You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

706 lines
22 KiB

Imports System.ServiceModel.Syndication
Public Class RepresentationController
Inherits DocumentStoreController
#Region "View Actions"
Public Function Index(keyRepresentation As String) As ActionResult
'Dim xxx As String = Representations.GetNewApiKey()
Dim rep As Representation = GlobalData.Representations.GetByKey(keyRepresentation.ToLower)
ViewBag.CurrentRepresentation = rep
Return View(rep)
End Function
Public Function Add(keyRepresentation As String) As ActionResult
Dim rep As Representation = GlobalData.Representations.GetByKey(keyRepresentation.ToLower)
ViewBag.CurrentRepresentation = rep
Return View(rep)
End Function
Public Function Journal(keyRepresentation As String, pageNo As Integer) As ActionResult
Dim rep As Representation = GlobalData.Representations.GetByKey(keyRepresentation.ToLower)
ViewBag.CurrentRepresentation = rep
ViewData("PageNo") = pageNo
Return View(rep)
End Function
Public Function List(keyRepresentation As String) As ActionResult
Dim rep As Representation = GlobalData.Representations.GetByKey(keyRepresentation.ToLower)
ViewBag.CurrentRepresentation = rep
Return View(rep)
End Function
Public Function Banner(keyRepresentation As String) As ActionResult
Dim rep As Representation = GlobalData.Representations.GetByKey(keyRepresentation.ToLower)
ViewBag.CurrentRepresentation = rep
Return View(rep)
End Function
Public Function Settings(keyRepresentation As String) As ActionResult
If Tools.IsAdmin(keyRepresentation) = True Then
Dim rep As Representation = GlobalData.Representations.GetByKey(keyRepresentation.ToLower)
ViewBag.CurrentRepresentation = rep
Return View(rep)
Return RedirectToAction("Index", "Representation", New With {.keyRepresentation = keyRepresentation})
End If
End Function
Public Function Proposal(keyRepresentation As String, titleUrl As String) As ActionResult
Dim rep As Representation = GlobalData.Representations.GetByKey(keyRepresentation.ToLower)
ViewBag.CurrentRepresentation = rep
Dim model As Proposal = Nothing
model = Proposals.GetByTitleUrl(rep, titleUrl)
If model IsNot Nothing Then
Return View(model)
Throw New HttpException(404, "Diese Seite existiert nicht")
End If
End Function
Public Function SuccessStory(keyRepresentation As String, titleUrl As String) As ActionResult
Dim rep As Representation = GlobalData.Representations.GetByKey(keyRepresentation.ToLower)
ViewBag.CurrentRepresentation = rep
Dim prop As Proposal = Nothing
prop = Proposals.GetByTitleUrl(rep, titleUrl)
If prop IsNot Nothing Then
Dim model As SuccessStory = SuccessStories.GetById(prop.ID_SuccessStory)
model.Proposal = prop
Return View(model)
Throw New HttpException(404, "Diese Seite existiert nicht")
End If
End Function
Public Function RepresentationStyle(keyRepresentation As String) As ActionResult
Dim rep As Representation = GlobalData.Representations.GetByKey(keyRepresentation.ToLower)
Dim strTemplatePath As String = HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/Content/style-representation.template.css")
Dim strTemplate As String = Nothing
If System.IO.File.Exists(strTemplatePath) = True Then
strTemplate = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(strTemplatePath)
End If
Dim stb As New StringBuilder()
Representations.ReplaceStyleColor(rep, stb)
Return Content(stb.ToString, "text/css")
End Function
Public Function ProposalFeed(keyRepresentation As String) As FeedResult
Dim rep As Representation = GlobalData.Representations.GetByKey(keyRepresentation.ToLower)
Dim lst As List(Of Proposal) = Proposals.GetItemsTopByRepresentation(rep, 25)
Dim items As IEnumerable(Of SyndicationItem) = Nothing
If lst IsNot Nothing Then
items = From prop As Proposal In lst
Select prop.FeedItem
End If
Dim feed As New SyndicationFeed(String.Concat("OpenAntrag-Feed ", rep.Name),
String.Concat("Alle Bürgeranträge, gestellt an ", rep.GroupName),
New Uri(String.Concat("http://", HttpContext.Request.Url.Authority, "/", rep.Key, "/feed")),
