You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Imports System.IO
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Text
Public Class piratenmandate
Public Property Items As New List(Of Item)
Public Sub New()
Dim xmlFile As String = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/piratenmandate.xml")
If File.Exists(xmlFile) = True Then
Dim xT As XElement = XElement.Load(xmlFile)
For Each xB In xT.Elements("bundesland")
Dim cB As New Item.BundeslandInfo With {.Name = xB.Attribute("name"),
.GS = xB.Attribute("gs"),
.Localpirates = xB.Attribute("localpirates")}
cB.Key = (From f As FederalState In GlobalData.FederalStates.Items
Where f.Name = cB.Name
Select f.Key).FirstOrDefault()
For Each xG In xB.Elements("gebiet")
ProcessItem(Nothing, xG, cB)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub ProcessItem(ByVal cParent As piratenmandate.Item,
ByVal xG As XElement,
ByVal cB As Item.BundeslandInfo)
Dim cG As New Item With {.Bundesland = cB,
.GebietName = xG.Attribute("name"),
.GebietGS = xG.Attribute("gs"),
.GebietType = xG.Attribute("type"),
.GebietLocalpirates = xG.Attribute("localpirates")}
'Behandlung von Ausnahmen in Bezug auf Type und Name
Select Case cG.GebietType.ToLower()
Case "stadtbezirk", "ortsteil"
If cParent IsNot Nothing AndAlso
String.IsNullOrEmpty(cParent.GebietName) = False AndAlso
cG.GebietName.StartsWith(cParent.GebietName) = False Then
cG.GebietName.Prepend(cParent.GebietName, " ")
End If
End Select
If xG.Elements("parlament").Any() Then
Dim xP As XElement = xG.Elements("parlament").First() 'DTD = *, aber es gibt immer nur ein Parlament
cG.ParlamentName = xP.Attribute("name")
cG.ParlamentSeats = xP.Attribute("seats")
cG.ParlamentRIS = xP.Attribute("ris")
If xP.Elements("fraktion").Any() Then
Dim xF As XElement = xP.Elements("fraktion").First()
cG.FraktionName = xF.Attribute("name")
cG.FraktionType = xF.Attribute("type")
cG.FraktionUrl = xF.Attribute("url")
If xF.Elements("partner").Any() Then
cG.FraktionPartner = New List(Of Item.PartnerInfo)
For Each xR As XElement In xF.Elements("partner")
Dim cR As New Item.PartnerInfo With {.Name = xR.Attribute("name"),
.Partei = xR.Attribute("partei"),
.Num = xR.Attribute("num")}
End If
End If
If xP.Elements("mandat").Any() Then
cG.MandateCount = xP.Elements("mandat").Count()
End If
If xP.Elements("story").Any() Then
Dim xS As XElement = xP.Elements("story").First()
cG.ParlamentStory = xS.Value
cG.ParlamentStorySource = xS.Attribute("source")
End If
If xP.Elements("feed").Any() Then
Dim xD As XElement = xP.Elements("feed").First()
cG.ParlamentFeedUrl = xD.Attribute("url")
End If
If xP.Elements("oa").Any() Then
Dim xO As XElement = xP.Elements("oa").First()
Dim strUrl = xO.Attribute("url")
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(strUrl) = False Then
Dim arr As String() = Split(strUrl, "/")
If arr.Length >= 4 Then cG.OpenAntragKey = arr(3)
End If
End If
End If
If xG.Elements("gebiet").Any() Then
For Each xC In xG.Elements("gebiet")
ProcessItem(cG, xC, cB) 'rekursiver Aufruf
End If
End Sub
Public Class Item
Public Property Bundesland As BundeslandInfo
Public Property GebietName As String
Public Property GebietType As String
Public ReadOnly Property GebietTypeAndName As String
Dim lstNoType As New List(Of String) From {
"kommunalverband besonderer art"
If lstNoType.Contains(Me.GebietType.ToLower()) = True Or
Me.GebietName.ToLower.Contains("ortsamtsbereich") = True Then
Return Me.GebietName
Return String.Concat(Me.GebietType, " ", Me.GebietName)
End If
End Get
End Property
Public Property GebietGS As String
Public Property GebietLocalpirates As String
Public Property ParlamentName As String
Public Property ParlamentSeats As String
Public Property ParlamentRIS As String
Public Property ParlamentStory As String
Public Property ParlamentStorySource As String
Public Property ParlamentFeedUrl As String
Public Property FraktionName As String
Public Property FraktionType As String
Public Property FraktionUrl As String
Public Property FraktionPartner As List(Of PartnerInfo)
Public ReadOnly Property FraktionText As String
Dim stb As New StringBuilder
If Me.FraktionType IsNot Nothing Then
Select Case Me.FraktionType.ToLower
Case "piraten"
Case "gemeinsam"
stb.Append("Gemeinsame Gruppe/Fraktion <strong>").Append(FraktionName).Append("</strong> mit ")
Dim spi As New StringBuilder
For Each pi As PartnerInfo In Me.FraktionPartner
spi.AppendWithSeperator(pi.NameParteiNum, " und ")
Case Else
'nichts zu tun
End Select
End If
Return stb.ToString()
End Get
End Property
Public Property MandateCount As Integer
Public Property OpenAntragKey As String
Public Property MapUrl As String
Public Class BundeslandInfo
Public Property Key As String
Public Property [Name] As String
Public Property GS As String
Public Property Localpirates As String
End Class
Public Class PartnerInfo
Public Property [Name] As String
Public Property Partei As String
Public Property Num As String
Public ReadOnly Property NameParteiNum As String
Dim stb As New StringBuilder
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(Me.Name) = False Then
End If
stb.Append(" (").Append(Me.Num).Append(")")
Return stb.ToString()
End Get
End Property
End Class
End Class
End Class