You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Public Class FeedbackController
Inherits DocumentStoreController
#Region "View Actions"
Public Function Index(key As String) As ActionResult
Dim lst As List(Of Feedback)
Dim intFilterId As Integer = -1
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(key) = True Then
lst = Feedbacks.GetItems
Dim fb As FeedbackType = (From ft As FeedbackType In GlobalData.FeedbackTypes.Items
Where ft.Key = key
Select ft).FirstOrDefault
lst = Feedbacks.GetItemsByType(fb)
intFilterId = fb.ID
End If
ViewBag.FilterId = intFilterId
Return View(lst)
End Function
#End Region
#Region "Service Actions"
Public Function CreateNew(type As Integer,
createdby As String,
title As String,
message As String) As JsonResult
Dim fb As New Feedback With {
.Type = type,
.CreatedBy = createdby,
.Title = title,
.Message = message,
.Status = 0,
.Likes = 1,
.Dislikes = 0
Dim jr As New JsonResult
jr.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
jr.Data = New With {.success = True, .data = ""}
Return jr
End Function
Public Function Delete(id As String) As JsonResult
Dim jr As New JsonResult
jr.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
jr.Data = New With {.success = True, .data = ""}
Return jr
End Function
Public Function CreateNewComment(feedbackID As String,
commentedby As String,
comment As String) As JsonResult
Dim fb As Feedback = Feedbacks.GetByID(feedbackID)
Dim fbc As New FeedbackComment With {
.CommentedBy = commentedby,
.CommentedByAdmin = Tools.IsAdmin(),
.Comment = comment,
.ID_Feedback = fb.Id
If fb.Comments Is Nothing Then
fb.Comments = New List(Of FeedbackComment)
End If
PushoverManager.SendNewFeedbackComment(fb, fbc)
NotificationManager.StoreNewFeedbackComment(fb, fbc)
Dim jr As New JsonResult
jr.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
jr.Data = New With {.success = True, .data = Me.RenderPartialViewToString("_FeedbackCommentPartial", fbc)}
Return jr
End Function
Public Function DeleteComment(feedbackId As String,
commentedby As String,
timeStamp As Integer) As JsonResult
If Tools.IsAdmin() = False Then
'If HttpContext.User.IsInRole("admin") = False Then
Throw New CustomException("Dazu fehlt Dir die Berechtigung")
End If
Dim fb As Feedback = Feedbacks.GetByID(feedbackId)
Dim query = From c As FeedbackComment In fb.Comments
Where c.CommentedBy.ToLower = commentedby.ToLower And c.Timestamp = timeStamp
Select c
If query.Count > 0 Then
Dim fbc As FeedbackComment = query.First
End If
Dim jr As New JsonResult
jr.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
jr.Data = New With {.success = True, .data = ""}
Return jr
End Function
Public Function Vote(id As String, pro As Boolean) As JsonResult
Dim fb As Feedback = Feedbacks.GetByID(id)
If pro = True Then
fb.Likes += 1
fb.Dislikes += 1
End If
Dim jr As New JsonResult
jr.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
jr.Data = New With {.success = True, .data = fb}
Return jr
End Function
#End Region
End Class