"", DateTime.Now, items) With {.Language = "de-DE"}
Return New FeedResult(New Rss20FeedFormatter(feed))
End Function
#End Region
#Region "Service Actions"
Public Function CreateProposal(keyRepresentation As String,
title As String,
text As String,
contactInfo As String) As JsonResult
Dim model As Proposal = Proposals.CreateNew(keyRepresentation, title, text, "", contactInfo)
Dim jr As New JsonResult
jr.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
jr.Data = New With {.success = True, .data = model.FullUrl}
Return jr
End Function
Public Function SaveProposalText(idProposal As String,
sText As String) As JsonResult
Dim model As Proposal = Me.DocumentSession.Load(Of Proposal)(idProposal)
If model Is Nothing Then
Throw New CustomException("Antrag nicht gefunden")
End If
If Tools.IsAdmin(model.Key_Representation) = False Then
Throw New CustomException("Für diesen Vorgang hast Du keine Berechtigung")
End If
model.Text = sText
Dim jr As New JsonResult
jr.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
jr.Data = New With {.success = True, .data = ""}
Return jr
End Function
Public Function SaveProposalRating(idProposal As String,
iRate As Integer) As JsonResult
Dim model As Proposal = Me.DocumentSession.Load(Of Proposal)(idProposal)
If model Is Nothing Then
Throw New CustomException("Antrag nicht gefunden")
End If
model.RatingCount += 1
model.RatingSum += iRate
Dim jr As New JsonResult
jr.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
jr.Data = New With {.success = True, .data = ""}
Return jr
End Function
Public Function SaveProposalDate(idProposal As String,
sDate As String) As JsonResult
Dim model As Proposal = Me.DocumentSession.Load(Of Proposal)(idProposal)
If model Is Nothing Then
Throw New CustomException("Antrag nicht gefunden")
End If
If Tools.IsAdmin(model.Key_Representation) = False Then
Throw New CustomException("Für diesen Vorgang hast Du keine Berechtigung")
End If
If IsDate(sDate) = True Then
model.CreatedAt = sDate
model.Timestamp = Tools.GetUnixTimestampFromDate(CType(model.CreatedAt, DateTime))
End If
Dim jr As New JsonResult
jr.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
jr.Data = New With {.success = True, .data = ""}
Return jr
End Function
Public Function SaveProposalStepDate(idProposal As String,
idStep As Integer,
sDate As String) As JsonResult
Dim model As Proposal = Me.DocumentSession.Load(Of Proposal)(idProposal)
If model Is Nothing Then
Throw New CustomException("Antrag nicht gefunden")
End If
If Tools.IsAdmin(model.Key_Representation) = False Then
Throw New CustomException("Für diesen Vorgang hast Du keine Berechtigung")
End If
If IsDate(sDate) = True And idStep > 0 Then
Dim query = From ps As ProposalStep In model.ProposalSteps
Where ps.Id = idStep
Select ps
If query.Count > 0 Then
Dim ps As ProposalStep = query.First
ps.CreatedAt = sDate
ps.Timestamp = Tools.GetUnixTimestampFromDate(CType(model.CreatedAt, DateTime))
End If
End If
Dim jr As New JsonResult
jr.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
jr.Data = New With {.success = True, .data = ""}
Return jr
End Function
Public Function SaveProposalStepText(idProposal As String,
idStep As Integer,
sInfo As String) As JsonResult
Dim model As Proposal = Me.DocumentSession.Load(Of Proposal)(idProposal)
If model Is Nothing Then
Throw New CustomException("Antrag nicht gefunden")
End If
If Tools.IsAdmin(model.Key_Representation) = False Then
Throw New CustomException("Für diesen Vorgang hast Du keine Berechtigung")
End If
If idStep > 0 Then
Dim query = From ps As ProposalStep In model.ProposalSteps
Where ps.Id = idStep
Select ps
If query.Count > 0 Then
Dim ps As ProposalStep = query.First
ps.Info = sInfo
End If
End If
Dim jr As New JsonResult
jr.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
jr.Data = New With {.success = True, .data = ""}
Return jr
End Function
Public Function DeleteProposal(idProposal As String) As JsonResult
'geht so nicht wg. unterschiedlicher Session...
