IP Reg is a IPAM tool to keep track of assets, nodes (IP addresses, MAC addresses, DNS aliases) within different subnets, over different locations or even VLAN's. Written in PHP, used with a MySQL-database to have a unique insight in your local network.
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IP Reg Installation
1. Install requirements
Minimum PHP version is 7.4, we are using arrow functions introduced
in that version.
IP Reg version 0.6 and up depends on smarty template engine.
In Debian install it with: "apt-get install smarty3".
The PHP-GD module is also required: "apt-get install php-gd".
2. Create database
Create a database for IP Reg on your web server, as well as a MySQL user who
has all privileges for accessing and modifying it.
Create database-user for application with minimum necessary rights.
CREATE USER 'ipreg'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '********';
GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON ipreg.* TO 'ipreg'@'localhost';
3. Run database import
Import the mysql.sql file into your database, which will create the tables
mysql ipreg < mysql.sql
Optional import some sample data
mysql ipreg < mysql_sample.sql
4. Upload files
Upload all files and directories (except the install directory) to your
5. Create and edit config file
Rename sample configfile config.php-sample:
mv config.php-sample config.php
Open config.php in a text editor and fill in your database details.
6. Check file access rights for security
Only directory tpl_c should be writeble by webserver.
Configfile should be readable by webserver but not writeable.
chmod 640 config.php
chgrp www-data config.php
chown www-data tpl_c
7. Start using IP Reg
Start your browser and login to IP Reg with the default username/password: