' */
function clear($blockname)
if (!isset($this->blox[$blockname]))
$this->error('Block "'.htmlspecialchars($blockname).'" does not exist.');
$this->blox[$blockname]['parsed'] = '';
unset($this->vars[$blockname]); // often, a variabele is set whenever a block should be discarded...
// ...now reset such a variable to make sure the block is not overriden
/* getContents(): gets the final contents to be outputted on the screen */
function getContents($blockname = '')
if ($blockname == '') $blockname = $this->_ROOT;
$parsed = $this->blox[$blockname]['parsed'];
if ($parsed)
return implode('', $parsed);
return false;
/* spit(): ouputs contents to screen */
function spit()
echo $this->getContents();
function getmicrotime()
/* I got this getmicrotime()-function from the PHP.net website, but it seems to be
buggy, while it sometimes displays a negative execution time when you substract
the current time with the starting time of the script... I only noticed it at
my Windows localhost machine, not on *nix servers. Is anybody familiar with this
behaviour? Any information about this is welcome at nvie@users.sourceforge.net
for your co-operation. */
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
function execTime()
return round($this->getmicrotime() - $this->startTime, 5);
function executionTime()
echo "<p>\n\nThe execution time is <b>".$this->execTime()."</b> seconds.<br>\n";