'Dim model As Proposal = Proposals.GetById(idProposal)
Dim model As Proposal = Me.DocumentSession.Load(Of Proposal)(idProposal)
If model Is Nothing Then
Throw New CustomException("Antrag nicht gefunden")
End If
If Tools.IsAdmin(model.Key_Representation) = False Then
Throw New CustomException("Für diesen Vorgang hast Du keine Berechtigung")
End If
Dim jr As New JsonResult
jr.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
jr.Data = New With {.success = True, .data = model.Representation.FullUrl}
Return jr
End Function
Public Function DeleteProposalStep(idProposal As String, idStep As Integer) As JsonResult
'geht so nicht wg. unterschiedlicher Session...
'Dim model As Proposal = Proposals.GetById(idProposal)
Dim model As Proposal = Me.DocumentSession.Load(Of Proposal)(idProposal)
If model Is Nothing Then Throw New CustomException("Antrag nicht gefunden")
If Tools.IsAdmin(model.Key_Representation) = False Then
Throw New CustomException("Für diesen Vorgang hast Du keine Berechtigung")
End If
Dim psRemove As ProposalStep = (From ps As ProposalStep In model.ProposalSteps
Order By ps.Id
Select ps).Last
If psRemove Is Nothing OrElse psRemove.Id <> idStep Then
Throw New CustomException("Antragsschritt nicht gefunden oder er ist nicht der letzte")
End If
If psRemove.Id = 1 Then
Throw New CustomException("Der Eingangsschritt kann nicht gelöscht werden")
End If
Dim psLast As ProposalStep = (From ps As ProposalStep In model.ProposalSteps
Order By ps.Id
Select ps).Last
model.ID_CurrentProposalStep = psLast.Id
Dim jr As New JsonResult
jr.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
jr.Data = New With {.success = True, .data = model.FullUrl}
Return jr
End Function
Public Function CreateProposalComment(idProposal As String,
commentBy As String,
commentText As String) As JsonResult
Dim model As Proposal = Proposals.GetById(idProposal)
If model Is Nothing Then
Throw New Exception("Ein Antrag mit der angegebenen ID wurde nicht gefunden")
End If
If model.ProposalComments Is Nothing Then
model.ProposalComments = New List(Of ProposalComment)
End If
Dim pc As New ProposalComment With {.ID_Proposal = idProposal,
.CommentedAt = DateAndTime.Now.ToString,
.CommentedBy = commentBy,
.Comment = commentText.EnsureMarkdown}
MailManager.SendNewProposalComment(pc, model)
'PushoverManager.SendNewProposalComment(pc, model)
NotificationManager.StoreNewProposalComment(pc, model)
Dim jr As New JsonResult
jr.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
jr.Data = New With {.success = True, .data = Me.RenderPartialViewToString("_ProposalCommentPartial", pc)}
Return jr
End Function
Public Function DeleteProposalComment(proposalId As String,
commentedby As String,
timeStamp As Integer) As JsonResult
Dim model As Proposal = Proposals.GetById(proposalId)
If model Is Nothing Then Throw New Exception("Ein Antrag mit der angegebenen ID wurde nicht gefunden")
Dim rep As Representation = model.Representation
If Tools.IsAdmin(rep.Key) = False Then
Throw New CustomException("Dazu fehlt Dir die Berechtigung")
End If
Dim query = From c As ProposalComment In model.ProposalComments
Where c.CommentedBy.ToLower = commentedby.ToLower And c.CommentedAtTimestamp = timeStamp
Select c
If query.Count > 0 Then
Dim pc As ProposalComment = query.First
End If
Dim jr As New JsonResult
jr.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
jr.Data = New With {.success = True, .data = ""}
Return jr
End Function
Public Function GetNextStepHtml(keyRepresentation As String,
idStep As Integer) As JsonResult
Dim rep As Representation = GlobalData.Representations.GetByKey(keyRepresentation.ToLower)
Dim ps As ProcessStep = Nothing
Dim query = From p As ProcessStep In rep.ProcessSteps
Where p.ID = idStep
Select p
If query.Count > 0 Then
ps = query.First
Throw New Exception("Der Prozessschritt konnte nicht geladen werden")
End If
Dim jr As New JsonResult
jr.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
jr.Data = New With {.success = True, .data = Me.RenderPartialViewToString("_NextStepPartial", ps)}
Return jr
End Function
Public Function SaveNextStep(idProposal As String,
keyRepresentation As String,
idStep As Integer,
info As String,
options As String) As JsonResult
