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Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.Routing
Public Class RepresentationRouteConstraint
Implements IRouteConstraint
Public Function Match(httpContext As HttpContextBase,
route As Route,
parameterName As String,
values As RouteValueDictionary,
routeDirection As RouteDirection) As Boolean Implements IRouteConstraint.Match
Dim intLength As Integer = values.Count - 1
Dim strController As String = values.Values(intLength - 1)
Dim strAction As String = values.Values(intLength)
Dim strParameterName As String = parameterName
Dim strParameterValue As String = values.Item(parameterName)
If strParameterName = "keyRepresentation" AndAlso
String.IsNullOrEmpty(strParameterValue) = False AndAlso
strController = "Representation" Then
Dim rep As Representation = GlobalData.Representations.GetByKey(strParameterValue.ToLower)
Return rep IsNot Nothing
End If
Return False
End Function
End Class