You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Imports Raven.Client
Public Module StatisticsManager
Public Sub GetProposalCountByRepresentationData(ByRef lstCategories As List(Of String),
ByRef lstData As List(Of BarColumnDataSDM))
Dim lst As List(Of ProposalCountByRepresentationRIM)
Using ds As IDocumentSession = DataDocumentStore.Session
Dim query = ds.Query(Of ProposalCountByRepresentationRIM)("Statistics/ProposalCountByRepresentation")
lst = query.ToList()
End Using
lst = lst.OrderByDescending(Function(m) m.Count).ToList()
'Dim rps As New Representations()
For Each m As ProposalCountByRepresentationRIM In lst
Dim rep As Representation = (From r As Representation In GlobalData.Representations.Items
Where r.Key = m.Key
Select r).First()
If rep.Status And Representations.StatusConjuction.Active Then
lstData.Add(New BarColumnDataSDM With {.y = m.Count,
.color = rep.Color,
.url = rep.FullUrl})
End If
End Sub
Public Sub GetRepresentationCountByType(ByRef lstData As List(Of PieSliceDataSDM))
'Dim rps As New Representations(Representations.StatusConjuction.Active)
Dim lst As List(Of Representation) = GlobalData.Representations.Items _
.Where(Function(x) (x.Status And (Representations.StatusConjuction.Active)) > 0) _
Dim query = From rp In lst
Group rp By rpg = New With {Key .Common = rp.GroupTypeObject.Common,
Key .Color = rp.GroupTypeObject.Color}
Into Group
Select New PieSliceDataSDM With {
.y = Group.Count,
.name = rpg.Common,
.color = rpg.Color}
lstData = query.ToList()
End Sub
Public Sub GetFeedbackCountByType(ByRef lstData As List(Of PieSliceDataSDM))
Dim lst As List(Of FeedbackCountByTypeRIM)
Using ds As IDocumentSession = DataDocumentStore.Session
Dim query = ds.Query(Of FeedbackCountByTypeRIM)("Statistics/FeedbackCountByType")
lst = query.ToList()
End Using
For Each m As FeedbackCountByTypeRIM In lst
Dim fbt As FeedbackType = (From f As FeedbackType In GlobalData.FeedbackTypes.Items
Where f.ID = m.Type
Select f).FirstOrDefault()
lstData.Add(New PieSliceDataSDM() With {.y = m.Count,
.name = fbt.Name,
.color = fbt.Color})
End Sub
End Module