Dim model As Proposal = Proposals.GetById(idProposal)
If model Is Nothing Then
Throw New Exception("Ein Antrag mit der angegebenen ID wurde nicht gefunden")
End If
Dim keyRepresentative As String = Nothing
Dim keyCommittee As String = Nothing
Dim aOptions As String() = options.Split(",")
For Each s As String In aOptions
Dim aOption As String() = s.Split("|") 'siehe representation.js > saveNextStep
Select Case aOption(0) 'siehe ProcessStep.GetCaptionHtml
Case "Key_Representative" : keyRepresentative = aOption(1)
Case "Key_Committee" : keyCommittee = aOption(1)
End Select
Proposals.SaveNextStep(model, idStep, info,
Dim jr As New JsonResult
jr.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
jr.Data = New With {.success = True, .data = ""}
Return jr
End Function
Public Function SendProposalAbuseNotice(idProposal As String,
abuseNotice As String) As JsonResult
Dim model As Proposal = Proposals.GetById(idProposal)
If model Is Nothing Then
Throw New Exception("Ein Antrag mit der angegebenen ID wurde nicht gefunden")
End If
Dim pan As New ProposalAbuseNotice(model, abuseNotice)
Dim jr As New JsonResult
jr.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
jr.Data = New With {.success = True, .data = ""}
Return jr
End Function
Public Function SaveProposalAbuseMessage(idProposal As String,
abuseMessage As String) As JsonResult
Dim model As Proposal = Proposals.GetById(idProposal)
If model Is Nothing Then
Throw New Exception("Ein Antrag mit der angegebenen ID wurde nicht gefunden")
End If
model.AbuseMessage = abuseMessage
Dim jr As New JsonResult
jr.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
jr.Data = New With {.success = True, .data = ""}
Return jr
End Function
Public Function SaveCommentingStatus(idProposal As String,
lock As Boolean) As JsonResult
Dim model As Proposal = Proposals.GetById(idProposal)
If model Is Nothing Then
Throw New Exception("Ein Antrag mit der angegebenen ID wurde nicht gefunden")
End If
If lock = True Then
model.CommentingClosedDate = Format(DateTime.Now, "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss")
model.CommentingClosedDate = ""
End If
Dim jr As New JsonResult
jr.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
jr.Data = New With {.success = True, .data = ""}
Return jr
End Function
Public Function GetProposalTags() As JsonResult
Dim jr As New JsonResult
jr.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
jr.Data = New With {.success = True, .data = ProposalTags.TagsOrdered}
Return jr
End Function
Public Function GetTagCloudItems() As JsonResult
Dim jr As New JsonResult
jr.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
jr.Data = New With {.success = True, .data = ProposalTags.TagCloudItems}
Return jr
End Function
Public Function SaveProposalTags(idProposal As String,
tagList As String) As JsonResult
Dim prop As Proposal = Proposals.GetById(idProposal)
Dim tags As ProposalTags = ProposalTags.Load()
Proposals.SaveTags(prop, tags, tagList)
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
Dim jr As New JsonResult
jr.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
jr.Data = New With {.success = True, .data = Me.RenderPartialViewToString("_ProposalTagListPartial", prop)}
Return jr
End Function
Public Function SetSuccessStoryStatus(idProposal As String,
status As Integer)
Dim model As Proposal = Proposals.GetById(idProposal)
model.SuccessStoryStatus = status
Dim jr As New JsonResult
jr.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
jr.Data = New With {.success = True, .data = ""}
Return jr
End Function
Public Function CreateSuccessStory(idProposal As String,
title As String,
stepDate As String,
text As String) As JsonResult
Dim prop As Proposal = Proposals.GetById(idProposal)
Dim sShortUrl As String = UrlShortener.GetShortUrl(String.Concat(prop.FullUrl, "/erfolg"))
Dim model As New SuccessStory With {
.ID_Proposal = idProposal,
.Title = title,
.StepDate = stepDate,
.Text = text,
.ShortUrl = sShortUrl
prop.SuccessStoryStatus = 1
prop.ID_SuccessStory = model.Id
Dim jr As New JsonResult
jr.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
jr.Data = New With {.success = True, .data = ""}
Return jr
End Function
#End Region
End Class